Chapter 36 - My Mate and Brother's Betrayal

Cain POV

"We will be leaving first thing in the morning," Robert says. "How many warriors will accompany us besides Bryce?" Something flashes in Robert's eyes and I know I'm not going to like what he has to say. "Cain, Bryce is not in the right frame of mind to be involved with retrieving Rosie. He can't be trusted around his sister. His jealousy has gotten the better of him. Once we get Rosie back to the pack and marked, Fallon will be less volatile."

"Bryce is the rightful Beta of this pack. He should be with us. He knows what Rosie's return means to Reese. He knows that Fallon will not allow a relationship with Reese if he doesn't have his mate." "This isn't up for discussion, Cain. Bryce will remain in the pack. Five of the elite warriors will accompany us. Entering the human city with more warriors will put our kind at risk and not even my brother will be able to protect us if we reveal our existence to the humans. This plan needs to go off without any screw-ups."

I'm about to argue when pain that feels like I'm being torn apart rips through my body. I can't hold back the scream as my marking spot feels like it's on fire. I can hear the faint voices of those around me, but I can't make out what they are saying. The pain is intensifying with every passing minute, and I'm not sure how much more I can take.

Time passes in slow motion as my body feels like my soul is being ripped away. She wouldn't do this to me. She was always meant to be mine. I've been good to her, and she has allowed another to claim her. She is mine. With every passing thought, I feel like I'm dying.

Not only did she break our bond, but she has given herself to another. I'm not sure how long my agony persists before I'm engulfed in darkness. I relish the receding pain until I hear two words whispered by my wolf, "she's free." I wish I could scream, but there is only silence.

Rosalyn POV

"I am not going to let you go back to that f**king pack without me" Emmett says, his voice laced with anger. "Uncle Emmett, you said a bad word," Lily says. Emmett turns to look at her and smiles. "Sorry Lily bear. I'll try not to say anymore bad words" he says. "Emmett, I need you and Stacey to protect your niece. Beckham and Charlie will be with me and mom. Beck trusts Mindy and I trust Beck's judgment."

To say Emmett was shocked when I told him about Charlie was an understatement. When mom walked in, hand in hand with Charlie and a fresh mark on her neck, Emmett immediately wanted to have a private conversation with Charlie. I was surprised that mom just smiled before pressing a kiss on Charlie's lips. When Emmett and Charlie got back, they were both smiling. I know in my heart that Charlie will treat mom like a queen. He will do everything in his power to keep her from pain.

"I understand the pack may not know what the Alpha and our sperm donor have done, but what about Bryce? You have no idea if he will be traveling with them? You know as well as I do, Rose, that he has no problem hurting you," Emmett says. Beck growls, and his eyes darken. "No one will hurt my mate," Gideon growls. I can tell he is having trouble containing his anger after everything I've told him about Bryce. I'm out of my chair and placing myself in his lap before both my mates lose it.

He buries his head in my neck, breathing in my scent. "I promise you, Emmett, I will keep her safe," Beck says. "Fine, but I expect to be kept in the loop. I want regular check in, so I know that you are all safe" he says. I slide off Beck's lap and rush around the table. I wrap my arms around my brother's neck from the side and press a sloppy kiss on his cheek. "Gross" he says, but he's smiling. The rest of the afternoon and evening we spend time as a family, knowing tomorrow will be stressful for all of us.

The Next Day

I'd be lying if I said my stomach wasn't in knots as we approach the Black Rose Pack territory. I never thought I would step foot in this place again. I was perfectly happy to live the rest of my life with Beck and Lily in our cottage among humans. "You know as well as I do, Rose, you were born to be Luna. The goddess chose you because she knew of your strength and pure heart. She knew you would protect her children as any mother does. The Luna is the pack's mother and though the pack you will watch over has changed your role, has not," Zora says.

Before I can ask her how she could possibly know that, we are pulling up to the gates. My mother is driving, and the guard smiles when he sees her. "Miranda, we were worried you would never return" he says, oblivious to all that has transpired. My heart breaks for the members of this pack when they realize how evil their Alpha and Beta truly are. He looks at Beck and Charlie before looking back at my mother. His eyes haze over and my heart starts to pound against my chest. What if Robert and my father are still here?

Before I have a full-blown panic attack, his eyes are focused back on my mother, and he is still smiling. "I'm sure you will be heading over to the hospital to see your mate, but please stop and see the Luna. I've alerted her you've returned with guests since the Alpha is on a trip with Councilman Orick. She is with Alpha Reese, who is recovering after a rogue attack." "Of course, I've missed the Luna. Thank you" she says. The gate creaks open and my heart is still pounding.

Beck holds my hand firmly in his when we step inside the pack hospital behind my mother and Charlie. Both Beck and Charlie are hiding their scents. "Miranda" Dr. Bennett says, walking toward us. "Cain, will be so happy you've returned. He is stable for now, but his wolf is weak. We have run a battery of tests but nothing has given us any clue about what caused his pain and for him to collapse" he says.

I fight the urge to smile knowing Cain suffered a fraction of the pain he has caused my mother. "Thank you for the update, Andrew. I'll see him after I speak with the Luna," she says. "Of course, she is in the Alpha suite. Reese is doing better, but he hasn't regained all his strength. I'm sure seeing Rosalyn will help" he says. I squeeze Beck's hand, knowing he's fighting the urge to growl.

My mother nods and we make our way upstairs to the third floor. As we walk down the hallway which will lead us to Reese, I expect to feel angry or sadness that I'm about to see the man that tried to destroy me, but honestly, I feel nothing for him except pity. Beck must have heard my thoughts because he smiles before he presses a quick kiss on my lips.

When we finally reach the door, my mother knocks twice and pushes it open. As we move inside, I'm almost knocked off my feet by the force of my best friend. I know it's her by her scent before I see the mess of auburn hair. "Rosie, oh my goddess, I never thought I would see you again" she says. Her voice trembles and I can tell she is crying. I hate that I've caused her such pain. I've missed my best friend. A sob has us pulling apart.

Our mothers are holding onto each other for dear life. "It's good to see you again, Rosie," Logan says. A low growl makes me roll my eyes. He is standing next to Addie when my name is said so softly it sounds like a prayer. I turn my eyes meeting Reese's for the first time since I left. "Hello Reese," I say. "You came back," he says. I see a flash of hope in his eyes. A strong arm wraps around my middle and Beck pulls me close to his side.

The hope fades as Reese closes his eyes. A few seconds later, he looks back at me with clear resignation written on his face. "I know it means nothing now, but I'm truly sorry for all that I put you through, Rosie." I want to tell them all to call me Rose because Rosie died the day I found him and Bryce together, but I stay quiet and just let him say what he needs to.

For the first time since Mindy insisted that I needed to return, I understand why. The bond that connected our souls may be broken, but there are things that need to be said between us because of our shared past. Things that will allow Reese to become the Alpha that is worthy of leading this pack.