Chapter 31 - My Mate and Brother's Betrayal

Rosalyn POV

I'm not sure what the hell just happened, but when I look at where Beck is standing next to me my heart damn near stops beating. A woman that I can clearly scent is a witch standing near Beck. I watch my mother step in front of Lily to protect her. Zora pushes to the surface. She isn't happy this the witch is near our mate. I growl and take a step toward her, but Beck steps in front of me. What the hell?

"Rosalyn, Mindy isn't a threat" he says, pulling me into his arms. "She needs to talk to us about the Black Rose Pack." I immediately freeze. "Why would a witch be here to talk about our old pack?" "Rosalyn and Miranda, I know how hard it is to even think about going back to the place that has caused you so much pain, but" she starts to say, but I cut her off. "There is no but. I won't go back there ever."

I see sympathy in her eyes. How did she even know we were here? I'm so confused. I can feel Beck trusts her through our bond, but I don't. "Maybe Lily can watch some TV while we talk. I can also create some toys for her. Would you like that, Lily," Mindy asks. Lily peeks around my mother and nods. Mindy waves her hand and a toy chest appears on the ground in front of her. Lily takes a few cautious steps toward Mindy and Zora growls.

Beck smiles and grips my hand. "She won't hurt our pup, Rosalyn. She is the reason that Lily, Stacey, and I got away from my old pack." "She is beautiful Beck. She is the perfect blend of you and Deborah" she says before she looks at me with regret swimming in her eyes. "I'm sorry Rosalyn" she starts to say, but I cut her off. "There is no need to apologize. Lily will always know about her beautiful mother. Beck showed me a picture of Deborah and I couldn't agree more."

Mindy's soft smile is genuine. "Beck and Lily are both lucky the goddess chose such an amazing woman to be part of their lives," she says. I watch Lily scoop up an arm full of toys and rush to sit near the TV. I look up at Beck, and he's staring at me with love in his eyes. "I think that I'm just as lucky." She nods and looks toward my mother. "You must be Miranda." "I am, why don't I put the food in the warmer and grab coffee for us so we can talk" my mother says.

Once we are all seated at the table, Beck holds my hand firmly in his. I'm not sure if it's to offer me comfort or because he needs it himself. Either way, I'm glad he is here with me. Just the suggestion of returning to the pack is making me sick to my stomach. "As Beck told you, my name is Mindy. I've known Beck since I was a small child. His pack and my coven are not far from each other. His brother Jayden stumbled upon me in the woods one day practicing magic. We all became fast friends," she says.

She looks at Beck for a moment before she speaks again. "What Beck doesn't know is I'm not an ordinary witch? I've been blessed by the goddess herself. My powers are intertwined with hers. She gives me visions of the past, present, and future. As I told Maureen, everything that has happened was meant to happen. Beck was always meant to be your mate, Rosalyn," she says.

Beck squeezes my hand and warmth spreads through my chest. "How is Maureen? I miss her terribly" my mother asks, her voice laced with sadness. "She is strong and is doing everything she can to protect her pups," Mindy says. My heart feels like it's about to beat out of my chest. "Addie is in danger? What's going on?" Something flashes in Mindy's eyes when she looks at my mother and I know whatever she is about to tell us is far worse than anything I've imagined.

"Miranda, what I'm about to say is going to be hard to hear," Mindy says. My mother nods giving her permission to continue. "Your mate and Alpha Robert have been betraying you and Maureen since you mated." "That's not possible. I have never felt the pain of betrayal. Besides, I have never even seen Cain glance at another she-wolf. He may be a ba**ard for what he did to my daughter, but he is not a cheater" she says, her voice rising with each word.

I'm out of my seat and around the table taking the seat next to her. I grab her hand in mine. "He and Robert have been dosing you and Maureen with a small dose of wolfsbane every day to dull your wolves." "What the f**k" Beck growls. "Daddy, you said a bad word" Lily says, reminding us to keep our conversation from reaching little ears. "I'm sorry Lily bear, daddy was just mad. I'll try not to say it again." She turns her attention back to the doll she is pretending to feed.

My mother is silent. The only response to hearing about my father's betrayal is tears that are running down her cheeks. "They have been with each other behind mine and Maureen's back all these years," she says, and my hand flies to cover my mouth. My mother looks at Mindy to confirm what she just said and Mindy nods. So much of what Robert and Cain were suggesting makes sense now. "How could I not have seen it for all that time," my mother says.

Before I can say anything, she is on her feet and rushing down the hallway toward the bathroom. I follow after her and watch as my mother empties her stomach into the toilet. Grabbing her hair and rubbing her back, I pray that those ba**ards get everything they deserve for the pain they have caused. She stands, and I grab a washcloth from the counter. Dampening it with cool water, I pat her face.

"How could I have been so blind, Rose? I loved that man with everything I had in me. I thought he loved me, but I realize now it was the bond. Robert was the one he really wanted. I was just necessary for his wolf and title." I pull her into my arms as she sobs. After a few minutes, the sobs quiet. She pulls back, giving me a sad smile. "He didn't deserve you mom." "Let's go see what else Mindy has to say. If Maureen and Addie are in trouble, we may have no choice but to return to the pack."

We take our seats back at the table. "You said that Maureen is doing everything to protect her pups. Why would her pups be in danger," my mother asks. "Reese, found out about Robert and Cain. As I told Beck, he is trying to be a better man. He told his mother about the affair. Robert was furious and threatened both Reese and Addie if Maureen tried to leave or reject him. I was brought in to wipe her memories. Which of course I didn't do, but Robert and his a**hole brother think I did."

"Reese is too weak to challenge Robert because of the severed bond. Reese knows he has lost you, Rosalyn. He is trying to make things right. I know you probably haven't forgiven him and I can't say I blame you, but helping Reese become the man he was always meant to be is part of the goddess's plan to save your old pack." "How can she expect Rosalyn to help that pr*ck? He was going to force mark her. Do you think that is redeemable," Beck says, his eyes darkening.

I rush around the table and sit in his lap. He buries his nose in the crook of my neck. "Beck, he was never going to follow through on what his father ordered. The goddess would never allow him the chance to find another mate if he could do such a despicable thing," she says. I'm shocked to hear that Reese may get a second chance mate. I'm not sure how I feel about it, but it's not up to me. I want to forgive Reese, but I'm not there yet. Despite that, I won't let Addie and Maureen be hurt because I don't want to face the place that holds so much pain.

"Robert, knows where you are because I had to tell him. It will give you time to make it back to the pack while he searches for you. You are strong enough to do this, Rosalyn. Facing this will give you the ability to move on and not wonder if Robert and Cain will find you. As much as you hate them, you don't hate the pack, Rosalyn. You don't hate Addie and Maureen. Besides, Beck is going to need help to reclaim what is meant to be yours," she says, and Beck growls.