Chapter 14 - The Kinky Alpha

We reached the top of the line in minutes and found a man standing by and checking ID’s. After checking ours, he let moved the red velvet curtain aside and allowed us in. Till then, I had no idea of what the club was going to look like but then I caught a glimpse of it and it was breathtaking.

Loud music blasted off to the skies. Sweaty bodies mingled with each other, dancing and drinking. A thick, sickening scent was in the air and I assumed it was the alcohol. Hundreds of people were chattering and laughing. It was wild, wildest of anything I had ever seen before. The crowd was energetic and lively.

Across the dance floors, there were poles where women and men were found stripping and dancing for people.


Josie cleared her throat and nudged her elbow at my waist, “Do you like it?” She asked with excitement in her voice.

“Yes.” I nodded my head and a wide smile spread across my face. This was the height of my curiosity. It was surprising to know such a place of ecstasy even existed while only furthered me to believe that I hadn’t seen anything in this world.

“Come on. Let’s get some drinks and I’ll give you some advice.” She looped her arm around mine, gluing herself to me, and took me towards the area where drinks were which I assumed was the bar.

Timothy followed us from behind. For a moment, I felt all my worries slide off my shoulders and disappear. I wasn’t worried about anything except for the fact that I came here underdressed. There were women wearing short, skimpy dresses and full faces of makeup as they mingled through the crowd.

Everything right was happening here.

“Rule number one; don’t go far from me. You don’t want to get lost in a place like this…” Josie trailed off as she sat on one of the high chairs near the bar. I took the seat beside her and listened to her for the next several minutes. “Don’t approach any men. All these men, there are wild and they want sex and you don’t want that, right?”

“Of course!” I shook my head.

“Good. Don’t drink anything strong because you have never drunk before so you’ll probably get super drunk and we don’t want that. Keep your phone with you at all times and if you feel like you’re lost or scared, go to the women’s bathroom and stay there till I come and find you.” She explained with such focus that I was surprised.

“Timothy is going to be sober all this time because he’s going to drive us back home. If you want to drink, you can but drink with me only.” She concluded.

“Why?” I asked, furrowing my brows.

“Because people roofie drinks and then you’re passed out and they use you for their advantage. It’s terrible but don’t worry, you’re safe here with me.” She placed her hand over my lap and said, sounding promising.

I glanced around the club, feeling it all sink into my skin before my attention pivoted back to Josie. “Alright. I want to drink. Just a little.” I leaned into her ears and said. My voice could be barely heard with the loud music exploding from the speakers, the hoots, and the chatters.

I wasn’t sure where the urge of drinking came from but it came. Suddenly, I wanted to feel free and wild. I didn’t want to worry about anything tonight, at least for the next couple of hours.

“Okay. We will order some light drinks for you. Hopefully, you won’t get wasted.” Josie said while watching me from the corner of my eyes. “But it would be fun to see you wasted for once…” She continued before a laugh slipped from her throat. “You’d be terrible!”

“Oh, come on. You wouldn’t know.” I folded my arms over my chest and frowned.

“Let’s see.”

Three drinks in and I didn’t know where I was or what I was doing. I tried to focus on anything but it became difficult with every minute passing by. Josie was drunk as well, a better drunk than I was. After we had danced for nearly an hour, we returned back to the bar and sat down for a minute as Timothy ordered snacks for us.

“I don’t think I can feel my fingers…” I trailed off, raising my hand and showing it to Josie.

“I can feel them.” She ran her hand through mine and then rose her head and smiled at me. “It’s okay. You’ll be sober by morning and you’ll feel all your limbs by then.”

“Wow. Am I going to be like this forever?” I asked her while throwing my hair over my shoulders and leaning back against the chairs.

“No. Just a few hours, Miranda.” She shook her head and replied.

My throat clogged and I grabbed the water off the table before drinking it. It no longer burned like alcohol. Wiping my cleans, I stood up and motioned myself toward the restroom.

“I’m going to the restroom. Need to do something important.” I said to Josie as she swirled another drink in her hands.

“Come back here when you’re done!”

I sucked in a deep breath and began walking toward the restroom. Josie had shown me earlier where it was and it was behind the tables. Near the restroom, it had a big sign of women’s only and the sign was in neon pink, easily seen by anyone. When I caught glimpse of the sign, I began walking toward it and tripped on my steps several times before I finally reached there.

The restroom wasn’t as crowded as it was before. There were only a few girls wandering inside, some of them using their phones while others were fixing their makeup. I grumbled past them before rushing into the nearest washroom. After doing my business, I stepped out and washed my hands while catching a glimpse of myself in the mirror.

My mascara was smeared under my eyes but the red lipstick I had borrowed from Josie was still on my lips. It was a matte lipstick, never smearing.

I gave myself a little smile before making my way out of the restroom. Lights flickered over me when I stepped back into the club. The music was still loud and even after hours, people were still dancing non-stop.

My legs were aching and my head was throbbing with dehydration. I was exhausted and tried, only needing my bed now and nothing more. My mind was spiraling, I couldn’t think anything straight and I yawned repeatedly while trying to find my way back to Josie.

I looked left and right for her but couldn’t find her nor the table we were sitting in. People walked past and it all became confusing. My heart beat quickened in my chest and I grew worried for myself.

Where was Josie?

My vision grew darker and blurrier with every minute passing by. It became harder for me to focus on anything let alone find my best friend, Josie, and her boyfriend, Timothy. I couldn’t find either of them.

I walked into the dancing crowd, expecting for her to be there but she wasn’t. My chest tightened strangers began crowding up to me. Without Josie beside me, I felt terrified and scared.

A hand came wrapping around my wrist, and I quickly sighed, “Josie?” I asked while my gaze lowered to the hand while following it away from the crowd.

It took me a minute to adjust my vision but when I did, I realized it wasn’t Josie’s hand instead it was someone else’s hand.

A man’s hand.