Chapter 29 - My Mate and Brother's Betrayal

Alpha Robert POV

I'm not sure what I expect when the door to my office opens, but Maureen walking straight towards me and wrapping her arms around my neck, isn't it. "Oh Robert, Mindy told me about Rosalyn rejecting Reese. How could she do that to him? She acted like she loved him. My heart is breaking for our son."

I hold her close rubbing my hand in circles on her back. Loving the feel of this woman in my arms. "It's going to be alright my love. We have located Rosalyn. We will bring her back and she can take back her rejection. She made a mistake. Reese will forgive her and she will become Luna. She was always meant to be his just as you were always meant to be mine."

She pulls back looking into my eyes. The love I see makes me smile. I have my mate. She doesn't hate me. Mindy is going to need to do the same thing to Addie and Reese before she leaves. Maureen steps out of my arms and turns to walk down the hall. I quickly grasp her hand. "Where are you headed, my love?"

"I need to go check on Reese. Mindy said he passed out from the bond snapping. I can't imagine how much he must be hurting at the loss of his mate." I look at Mindy and she nods. "Maureen, why don't you call your daughter and the three of us will go check on Reese. I have some herbal medicine that can help with his pain" Mindy says and I smile.

"That would be wonderful. I'm so glad you came with Robert's brother. I will come find you later Robert" she says and presses a soft kiss on my lips. Everything is as it should be.

Rosalyn POV

"Lily and I will be here at five to pick you up. Did you tell your mom we are mates yet," he asks and I smile. He seems almost nervous about seeing my mom tonight. "Beck, are you nervous about seeing my mother again now that we're mates?" "I wouldn't say nervous, but I do want her to like me after everything that happened with d*ckhead," he says, and I can't help but laugh. "The big bad Alpha wolf is scared that my mother won't like him."

I figure teasing him will alleviate some of the tension I can feel through our bond. What I don't expect is calling him Alpha to turn him on. I gasp when he pulls me into his arms and growls in my ear. "I'll show you a big bad Alpha later." I can feel him hardening against my belly. His words and firm body pressed against me, have me thinking things I shouldn't be thinking about before heading into the bakery.

He presses his lips against mine and I pull back before he can deepen the kiss. We are on the street and we don't need to lose control. He chuckles and his eyes darken. I'm sure he can scent my arousal. "So, you never answered me. Does she know we're mates" he asks.

"Yes, she was thrilled when I called her last night to tell her I wouldn't be home because I had found you." The smile on his face fades and I know he is worried about everything that happened before we accepted each other. "Hey, don't do that. What happened between us is our business? My mom is going to love you. You make me happy and that's all she cares about. Besides, I love you, Beck." "How did I get so lucky?"

I'm just about to give him a teasing response when the sound of a slamming door makes us both jump. When I turn, I see a very pissed-off looking Holly staring at us. "Are you planning on working today, Rose" she snaps at me. Beck growls low, not liking her disrespect to me. I can feel his anger through our bond, but I don't need him to fight my battles.

"Actually, I have about five more minutes to spend with Beck before my shift starts." I swear if looks could kill, I'd be dead. She practically screeches before she turns heading back into the bakery. "Goddess, she is a b**ch." "Yes, she is, and you don't need to put up with her bulls*t Rosalyn. I make more than enough money to take care of our family." I lay my hand on his cheek, loving he wants to protect me, but I can handle myself.

"As much as I appreciate what you're offering, I want to work. I enjoy the bakery and Charlie is really nice to me." His eyes darken and he growls. I slap his chest. "Do not growl at me. You are the only man I want. Charlie is just a friend." "I know that, but you know Alpha wolves can be possessive a**hats" he says. I throw my head back and laugh. "I do know." I go up on my toes and press a quick kiss on his lips.

He releases me and I immediately miss his touch. "I'll see you later beautiful." "See you at five, Beck." I turn heading toward the back of the bakery. Maybe Holly will be in her office and I won't have to deal with her jealousy over my mate. I love saying my mate. Zora growls not liking Holly lusting after Beck. Female wolves are possessive too. I smile to myself when Zora grunts.

I push open the back door and Charlie has a mess of flour all over the table and on his cheek. I chuckle and he smiles. "What's so funny?" "You have a little something right here," I say, pointing to his cheek. Before I can tease him more, Holly steps into the kitchen.

"Rose, I would like to see you in my office." Charlie looks at me with concern, but I wave him off and follow Holly. Once we're in the office, she closes the door before taking a seat behind her desk. She stares at me for a minute before she finally decides to speak. "Rose, I don't think this is working out. You aren't the right fit for this bakery."

"Why is that exactly?" "I just think we need someone with more experience. I gave you a shot, it isn't working out, and now I'm letting you go," she says. "So, this decision wouldn't have anything to do with the fact that I'm with Beckham Forester" I say, like a question.

"Why would I care who you are wh*ring around with Rose? All I care about is the bakery," she says like she didn't just call me a wh*re. Before I can open my mouth, the office door flies open. "Are you out of your f**king mind? Did you just call Rose a wh*re because she is dating a man that has not shown an ounce of interest in you? You will apologize before you take your a** home and think about whether you can be a professional, instead of a petty b**ch" Charlie says.

Holy sh*t, part of me is loving every minute of this but the other part. Oh, who the hell am I kidding? The b**ch deserves everything he just said, and I'm glad to be here for it. "You can't make me. I'm part owner of this bakery too. Besides, I'm the one that hired her, so I can fire her" she says. Charlie's face reddens more by the second. I want to tell him to calm down, but I think better of it.

"If the next words out of your mouth aren't, I'm sorry, I'm calling your mother. It's her name that is on the ownership title of the business even though she lets you pretend it's you," he says. "I'm sure she will be interested in hearing that you're acting like a three-year-old child throwing a tantrum towards a great employee who has increased our sales." I see a flash of fear in Holly's eyes for the first time.

"I'm sorry" she whispers. "Say it louder for those of us in the back of the office" Charlie says, and I fight the urge to laugh. "Rose, I'm sorry. You are not fired" she says. "No sh*t, you have no authority to fire her. Going forward, Rose will only report to me. You will do the books and man the front of the bakery, but stay away from Rose. Are we clear, Holly?"

"Yes Charlie" she says through gritted teeth. "Come on Rose, I have cupcakes that need your magic touch," he says. When we get back into the kitchen, he pulls me into a hug. "I'm so sorry Rose. I knew I should have followed you two into the office, but I was hoping she wouldn't be such a petty b**ch. I heard her ranting out front about you and Beck. I should have known better than to give her the benefit of the doubt. I have never wanted to hit a woman as much as when I heard her call you that foul name. She has been obsessed with Beck since he moved into town even though he hasn't given her a bit of attention," he says.

I smile hugging him back. "It's alright. Honestly, I knew it wasn't going to go well when she saw Beck kissing me." He pulls back with a smile. "So, Beck's your boyfriend now" he asks, and I want to laugh. If he only knew. "Yep, he is my boyfriend." "Good, Beck's a good guy, but I always thought he seemed sad. The only time he really seemed happy was with his daughter. You'll be good for him," he says. "He is a good guy, and I'm glad we found each other." We get to work, and I say a prayer of thanks to the goddess for leading us to this town, to Beck.