Chapter 15 - The Lycan King's Gamma

Lycan Prince Hunter

“Get the fuck out.” I growled at Alpha Owen. I was done with his shit. He had no authority to barge in here and demand anything from me. Kailen was going home and there was no room for debate.

“You legally can’t take my mate, prince or not.” Alpha Owen countered. I pulled back the collar of my v neck shirt to show him her bite mark on me. He’s eyes went wide and his mouth went open in shock.

“That can’t be legally recognized by the council. It isn’t in the mark spot.” He huffed, crossing his arms over his chest.

“Hunter.” Kailen whimpered out. I turned my attention back to her. She was still on her side, but she was shaking. I ran back over to her and she still had her eyes closed. That bang must have triggered a night terror.

I knelt down beside her again, hoping my scent and presents would help wake her out of it. I grabbed her cheek with my hand and started to whisper to her.

“Kailen, Beautiful, wake up. It’s just a dream.”

“What the hell is going on?” Alpha Owen asked. He was standing on the other side of her.

“She’s having a night terror, probably brought on by your grand entrance.” I growled.

“Hunter, help. No, please stop.” She yelled out. She threw herself onto her back and woke up with a start, sitting straight up. Kailen was gasping and panting, and I could tell that she was in pain.

“Beautiful, it’s okay. It was just a nightmare. I’m right here.” I told her, sitting beside her on the bed. She rested her forehead on my shoulder and started to sob. I was rubbing her shoulder, whispering in her ear.

“It will be okay, Beautiful, we are going home soon. Okay?” I told her, and she nodded.

“Hunter?” She sodded out.

“What’s wrong, Beautiful?” I asked her, worried.

“Everything hurts.” She cried out.

“I’ll get the doctor.” Alpha Owen said before he left the room.

“Why is Owen here?” She hiccuped.

“I’ll explain everything once they get your pain under control, okay?” I whispered to her, and she nodded on my shoulder.

She was leaning forward, resting her cheek on my shoulder while I rubbed her back, when the doctor came in. I don’t think she was supposed to be up yet because of the look of horror on his face.

“Miss Steele, you shouldn’t be sitting up.” He rushed out, concerned. He went over to her and I noticed that Alpha Owen was back in the room.

“She had a night terror.” I told him and he nodded.

“How’s the pain in your stomach?” He asked her.

“It’s okay, but my back is what hurts the most.” She answered. He pulled back the blanket and sighed.

“What?” I asked, worried.

“Her movements ripped out about half the stitches that were still healing. I need to restitch her and get this bleeding under control. But first I’ll get something for your pain.” He told us and we both nodded.

“I’ll be right back,” he said before he left the room.

“Kailen, when did the night terrors start?” Alpha Owen asked her, pulling up a seat on the other side of the bed.

“I don’t know.” She answered him.

“I noticed them about three and a half years ago,” I sighed.

“It’s because of what you’ve been through.” He asked her, leaning over in her chair so that he could look at her face.

“Yes, Owen.” She nodded.

“I’m sorry for what Maya has done. And I’m sorry for causing you to have that terror.” He told her and she just nodded.

The doctor finally came back with a nurse following behind him. He injected a pain killer into Kailen’s IV.

“I’m just going to clean the wound. I won’t start stitching until the painkillers have started working.” He told her, and she nodded.

The doctor started to dab a damp gauze on her back, and she let out a hiss. Her breathing became laboured and I knew that it hurt.

“It’s, okay. Just breathe. The meds will start to work soon.” I whispered to her, giving her neck a gentle kiss. Her tears soaked my shoulder before the pain meds finally kicked in. Then she fell asleep while the doctor was stitching her up.

“How long have the night terrors been happening?” The doctor asked me.

“She’s had them ever since we’ve been together.” I answered him, and Owen let out a low growl.

“Do they happen often?” He asked, still stitching away.

“In the beginning, they were almost nightly. Then she started at the academy, and then they would happen weekly. And for probably the last six months, she hasn’t had one.” I told him.

“And do you know what triggered this one?” He asked.

“I think that was my fault. I caused a bang with the door and she instantly went into a terror.” Alpha Owen admitted, and the doctor sighed.

