Chapter 38 - My Mate and Brother's Betrayal

Miranda POV

Maureen hugs me like she thinks I'm going to disappear again. I breathe in her familiar scent as tears form in my eyes. This woman is like a sister to me. She is one of the strongest women I know, and I hate the pain I've seen in her eyes. "I'm so sorry Miranda" she whispers, and I stiffen in her arms. When I pull back, I stare into her familiar eyes. I not only see pain but regret.

"What the hell could you possibly be sorry about?" "I failed to protect you and Rosie. I am the Luna, and it was my job to protect the pack. To protect my best friend and my goddaughter" she says. Tears run down her cheeks and I pull her back into my embrace. "Don't you dare take ownership of the f**ked up sh*t both are mates did. I love you, Maureen. You are my sister even if we share no blood. I'm sorry I left you here to deal with those two ba**ards alone."

"I was so focused on Rose I didn't even think about you and Addie. I should have taken you two with us." "No, you did what had to be done to protect Rose. She may not be my daughter by blood, but I love her like she is. When I found out what my mate was planning to have Reese do," she stops mid-sentence. Her sob makes my chest ache.

"Maureen, as much as I'm angry at Reese for the choices he made, I've known that boy all his life. He would never have forced himself on Rose. I saw regret in his eyes the minute we stepped into his room. I believe in my heart that Rose has forgiven him. I'm sure that will go along with the goddess forgiveness for Reese." "I hope so Miranda. As much as I'm angry about what he has done, I want him to be happy."

"Aunt Miranda, do you want to introduce us to your friend" Addie says from behind me. I chuckle. I was so focused on Maureen I forgot we weren't alone. I turn and smile at my handsome mate. "Of course, Maureen, Addie, Logan, this is my mate, Charlie. Charlie, this is my family." He smiles, taking the two steps to stand next to me. He extends his hand to Maureen, and she slaps it away. His look of shock is quickly replaced with a smile when she pulls him in for a hug.

I expect Lorna to growl, but she knows as well as I do that Maureen isn't interested in our mate. When she pulls back, she is smiling from ear to ear. "It's lovely to meet you, Charlie. I guess you're my brother-in-law now. Once that a**hat I'm mated to is dealt with, you and Miranda will come to stay for a few days so we can get to know each other better," Maureen says. Charlie looks at me and I just nod. "I would love to get to know my beloved's sister" he says.

It takes her a minute to catch up because I'm sure she assumed he was human. She can't see my mark hidden under my shirt. I reach up, pulling my shirt aside to show her the intricate blue and green mark that rests where my shoulder meets my neck. Her hand covers her mouth. "You're a warlock" she says. He nods, and a brilliant smile spreads across her face. "Well, it's the least the goddess could do after making that pr*ck Cain your mate" she says, and I couldn't agree more.

Charlie threads his fingers with mine and even the mention of Cain's name doesn't hurt anymore. Everything I once felt for him is gone. It's time to put him and his betrayal behind me. "Maureen, can you take me to Cain's room? I have some things I would like to say to him." Concern flashes in her eyes as she looks between me and Charlie. Whatever she sees in our eyes must put her mind at ease. Addie rushes over, wrapping me in a hug.

"I'll see you later, Aunt Miranda." When she pulls back, I notice Logan staring intently at me. "Are you alright Logan?" He comes over and wraps me in a hug. I don't know him well, but maybe he needs this, so I hug him back. "I would have loved to have you as a second mother," he whispers so only I can hear him. I swear my heart stops beating. He doesn't even have to tell me that he was Bryce's mate, because just those words are enough. "You will always be my son, and I'm sorry for the pain that Bryce caused you."

He squeezes me a little tighter before he finally releases me. When I pull back, he wipes the tears from his eyes. Goddess, that boy has caused so much hurt. I didn't raise him to be such a selfish man, but I guess Cain had more influence than I realized. My mind starts to whirl with questions that only one man has the answers too.

A few seconds later, Maureen walks us down the hallway to another suite. When she pushes open the door, I scent him before we get to his room. He must be the only one here. Maureen hugs me before she heads back to Reese's room. Charlie grasps my hand as I reach for the door handle. I take a steadying breath preparing to see a man that is more like a stranger than someone I shared my life with.

When I push open the door, a steady beeping sound reaches my ear. Cain looks like he's aged ten years when I finally lay my eyes on him. His eyes are closed, and his breathing is steady. "Cain" I say his name and his eyes fly open. He looks around the room frantically until his eyes finally land on me. A soft smile spreads across his lips but fades as quickly as it came. It's replaced by anger and disgust.

"How could you" he says, trying to sit up. "How could you reject your mate and then wh*re yourself out to someone else," he says, with all the venom he can muster in his weakened state. "You will not call her a wh*re again, or I will rip your tongue out of your mouth" Charlie says. I lay my hand on his forearm trying to soothe him. "Love, there is nothing he can say to hurt me." I turn back to Cain and I expect to see the black of his wolf's eyes, but I don't.

"How dare you bring this pathetic human here? You will reject him and take back your rejection of me," he says. I throw my head back and laugh. "Even if Charlie was a human, I would never reject him and I sure as hell would never accept you, ever again. The only reason I'm even here in this room is to tell you a few things."

"How can you do this to me? I am your fated mate and the father of your pups. The goddess chose for us to be together" he says, trying a different tactic. "The goddess may have chosen you to be my mate, but you chose to f**k Robert every chance you got after you dosed me with wolfsbane." The look of shock on his face is comical. "I can see you thought your secret was safe, but you forget everything in the dark comes out into the light."

"My relationship with Robert never changed how much I loved you, Miranda. I'm sorry for hurting you, but I'm still your mate" he says. "Actually, Charlie is my mate. He is the man I love. You are nothing to me. Our bond was broken the moment I found out the kind of man you truly are. A man that would hurt his own daughter for his lover and title."

Charlie wraps his arm around my middle, pulling me close to his side. This time his eyes darken, but I can sense no anger in his gaze. "I'm so sorry my little mate. No matter what my pathetic human did, I want you to know I loved you with my whole heart. I'm glad you're free and happy," Azar says. My heart breaks for my wolf mate. "I will be returning to the goddess. Please take care of our mate" he says to Charlie, who nods.

When Cain's eyes return to the familiar brown color, they're empty. Panic flashes in his eyes and I can see he is trying to reach Azar. "What the f**k did you do? I lost my wolf because you're a selfish b**ch" he screams at me. "Azar was right, you are pathetic. Even now you're not taking responsibility for the choices you have made that have cost you everything. Good luck Cain. I have a feeling you are going to need it." Charlie and I turn leaving the room as Cain continues to scream. "Get back here, Miranda. You will not leave me."