Chapter 2 - The Kinky Alpha

We lived in a small town far by the north called Shakville. The population wasn’t that high but it was increasing day by day. There were two school’s, one for the children and one for the adults. The nearest college or university was a good forty minute drive away from the town. The weather was always terrible around here, storm, rain and harsh winds day and night. The sun barely provided us with any heat.

Mother parked her car near the entrance of the school and I hopped right out after giving her my goodbyes.

Hundreds of students passed by the gates, entering the school. I was a senior on the last semester. Just a couple months more and I would finish school. My mother intending on sending me to the university nearby but I doubted it as she was always worried about ever since I was a child.

She was possessive, wanting me near her at all times. She worried about my safety day and night and forbade me to leave after seven.

I walked into the high-school and between the crowds before reaching my locker and opening it up. Just as I pulled it open, Josie appeared out of nowhere and slammed her back on the locker beside mine.

“Goodmorning.” She smiled, widely. Cheer was spread on her face.


“Bad night?” She asked.

“Always.” I sighed and pulled the books out of my locker before slamming it shut.

Holding the book against my chest, I walked along with Josie, my only bestfriend, around the school hallways. It was eight in the morning and I hadn’t gotten enough sleep to study today but I still had to do it.

“What happened?” She asked, worry in her tone as we walked into our first class and took our seats beside each other. The teacher of the history class was usually a few good minutes late so the students took their own precious time to get ready.

“Another dream.” I whispered while placing my books over the desk and then diverting my attention to my friend.

Josie was always there to listen to my horrifying dreams and nightmares. It had been a year since I had been getting them. By now, I thought it would’ve stopped but I was wrong. My whole year had messed up because of the nightmares, I couldn’t focus well on school and neither at home. I spent most of my nights staying awake, and I had spent most of the year with redness and soreness in my eyes.

When was it ever going to stop?

“Oh, that’s bad. What did you see now? Same old same?” She asked, placing one hand underneath her head and her elbow on the table.

“Yeah. I just remember voices.” I replied before lowering my gaze and looking onto something else. I didn’t want to tell her what I had heard as I was too ashamed to bring it over my lips.

The words that men whispered in my dreams every other night were haunting to it’s own and if I told anyone about it, they’d laugh, even my own best friend. It wouldn’t seem terrifying to them but they were to me. Every word that voice uttered sent shivers down my spine.

“What did you hear?” Josie asked just what I feared her to ask.

I shook my head, “I don’t remember—I do just remember bits and pieces.” I clarified and hoped I wouldn’t have to tell her about the voice and what he was saying.

“It’s okay. You should get some sleeping pills from your therapist. Maybe that will help you to sleep properly and deeply without seeing any nightmares.” She suggested, concerned for me.

“I already tried that once. The pills didn’t suit me.” I responded while my memory ran back to the early months I had seen the therapist.

Mrs. Harmony.

She was a great woman in her late forties and she helped me as much as she could but barely anything worked out. My mother spent hundreds and thousands taking me to the therapist twice a week but it was all for nothing. However, I couldn’t tell my mother that. She believed that one day it would work and I would be back to my normal self.

As far as the sleeping pills, they didn’t work at all. It worsened it and elongated my nightmares for hours and hours—sometimes the entire night I slept and the worst of it all was that I couldn’t wake up. When I did wake up, hours later, I would be drenched in sweat and nearly balling my eyes out.

The conversation between Josie and I only lasted for a couple of minutes more before Mr. Carson begin the history class. We studied for a good forty minutes before the bell rang and all of scattered around the school hallways.

Josie and I were best friends since we were children, although, our parents didn’t get along well. My mother despised her mother but she allowed me to be friends with her daughter.

Five minutes later, the next class begin and the hallways cleared out in minutes. I carried the books along with and disappeared into the washroom to soothe my mind for a few minutes before joining the class.

Silence spread around the school. The chatters and all the loud noises came to an end. The hallways were completely empty as everyone had gone to their classes, along with Josie.

I splattered some warm water against my face and rubbed my eyes slowly. Upon raising my head, I stared at my reflection. My eyes were red and the bags underneath them were getting big day by day.

I frowned at my reflection before closing the running water and heading to the door to leave the washroom. Just as my hand wrapped around the doorknob, a voice echoed in my ears and my heart jumped at it.

“Who’s there?” I asked.

No one was there.

‘Tell me where you are so I can find you.’ The voice was familiar. It was from my dreams, from the same man who had been haunting me for a whole year. It was the same person.

But I wasn’t sleeping. My heart thudded. I gasped and took a step away from the door. The hair over my skin rose and I shivered.

What was happening?

I turned around, doing a full round of the washroom to find the source of the voice but there was no one here except for me.

‘You’re just teasing me now.’

I took in a deep breath and pressed my lips together as tears filled up my eyes. The voice was in my head. It wasn’t real. It was just in my head. I needed to get out here before it was going to get any worse.

I quickly opened the washroom door and looked on both sides before running across the empty hallway and toward my class. I opened the door to my class and everyone stared at me in horror.

“I—I’m sorry. I was in the washroom.” I quickly said to Mrs. Vera, our biology teacher.

She smiled and nodded before closing the door behind me and letting me inside the class. I mouthed her a quick thank you and took my seat next to Josie in the lab.

“What happened?” She asked without wasting another second.

I didn’t know. I didn’t know myself what had just happened. A voice appeared in my head, a man’s voice. The same man from my dreams was in my head now and I couldn’t get rid of it all. Weren’t the nightmares more than enough? Why did he need to get inside my head?

I pushed my fingers against my hair and pulled them back and away from my face. I couldn’t focus on anything else but since I came to the class, I couldn’t hear his voice again.

Maybe it was over.

Maybe he was gone.