Chapter 28 - My Mate and Brother's Betrayal

Alpha Robert POV

I place two guards at Reese's door even though I know he is too weak to pose a threat right now. I lead Maureen to my office to finish our conversation. Once we are inside, she stands as far away from me as possible. I know she hates me right now, but I know how much she loves our pups. I love Reese and Addie too, but I need Maureen and my pack. "Say what you have to say Robert, I want to get back to Reese after I check on Addie."

"Are you going to be a good Luna or am I going to have to use our pups to make you listen? Before you answer, know that I don't trust you and will be keeping a very close eye on you and Addie. If you try to reject me or run, it's our pups that will suffer, Maureen. I can't live without you and neither can my wolf. I know your upset about Cain, but I love you both. I never did it to hurt you. In fact, I hid it to protect you."

She looks at me with disgust. "If you think I will ever let you touch me again, you are mistaken. I will do whatever I have to do to protect my pups, but sharing your bed isn't happening ever again. Maybe you can move Cain in, and he can become your Luna," she says with a snicker. "I'm sure the pack would love to hear all about their Alpha and Beta's disgusting love affair."

"I know your upset but if you breathe a word about my relationship with Cain to any pack member, Addie and Reese will pay the price. Things will be better this way. You will only need to take the wolfsbane dose when I want to be with Cain. As far as sharing our bed, I think you'll find you still want my affection if you don't get it, but I won't force you for now."

"You are f**king delusional if you think I will ever want you to touch me again. What is your plan when you find Rosalyn" she asks, effectively changing the subject. "She can either reject the pr*ck that she mated with or I'll kill him. Then I'll drag her back here willingly or unwillingly. She will do exactly what she was destined to do. Reese will have two mates, and she will deliver the next pack heir. Once she is pregnant with a pup, she will be easier to control."

"I can't believe what a monster I've been mated to all these years." I take a step toward her, and she takes a step back. "I've been good to you since the day we mated. You never even realized there was anything between me and Cain. I have always shown you the love you deserve as my mate and Luna." "Just not loyalty or fidelity. You know what I don't care. I don't want you. I'll stay to protect my pups, but that is all it will ever be," she says with finality. My wolf is losing his sh*t with every word she says.

"I'm afraid that's not acceptable. My wolf and I need you. You are our mate." A knock on the door has me smiling. "Enter" I say. My brother and Mindy step inside. "I can't believe you. You are a member of the f**king council, and you're allowing him to do all of this. You are as disgusting as he is. I pray to the goddess you all get what you deserve," she says to my brother and Mindy.

"Maureen, you need to calm down. This will all be over soon," he says like he is talking to a child. "Alpha, please leave me with the Luna. I think I can help set her mind right," Mindy says. "No way, I don't trust you alone with my mate." Maureen throws her head back and laughs. "You are a f**king joke. You have hurt me more than anyone ever could you ba**ard" she screams at me.

"Robert, let Mindy help. I trust her with my life. She wouldn't do anything to harm Maureen. She can help her be the mate she has always been to you. She can make her forget what's troubling her," he says. I may not trust the witch, but I trust my brother. "Fine, but we will be right outside."

Maureen POV

I can't believe this man. I can't believe I have shared my life with this f**king monster. This is not the man that swore to love me until his last breath. The man that held each of our pups the day they came into this world. I feel like I've been sucked into an alternate universe. My heart is in my throat when the witch walks into Robert's office. I have no idea what powers she holds, but I'm sure she can make me forget.

I can't forget all that he has done. The clicking of the door brings me out of my panicked thoughts. She begins to chant, and I brace myself but nothing changes. "Luna, please sit down. I have made it so we can speak freely." "I don't know what game you are playing at, but I don't trust you." "I understand Luna, but I mean you no harm. I'm here only to help" she says. I see sincerity in her eyes, but I've seen it in my husband's eyes many times.

"I don't have much time, but I need to show you something. I can only do that by touching your skin. I know you don't trust me, but honestly, if I wanted to spell you, I could have done it the minute, they closed the door," she says. "Maury, what do we have to lose at this point? If she is really trying to help us, then we may be able to keep our pups safe and protect the pack," my wolf pleads with me. "Fine, my wolf says to do this, but if my pups get hurt, I will hunt you down. I swear to the goddess."

A soft smile spreads across her face. "I would expect no less from a mama wolf" she says. I take the seat next to her, and she offers me her hand. "What about Robert's brother? Does he know your helping me?" Her smile fades and I already know my answer. "No, he is as corrupt as your mate. Unfortunately, I needed to get close to him to help the people we both love," she says.

I place my hand in hers, and she tells me to close my eyes. A few seconds later, I see Rosalyn and a man I assume is her mate. He is most definitely an Alpha wolf. He is bigger than Reese and Robert. I thought she was living among humans. She looks happy. A few seconds later, a little girl that looks a lot like her mate jumps into Rosalyn's arms. He has a pup. Rosalyn has a daughter.

I can feel the tears flowing down my cheeks. My heart breaks that she will never have that with Reese, but she is happy and that's what matters. I only pray that Reese will find his happiness. The vision fades and another one takes its place. Reese is smiling at a woman, but she is too far away for me to see her face. She is carrying a pup in her arms. Is this Reese's second chance? The vision fades, and I'm back in the office.

"Maureen, as hard as it is to hear everything is happening as it was meant to. Reese's actions against Rosalyn were always meant to result in a rejection. The fact that he is making amends matters. It will determine the pack's future. We have to protect Rosalyn, Beckham, and Reese. The future of two packs and my mate's life depends on it," she says. I want to ask her about her mate, but I need to focus on my part in making sure Robert fails. "What do I have to do?"

"As hard as it's going to be. I need you to act like you know nothing about Robert's betrayal. He needs to think I wiped it from your memory. I'll be leaving to warn Beckham about their plans for Rosalyn. You need to make sure that Reese is a hundred percent by the time I return. It's time the pack had a new Alpha." The thought of pretending I still love that ba**ard makes me sick to my stomach, but I'll suffer through it if it means I never have to look at his disgusting face again and my pups are safe.