Chapter 37 - My Mate and Brother's Betrayal

Jayden POV

I can feel the tension rolling off Corey in waves as Barrett waits for an answer. "Unfortunately, despite my training, Jayden has yet to feel confident in his ability to lead the pack. He's confided in me that he never expected to become Alpha as the role was meant to be Beckham's."

"I've assured him that Alpha blood flows through his veins, but he isn't convinced he is capable of being what the pack needs. Also, some of the pack are leery of me passing the title to a Forester after being abandoned by the rightful heir of the pack. Jayden is like a son to me and I want him to feel comfortable and accepted before I hand over the title that is rightfully his," Corey says.

I want to puke as I stand there and listen to him spew his f**king lies. It takes all my control not to scream that everything he just said is a lie, but I can't. I have to keep Jacob safe. He is what is most important in this whole f**ked up situation. "Am I to understand that the former Alpha and your daughter killed Beckham Forester's fated mate after she had given birth to his pup," Barrett asks.

His wolf fighting him for control as he repeats what was reported to the council because of the number of witnesses at the hospital. They couldn't spin the story as they had wanted to when several wolves came forward that had been near the room. Anger flashes in Corey's eyes.

"My daughter was as much a victim as that poor omega. Alpha Forester forced my sweet daughter to kill that poor girl. He wanted Beckham to make my daughter his Luna and he wouldn't take no for an answer. I did all I could to stop those senseless deaths from happening, but Alpha Forester was out of control. He couldn't be reasoned with" Corey says.

"So, if Beckham Forester was avenging his mate's death, why would the pack hold anything against him? What information was provided to the pack about the incident," Barrett asks. I wish I had popcorn to enjoy this show. "We felt it best to keep the details provided basic. The pack was already devastated by the loss, to reveal the circumstances would only further cause an uproar among the pack members," Corey says.

"As much as I disagree with your thought process, I can't go back in time and change it, but what I can do is inform the pack of everything that truly happened. I understand that you were never destined to be an Alpha, but part of our responsibilities to our pack is the truth, even if it's hard to hear. As of right now, I'll be staying in the pack," Barrett says. Corey looks like he is about to blow a gasket, but he stays silent.

"I will be meeting with Jayden daily to assess his knowledge of his duties. I will also watch his training in combat in both wolf and human form. The council has been patient, Alpha Corey, out of respect for the devastation this pack suffered, but that patience has reached its limit. Now, if you can have someone show me to a room near Jayden's I would appreciate it. "Of course, Waller, show Councilman Barrett to the third floor and make sure his room is right next to Jayden's."

I can see Waller wants to say "what the f**k" but he holds his tongue. Once they are both gone, the faux Alpha whirls on me. "You are enjoying this aren't you mutt," he says and I smile. "Just remember Jayden, one slip up and, it's your precious baby brother that will be tortured and fed to the rogues. I have no problem ridding the world of another Forester. So, I suggest you work on your acting skills when you're meeting with that a**hole" he says.

I can feel Atlas stir, and it takes all my control not to snap his neck. "Now, go tell the omegas to set up a proper room for you on the third floor, but don't get comfortable. As soon as we make him believe that you are not fit to be Alpha, you'll be right back where you belong," he says. I turn needing to get away from Corey before I do something that I will regret.

Reese POV

I knew she was on her way up to my room because the guard alerted my mother, but nothing prepared me for seeing her again. She is more beautiful than the day she left. Her scent was just as intoxicating, but it was different. My heart sank when I realized it was because she had been marked by another. Having realized that my eyes are drawn to the man standing close to her.

He is large. Hell, if I'm being honest, bigger than me. Is he an Alpha? "It doesn't matter, Reese? She isn't ours anymore," Fallon says. I know he's right, but the ache in my chest that hasn't left me since I felt her claim another is getting stronger by the minute as I watch her with Addie.

"Rosie" I say her name like a prayer. When she turns to look at me, I don't see hatred like I expected. "Hello Reese" she says, and I still love the sound of my name on her lips. "Not enough to choose only her," Fallon says once again, reminding me of how much I've f**ked up. "You came back" I say, and her new mate wraps his arm around her waist possessively. At that moment, I know that any hope I held onto is gone.

I know I was fooling myself, but letting go of the woman you were meant to love and cherish is like asking yourself to stop breathing. I look to the sky and ask the goddess for strength before I look back at her. "I know it means nothing now, but I'm truly sorry for all that I put you through, Rosie." I notice a slight flinch when I say her name.

I think everyone senses that there is more to be said between us without an audience. Everyone but her mate leaves the room. He keeps his hand firmly in hers, offering her support. "I don't think saying your sorry is ever too late, Reese, as long as you mean it" she says. "I really am sorry. I hate that I hurt you. I hate that I didn't realize all I stood to lose by being a selfish pr*ck. I hate that I've lost you." I can see her mate's eyes darken, but he makes no move toward me.

"I believe you're truly sorry, but your regret won't change that I'm no longer your mate. I forgive you, Reese, because I believe in my heart that you are trying to do the right thing to be a better man and Alpha. I won't hold onto the anger because it's like poison, just like you shouldn't hold on to regret," she says.

Her words wash over me and, for the first time since she found me with Bryce, I feel a sense of peace. I'm not sure if the longing will ever leave me, but the ache that was making it hard to breathe is gone. I look at the man that has made Rosie whole after what I did almost broke her. A silent understanding passes between us and I know he'll love her the way I should have.

"I'm proud of you, Reese. Loving someone is about wanting their happiness, even if it's not with you. Putting others first is what a true Alpha does," Fallon says. The weakness that I felt just hours ago disappears like a cloud of smoke. I push myself to sit up on the side of the bed. After a few seconds, I'm able to stand to my full height.

I turn and take a few steps until I'm standing in front of Rosie and her mate. I extend my hand to him and he reluctantly takes it. "Reese Orick, future Alpha of the Black Rose Pack." "Beckham Forester, future Alpha of the Blue Crescent Pack," he says. The look on Rosalyn's face is one of disbelief and pride. When she finally looks back at me, I smile. "I, Reese Orick, accept your rejection, Rosalyn Forester." The words may not have been needed, but in my heart I know she needed to hear me accept she was no longer mine.