Chapter 30 - My Mate and Brother's Betrayal

Beckham POV

"Are you ready to go meet Rose's mom, Lily bear?" "Daddy, I really like Rose" she says, and I smile buckling her into her car seat. "I really like Rose too, Lily bear." I slide into my truck and head in the direction of the bakery. I wonder how Rosalyn's day was dealing with Holly. I'm glad she didn't get upset this morning when I suggested she didn't need to work. We pull into the only parking spot that is free on the street. It's a little ways down from the bakery.

I grab Lily and start down the sidewalk. When we are a few yards away from the bakery, the hair on the back of my neck stands up. It's a feeling I haven't had in a very long time. I tighten my hold on Lily as I survey our surroundings. Nothing seems out of place as I close the distance to the front door of the bakery. The bell dings when I step inside and Lily squeals as she tries to squirm out of my hold. I set her on her feet, and she rushes over to the case.

"Daddy, the cupcake looks like a bunny" she says. I scent her before I see her. She steps behind the counter with a huge smile. "Rose, the cupcake looks like a bunny" Lily says again. Her enthusiasm is contagious, and I can't stop the smile that spreads across my face when I look at my mate and pup. "Do you like them? I made them special for you. I know how much you like your bunny book," Rose says.

"Daddy, did you hear that? She made them for me. Can I have one daddy," she asks. "Of course, we can get a few to take to dinner with us." She jumps up and down before she wraps her arms around my leg. "Beautiful, can you pack up six to take with us" I ask Rosalyn. "Absolutely" she says and busies herself packing up the cupcakes. "How was your day today, Rosalyn?" "It was definitely interesting. I'll tell you about it later, when little ears aren't listening," she says, the last part so only I can hear her.

I nod and she hands me the pink box. "I'm going to let Charlie know I'm leaving. I'll be right back" she says. A few minutes later, Rosalyn returns followed by Charlie. "Hey Beck, good to see you again" he says. "Good to see you, too, Charlie. We had better get going so we aren't late. I don't want to make a bad first impression on your mother." Rosalyn turns smiling at Charlie and I hold back the urge to growl. I know they are just friends.

Once we are all in the truck and Lily is busy on her tablet, I lean over and press my lips against Rosalyn's. I pull back and she smiles sweetly at me. "I've been thinking about doing that since I left you this morning." "I'm glad I'm not the only one" she says with a smirk before she turns to our daughter. "How was school, Lily bear?" Goddess keeping my hands and lips to myself for the next few hours is going to be torture.

It doesn't take us long to reach the apartment building. When we step into the apartment, Miranda is in the kitchen. "Mom, we're here," Rosalyn says, getting her attention. The minute her eyes land on me, she rushes in my direction. When she reaches me, she pulls me into her arms. It feels strange but good to be in her embrace. My mother has been gone since I was ten, but I imagine this is what a hug from her would feel like.

She pulls back and places her hands on my face. "I'm so happy my Rose found you. I don't know what she has told you about why we came to the city." "I told him everything mom. I'll have no secrets between us. He is my mate" she says, and I feel the conviction of her words in my soul. "Good, there should never be secrets between a mated pair" she says, and pain flashes in her eyes. Rosalyn reaches for her, and she goes willingly into her daughter's arms.

"Daddy, is Rose's mommy sad," Lily asks, and Miranda lifts her head. Without warning, she gets down on the floor in front of Lily. "How could I be sad little one when I get to meet you today? My name is Miranda, but you can call me Nana if you like" she says, looking at me for permission. I nod my head, happy at the notion that my daughter will have not just a mother but a grandmother. "Nana, I brought you bunny cupcakes" she says, and I can see Miranda is fighting back tears.

She manages not to let them fall. "I can't wait to try them. I made you chicken nuggets and french fries for dinner because Rose said it's your favorite," Miranda says. Lily is practically vibrating out of her shoes as she follows Miranda into the kitchen. Rosalyn threads her fingers with mine and I press a kiss on her forehead. "Thank you," I whisper near her ear. She looks at me with confusion clearly written on her face. "For forgiving me and giving me a chance to be the man that will hold your heart."

I'm just about to lean down and peck her lips when the hair on the back of my neck stands up again. "We aren't alone," Gideon says. As I look around the apartment, I realize that Miranda, Lily, and Rosalyn haven't moved. Before I can panic a familiar voice speaks from behind me. "I apologize for the theatrics, Beck, but you're a hard man to get alone." "Mindy, what are you doing here?"

"I know you hoped that you could stay hidden forever, but you can't fight what the goddess has destined for you. You were always meant to be Alpha" she says. I can't help the growl that erupts from my lips. "You know I can never return to that f**king pack Mindy. Hell, you are part of the reason we escaped and haven't been found. I don't understand why you're here. Why do you care about the wolves so much after all they did?"

The look on her face makes my heart squeeze in my chest. "Your mated to a wolf, aren't you?" "Not exactly, but that's not important right now. Beck, please just listen to me. Rosalyn is in danger. The Alpha of the Black Rose pack will be here within the next few days. He plans to take Rosalyn against her will and force her to mate with his son. He also plans to kill you if she refuses to reject your bond," she says.

"I would love to see him try. After what he did to my mate, I'll take great pleasure in ripping him apart." "Beck, you are a strong Alpha and could easily deal with Robert, but you know that you are no match for the amount of resources a pack has at its disposal. I was hoping that Reese would be able to challenge his father, but he is still weak from the complete severing of the bond that still remained with Rosalyn." "Do not breathe that ba**ard's name to me. He hurt my mate and planned to force mark her." She flinches at my harsh tone.

"There is no doubt that Reese made mistakes when it comes to Rosalyn, but some souls can be redeemed, Beck. The goddess has forgiveness for her children that are truly sorry. I know you don't want to hear this after all the pain he's caused Rosalyn, but he is truly sorry. He never planned to follow his father's orders about forcing his mark on her. He is trying to right his wrongs. He has suffered the loss of his mate because of his own actions."

"Am I supposed to feel sorry for him after all he did to her?" "No, you're supposed to show grace just like Rosalyn did for you. You, Rosalyn, and Reese are important to the future of the packs you grew up in. You left to protect your pup, which at the time was necessary, but don't forget those you left behind."

"You mean my brothers. They probably don't even think about me and if they do, it's to curse my name for killing our father." "You couldn't be more wrong. Now I'm going to release your mate, pup, and mother-in-law. It's time to discuss dealing with those two snakes, Robert and Cain."