Chapter 34 - My Mate and Brother's Betrayal

Rosalyn POV

I smile when Beck offers to go grab pajamas for him and Lily, because he knows I don't want my mom to be alone. He also doesn't want to be away from me. "I'll be right back beautiful" he says, pressing a quick on my lips. "I need to get back to the Black Rose before councilman Orick realizes I'm gone. Remember you need to be there in two days. Things have been set in motion, not only will that affect the Black Rose but also the Blue Crescent," Mindy says, pulling me in for a hug.

"I'm sorry for all you suffered but know you are special to our mother, the Goddess. I'm glad that you have the mate you deserve" she says. She takes a step back from me, and before I can say a word she's gone. I make my way down the hallway that leads to my mother's room. She disappeared with Lily right after Charlie left. My chest aches for her. She deserves to be happy after everything that Cain has put her through. Deserves to have a chance with the man that the goddess chose for her that will be loyal.

As I approach her door, I peak inside and smile. My mother and Lily are snuggling on her bed. She has Lily tucked under her arm while she flips through a familiar book. "This was Rose when she was a little girl like you," she says, pointing at the photo album I didn't even realize she had brought with her. "Who are those two boys," Lily asks. A sad smile crosses my mother's face. "That's my sons, Emmett and Bryce." "That's my Uncle Emmett" Lily says, her excitement palpable.

"Yes, that's your Uncle Emmett." I see the flash of pain in my mother's eyes. I don't need her to say it to know her heart breaks that Bryce will never be part of our lives again. I miss the Bryce that I grew up with. The one that held me when I cried because I was scared. The one that taught me how to swim. The one that got me an extra cupcake at every pack party.

I can't imagine the strength it took for my mother, despite how much she loves Bryce to walk away from him and his sh*tty behavior. To hold fast to what was right at the cost of losing one of her pups. My mother is an amazing woman and I can only hope that I will be just like her for my pups. Even if Lily isn't of my body, she is my pup. I would burn down the world to keep her safe and happy.

"Rose, would you like to join us" my mother says, effectively telling me I've been caught spying. I smile and push open the door. "Mommy, I saw a picture of you when you were little like me." Hearing her call me mommy again has me fighting back tears. "Nana has lots of pictures, doesn't she? Did you see Uncle Emmett too?" "I did, he is much bigger now" she says, and mom and I chuckle. "Yes, he is. You're going to get to have a sleep-over with Uncle Emmett and Aunt Stacey."

"Can I take my new doll?" "Absolutely, you're going to have a lot of fun." A knock on the front door has me slipping off the bed and heading out to let Beck back in. When I open the door, I'm shocked to find Charlie standing there. "Hey Rose," he says. I can see a look I can't decipher in his eyes. Is he upset that I called him about Holly? "Charlie, is everything alright? I'm sorry I had to call you about Holly. I wasn't sure what else to do."

"Please don't apologize. I'm glad you called me. Would it be alright if I came in for a minute?" "Of course, I'm sorry I'm having you stand in the hallway." He smiles but it doesn't reach his eyes. This is a different side of Charlie that I haven't seen. Normally he's jovial and sure of himself, but right now he seems reserved.

"Rose, I know you're a wolf." His words are like an electrical shock to my body as my heart starts to race. "What are you talking about, Charlie?" As soon as his name leaves my lips, his scent changes. "Your wolf is very good at masking your scent" he says with a smile. I take a step back realizing he isn't a human. The man I thought I knew isn't human. For the first time since I met him, I'm not sure what to make of Charlie. His smile fades and hurt flashes in his eyes. "I would never hurt you Rose."

"The minute we met I felt a connection with you. I didn't know why then, but now I do. You are important to me. You are meant to be my family" he says. "You know what she is to you," I say. His smile practically lights up the room. "She is beautiful. You have no idea how hard it was to leave knowing she was here, but I needed to get my cousin far away from my mate. Away from my family." I see nothing but sincerity in his eyes.

"Oh, my goddess, is Holly," I start to ask, but he cuts me off. "We are not blood related. I was adopted when I was seven and only my parents know what I am, Rose. Holly is very much human. Thank the goddess, I say and Zora chuckles. "You still didn't answer my question. What are you, Charlie?" "I'm a light warlock. I can control the elements. I was beginning to lose hope that I would find my beloved." His smile fades before his eyes meet mine again.

"I want my beloved Rose, but I'm sure she expected her second chance to be a wolf" he says. Before I can assure him that my mother wouldn't care if he was a purple dinosaur, the sound of a throat clearing catches our attention. I turn to see my mother staring at Charlie. "I think I'll go help Lily with her bath. Just send Beck to help me when he gets back" I say with a smile.

Charlie POV

When I disconnect the call, I'm ready to lose my sh*t. What the hell is wrong with that spoiled woman? "Charles, what's wrong" my mother asks. "Holly is causing trouble with Rose again." "I swear to God that woman should have been spanked more as a child. Instead, my sister spoiled her a** and now she is unbearable," my mother says. "Well, if she keeps up her sh*t I'm telling Aunt Tammy she is done at the bakery. I'll buy out her percent of the business if she wants to fight me about it."

When I reach the apartment building, I take the stairs two at a time. As soon as I reach the door, I can hear Holly yelling ridiculous sh*t. I'm hanging onto my control by a thread. I knock, and the door flies open. Holly is looking at me like she needs to be rescued. What the hell would she need to be rescued from when she is the problem? I start to make my apologies to everyone in the room when my eyes land on the most beautiful woman I've ever seen.

The minute our eyes connect, I feel like I can't breathe. She is mine, my beloved. The other half of my soul. Her beautiful blue eyes hold so much pain but so much love as she looks back at me. It takes all my control not to rush inside and pull her into my arms. I need to get Holly away from her, away from all of them. I tear myself away from her and drag Holly out of the building.

"You will not go near Rose, Beck, or their family again" I say to Holly the minute we are in my car. "She's nuts, Charlie. You have a person who is totally insane working in our bakery," she says. I want to scream it's my bakery, but instead I need to know what the hell she is going on about. "What the hell are you talking about?"

"She told me she is a werewolf and if I didn't stay away from her f**king mate she was going to rip my throat out. She thinks she is a f**king werewolf and Beck belongs to her. He isn't safe with her" she says. "Shut the f**k up Holly." I pull over before we reach her house. "What the hell are you doing" she asks. I turn and wave my hand in her direction as I chant. "You don't want to work at the bakery anymore. You don't have an unhealthy obsession with Beckham Forester. Rosalyn is not a werewolf. You want to travel."

As soon as I speak the last words she snaps out of the spell. "Charlie, how did I get in your car?" "Apparently you can't handle your alcohol. The bartender called me to pick you up because you were causing a scene." I pull into the driveway and Holly unbuckles her seat belt. "Thank you, for picking me up" she says surprisingly. "I'll see you tomorrow, Holly," I say as she gets out of my car testing the spell.

She turns to look at me. "I don't think I'm going to work at the bakery anymore, Charlie. My heart isn't really in it. I'm going to talk to mom about traveling" she says. I wish I thought of doing this years ago. "Good for you. Take care of yourself," I say. As soon as I pull out of the driveway, I drive in the direction of the woman that is my heart. I just pray to the goddess, she wants me.