Chapter 13 - The Lycan King's Gamma

Lycan Prince Hunter

Alpha Owen was placing Kailen on a gurney when I entered the hospital. The doctors rushed her away when I tried to get to her. I looked beside me to see the Alpha covered in Kailen’s blood and I was furious.

“What the fuck did you do?” I yelled in his face. Rex was ready to shift and rip this Alpha apart.

“I didn’t do anything!” He yelled back.

“Then why the fuck are you covered in her blood?” I growled out. Just then, Warrior Noah, my Beta, and Gamma ran into the ER.

“Prince Hunter, the Luna attacked Gamma Kailen,” Warrior Noah reported. I turned to the Alpha and punched him in the jaw. The force threw him back into the wall.

All three of them were on me now. They were trying to hold me back from killing this piece of shit, Alpha. He was leaning against the wall, rubbing his jaw.

“She isn’t the Luna.” He growled out.

“I don’t give a fuck. If Kailen dies, I’ll rip this entire pack apart!” I screamed.

“Hunter, I know you’re upset. We all are, but I need you to calm down.” Greyson told me. I pulled away from the three of them and started to pace the waiting room.

“You aren’t the only one that loves her! She is my mate!” Alpha Owen growled out, and I could see Greyson glaring at him.

“Do you have a fucken death wish?” Greyson asked the Alpha.

“Love her? You fucken love her? So where the fuck have you been for the last four years?” I yelled at him. He couldn’t argue. He knew I was right. If he loved her, he would have fought for her. I never would have met her if he had done what he was supposed to do. He was supposed to take care of her, protect her, and he failed.

“You don’t get to say that you love her. You broke her, and I was the one that has been helping her pick up the pieces.” I growled out.

The former Alpha and Cathy entered the ER. They looked between the Alpha and I.

“Is she okay?” Cathy cried out.

“We don’t know. They just rushed her back.” Alpha Owen answered. His father was consoling Cathy, and they both took a seat.

I was still pacing when an angry-looking Beta walked into the ER.

“Why the fuck is Maya in the cells?” He growled out. Greyson and Zach were in front of me, holding me back.

“She attacked the King’s Gamma.” Alpha Owen told him.

“We also have reason to believe that she was involved in Kailen’s kidnapping,” Alpha Landon said. We all looked at the former Alpha, stunned.

“What?” I growled out. And Alpha Owen sighed.

“Hunter, we can worry about that later. One thing at a time,” Zach said.

“Hunter, Kailen would want you to be calm,” Greyson said, and as soon as these words left his lips, Zach let out a laugh.

“She would have already burnt this place to the ground.” And that made Greyson laugh. I pushed my lips into a line. Kailen would be in the OR with any of us if the situation was reversed.

Just then, a doctor came out to speak with us.

“Lycan Prince, Alpha’s.” He greeted.

“How is she?” I rushed out.

“She lost a lot of blood. We are still stitching everything up. We are still not sure if she will make it. We are giving her blood and working as fast as we can to get everything closed up.” He explained.

“So what are you saying, Doctor?” I asked him. I wasn’t sure I wanted to know that answer.

“It means she won’t be out for a few more hours if she does pull through. Prepare yourself for the worse, Prince Hunter.” He answered. He bowed his head and then headed back through the doors that led to the OR.

I turned and punched my fist through the concrete wall of the waiting room. She can’t die, please goddess, don’t let her die. I pulled my now bleeding fist out of the wall and shook my hand out. I turned to face Alpha Owen.

“If she dies, your fucken Luna dies.” I growled out.

“Kailen is my fucken Luna.” He yelled. And the three of them were back again, holding me from killing this Alpha.

“Kailen is my mate, and the sooner you figure that out, the less dead you’ll be. You fucken touch her again, and I’ll kill you myself.” I yelled. He stormed out of the building, but I knew he hadn’t gone far.

I shook my Beta, Gamma, and Warrior off and took a seat.

I was anxiously waiting for any kind of news. The hours dragged by until it was six hours later and the same doctor came out to speak to us. Alpha Owen was waiting with his father and Cathy. He came back after he got himself cleaned up. I ordered Warrior Noah and the other warriors back to the hotel to pick up our things. Greyson and Zach were both sitting beside me.

I stood up as soon as the doctor walked through the doors. He greeted us, but I didn’t care about formalities. I just want to know if Kailen pulled through.

“Is Kailen okay?” I breathed out. We were all standing around the doctor, waiting for him to answer.

“It was touch and go there for a bit, but we managed to get the bleeding to stop and her blood pressure back up. Her fight is far from over and as soon as she is stable enough, we will transfer her to the pack hospital in Ivory Moon.” He told us, and I let out the breath I didn’t realize I was holding.

“Can I see her?” I rushed out.

“We are just moving her now. Someone will be with you shortly to escort you to her room. But I do have a question. Is Miss Steele marked?” he asked, and I’m sure I was looking at him like he had three heads.

“What are you talking about?” I asked him.

“Miss Steele has a bite on her shoulder. It’s not in its usual place for a mark, but it’s healing like one. Her wolf has accepted whomever bit her.” the doctor explained.

“That’s my mark.” I told him and he nodded.

“A nurse should be out shortly to show you to your mate, Prince Hunter.” He bowed his head before he headed back again.

After the doctor had left, Alpha Owen tackled me to the floor of the waiting room. We were both hitting each other and rolling, trying to get the upper hand. It was pure chaos in the waiting room. Someone finally pulled us apart and both of us had blood on us. I knew my lip was split and I could feel the bruises starting to form on my jaw and cheek.

“Do you honestly think you can beat me?” I asked Alpha Owen. His father and Beta were holding him back.

“She is my mate, not yours! That mark is fucken bullshit!” Alpha Owen growled out.

“If you fought this hard for her four years ago, maybe she’d still be yours. But she is mine now. You had your fucken chance. You only want her now because you know for a fact that she isn’t an omega.” I growled.

“And you only want her because she is a luna.”

“I’d gladly give up my title for her and she isn’t just a Luna. She’s a gamma of the highest order. She will always stand above you.” I pointed out.

A nurse walked through the doors and stopped in her tracks. She looked at everyone nervously.

“Miss Steele is in her room, if you’d like to follow me.” She turned on her heel and made her way back through the door. She held the door open for us to follow. I shook Greyson and Zach off and headed towards the nurse. I needed to see Kailen. I could deal with this Alpha later.

Walking into her room, I wasn’t prepared to see her in the condition she was in. She was lying on her back with an IV in one arm and a blood transfusion in the other. She also had a breathing tube in. The nurse pulled back the blanket that was covering her body, exposing her torso, which was now covered with a thick bandage. She then covered her back up and turned her attention to me.

“I was just making sure that she wasn’t bleeding,” she told me, and I nodded. I was still standing by the door. I felt frozen in place.

“Take a seat beside her bed. One of the nurses on duty will be in here every hour to make sure that she is healing. We are all praying that Miss Steele pulls through.” the nurse said before she left the room, closing the door behind her.

I was now alone with Kailen, and I couldn’t make my legs move towards her. Tears pooled in my eyes and my lips started to tremor. I knew she was alive. I could hear the machine beeping, but her skin was gray and her lips blue.

I finally willed myself over to her. I sat down in the chair beside her bed and took her hand in mine. Her hand was ice cold, and that was the moment that my dam broke. She was so close to death, and there was no way I could ever live without her. She was my world, my life. I don’t remember the last time I actually cried, but here I was sobbing for the woman that I love and praying that she would wake up.