Chapter 32 - My Mate and Brother's Betrayal

Jayden POV (Beckham's Brother)

I pick up my head and stare at the pr*ck that just kicked me in the face. "Come on great Alpha, defend yourself," Waller says. I laugh wiping the blood away from my lips. "Still pisses you off that all you'll ever be is a wannabe Alpha, Waller. No matter how much you hit me, it won't change that you don't have an ounce of Alpha blood in your body."

He growls before he punches me in the face. I hear the tell-tale crunch of my nose breaking. A gush of blood rushes from my nose. I laugh again, further pissing him off. Reaching my hands up, I manage to straighten my nose before my wolf heals it. "Goddess, I can't wait to kill this pr*ck" Atlas, my wolf growls in my head. "Let's just hope we get the chance." "Have faith in your brother" he says.

"I lost faith in him a long time ago. He left and didn't look back. If it wasn't for Jacob, I would have killed Corey and his evil spawn long ago. I would have claimed the pack that he should have after he killed that ba**ard that helped create us." Atlas gets quiet because he knows I'm right.

I wish Mindy had never showed up a week ago, giving us hope. It's been over three years since my brother killed our sperm donor and left. Had I known that Mindy helped him, I would have begged her to convince him to come back. We could have dealt with Corey and his ba**ard son together. I know he lost his mate that day, but I lost my brother and best friend. The pack lost its true Alpha.

I was left to protect our little brother. It's the only way they can control me. He doesn't have a wolf to defend himself yet. "Maybe we should go visit Jakey since your being so disrespectful to the future Alpha of this pack." I can't help the growl that rips through my throat. Atlas pushes forward at his disrespect, and my aura surrounds everyone in the room. Waller fights against it, but he can't win against a true Alpha. He bears his neck in submission.

His four lackeys are practically breaking their necks as they fall to their knees. I want to enjoy the moment, but I know what my show of dominance just bought me. The door to the room opens and Corey steps inside, followed by three of his loyal warriors. He sneers at his son before he stalks in my direction. The warriors move toward me cautiously. "Restrain him" he commands. The warriors grab me and, despite my strength, I'm no match for four elite warriors.

I watch as he pulls the syringe from his pocket. Every part of me wants to kill this ba**ard, but I know that Jacob is the one that will suffer should anything happen to me." The minute the needle pierces my skin I feel the burn of the wolfsbane. "Stay strong," Atlas says before our link fades. Waller's eyes are black as he regains control. He makes a move to reach me but is stopped in his tracks by his father's fist. His body hitting the floor makes everyone in the room still.

I resist the urge to laugh knowing how much trouble I'm already in for making that b**ch submit to me. "Are you f**king stupid" he growls at Waller, who has blood all over his teeth. "We are expecting one of the council members today. Jayden here is going to be telling them how he isn't ready to take over the pack. He still needs more training from me. Isn't that right, Jayden," he says. This is a man I once thought of as an uncle.

I wish my brother had killed him that day. It's too bad it was only his wh*re of a daughter. "I just don't understand why we can't kill the two of them and make it look like a rogue attack," Waller says, staring at me. "Use your f**king head Waller. This pack has been under scrutiny since that ba**ard killed your sister and his father. Besides, Jayden is easy enough to control as long as he wants to protect his little brother" he says with a sinister smile.

"Now go clean yourself up and make sure that you play nice when the council member arrives. You know what will happen if you don't." I nod and get to my feet. I walk past Waller and I can see his hands itching to hit me again, but he can't because of daddy dearest. Once I'm out of the room, I make my way to my room in the omega's quarters. I don't mind it. I actually prefer it after a lot of the warriors turned their backs on me and my brother. I know they believed the lies that Corey told about Beckham, but it doesn't make their betrayal of my family any easier to take.

I wish I could go to Jacob's room and check on him, but without Atlas I won't dare try to push the issue with his guards. The only good thing is, because he has no wolf, he is no threat. They only bother him if I won't give into Waller's demands for respect or if I fight back when he wants to beat on me. I do my best to protect my brother and I always will. Even though I know Beck will probably never step foot in this Goddess' awful pack, part of me deep down still hopes he will for Jacob's sake.

Beckham POV

"I still don't understand why Rosalyn needs to return. The bond she shared with Reese is broken. The only thing that will help him recover is time and the will to move forward. Besides, we have no idea what will happen when she returns to the pack. I won't have her put at risk." A soft hand on my forearm stops my rant. "Zora, agrees with Mindy. She isn't sure why, but we need to return to the pack. We need to talk to Reese," Rosalyn says.

Everything in me wants to say f**k no. I don't want her anywhere near that pr*ck. I know she loves me, but she once loved him. She must see something in my eyes because she takes my face in her hands. "You are my mate and the only man that I love. Reese holds no part of my heart anymore," she says, before pressing a soft kiss on my lips. When we pull back, Miranda and Mindy are both smiling at us.

"Beck, the pack has no idea what those evil pr*cks have been up to. I assure you that Rosalyn and Miranda will be safe." I look at her like she has grown ten heads. "You talk as if I won't be there. If my mate goes, I go." Mindy smiles because I just agreed to Rosalyn going, not that she needs my permission. "Beck, I love that you want to be by my side, but what about Lily? She needs to be safe. As much as Mindy assures us, the pack doesn't know what's happening, there are people there that do," she says, and I smile.

"We will have Stacey and Emmett take her to the lake house we own. They will be safe there." "Your brother isn't going to like us returning without him, but I'm sure he will understand he needs to protect his niece," Miranda says, and I smile again. My daughter has gained so many people that love her. I almost cost her that. I push those thoughts away. What matters is, she is mine and nothing will take her from me or our daughter.

"They plan on heading here in two days, so you'll need to be gone before they arrive," Mindy says. I'm just about to take my phone from my pocket to make the call to Stacey when someone pounding on the door makes everyone freeze. I'm the first one out of my seat and heading for the door. When I look through the peephole, it makes me want to do anything, other than open the door. When she bangs again, Lily starts to cry. I throw open the door and her eyes widen in shock when she sees me.

"Holly, why the hell are you pounding on my girlfriend's door like you're the police." She has the good sense to look embarrassed, but it doesn't last. "She isn't good enough for you Beck" she says slurring her words. "I love you and I would do anything for you." The low growl from behind me makes me smile. My possessive mate doesn't like her and neither do I. "Holly, I'm hoping that you wouldn't be this stupid if you were sober."

"I love Rosalyn. In fact, I plan to make her my wife very soon. I have never even dated you. I've never acted like I wanted to. I'm sorry you have some type of crush on me, but I don't feel the same." I don't know what I expect but her bursting into tears and throwing herself at me is not it.

Before she can touch me, Rosalyn steps in front of me, blocking her. Holly tries to stop herself but ends up falling on her a**. "Stay there, I'm calling Charlie to take your a** home," Rosalyn says, grabbing her phone. I look at Miranda, and she is holding Lily protectively against her chest. When I look back at Holly, she is pouting. I can't help but roll my eyes. What the hell is wrong with this woman? Goddess, bless Charlie for having to deal with her.