“This poor girl has been through so much. It was definitely better for her to stay away.” He said, but I’m not sure if it was to us or to himself.

“Why would you say that? She’s my mate.” Alpha Owen growled out.

“It’s no offense to you, Alpha. But I’ve read over her file here. She was clearly being abused, well before she was taken.” The doctor told his Alpha.

“I want to see her file.” Alpha Owen stood up from his seat.

“I’ve read her file, and it’s true.” I told him before he could storm out.

“What?” He stuttered out.

“Kailen never talks about her childhood and I never knew why until I read her medical records from this hospital. She was being abused, and no one helped her.” I told him. He rushed out and I let out a sigh.

“I wasn’t the doctor back then, but whoever they were failed this poor girl.” The doctor said. I didn’t answer him. I knew that he was right. Kailen had a miserable time in this pack and the only bit of light she had was an Alpha who abandoned her.

What Alpha Owen doesn’t know is that Kailen used to call out for him to help her. It broke my heart every time she would call out for him. I know she never meant to. He was her person, the one she trusted subconsciously.

But after a few months of us being together, she started to call out to me. She knew I would help her and I have every step of the way. She became my whole life the moment she stepped into our pack house.

After the doctor was done restitching, he placed a bandage over her wound. Then we laid her down gently on her side like before. I took a seat in the chair, but I was still holding her hand. My leg had gone numb, sitting with my leg bent for so long.

“The chopper should be here within the hour.” The doctor told me. I thanked him before he left the room. I pulled my phone out to give Greyson a call.

“Hunter?” He answered.

“We should be leaving in about an hour.” I told him.

“Sounds good.” He told me before a commotion and yelling came through on his end.

“What the hell is going on?” I asked him. He didn’t answer right away, and I assumed he was finding a quiet place to explain.

“Hunter, Alpha Owen came into his office demanding Kailen’s file. I handed it over and then he sat down to look it over. He went from angry to full on rampage. He called his father into his office, demanding why Kailen’s childhood abuse was left uninvestigated.” Greyson sighed.

“If you can, speak with Cathy before you leave. I want to know why Kailen was always in the hospital.” I asked him.

“I’ll see if I can find her. How is she doing?” He asked me and I pinched the bridge of my nose.

“She had a night terror and ripped out a bunch of her stitches. She’s sleeping again now, and the doctor is all done stitching her back up.” I informed him and I heard him sigh.

“I’m glad we are going home soon.” He said, almost sounding defeated.

“Me too.” I told him before I ended the call. I moved my attention to my sleeping mate. I moved my chair closer, so I was able to rest my head against hers. She was sleeping so peacefully now. Her heart rate had stabilized, and her breathing was slow and steady.

If this trip didn’t add anything to Kailen’s investigation, hopefully it will solve the case of her abuse. I’m glad at least Alpha Owen is taking that seriously in this ridiculous pack.

Alpha Owen may be a coward for not accepting Kailen because everyone thought that she was an omega and didn’t deserve to be Luna, but he does seem to care about her in his own way. I don’t think it’s good enough, and he was never good enough for Kailen, but I’m glad she got the hell out of this pack.

A nurse came back about 45 minutes later to inform me that the chopper had landed and that it was time to get Kailen ready for transport. She was still sleeping, and I was glad about that.

The nurse checked her back. It had stopped oozing, but it was still in rough shape. The area with the new stitches was red and angry.

“Our helicopter pad is out back. We are going to take her to the door leading out back. There we will move her on to a board. That board will then be lifted onto the helicopter. We are keeping her IV and we will be sending some pain medicine with her, just in case. The paramedics will be able to administer the pain meds if her pain becomes too much for her.” The nurse informed me while we made our way down to the back of the hospital.

I sent Greyson a text to let him know that we were leaving, and that I wanted them gone within the hour. We all needed to get the hell out of this pack.

I was grateful that Kailen stayed asleep during all the moving that we put her body through. When she was in the helicopter, we moved her onto her side facing me and strapped her back in.

I fastened my seatbelt and put on a headset. This wasn’t my first time in a helicopter, so I knew what to do. After everyone was ready and the area was cleared. The helicopter lifted off the ground and started to rise in the air. With a swoosh, we were off to Ivory Moon hospital.