Chapter 12 - The Lycan King's Gamma

Gamma Kailen Steele

I was feeling overwhelmed by what Hunter had told me when I walked into the pack house. I knew that he meant every word he spoke.

“He loves us, Kailen. Now, can you please claim him?” Aurora chimed in.

“I will tell him the truth and then if he stays, I’ll claim him.” I told her.

“He’ll stay and you better.” She huffed.

I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn’t notice that there was one of our warriors following me.

“Warrior Noah?” I asked him when I stopped at the library door.

“Gamma.” He nodded.

“What are you doing?” I questioned.

“Orders, Gamma Kailen,” he answered firmly. I knew this was Hunter’s order.

“Man the door.” I told him and he nodded. He opened the door for me and I stepped into the library. Warrior Noah closed the door behind me.

As I walked over to the sitting area, I noticed that the former Alpha and Cathy were seated on the couch. Owen was also here. He was sitting in one of the armchairs across from them. I greeted everyone and took a seat in the other armchair.

Alpha Landon handed me a cup of tea. He makes the best tea. I immediately took a sip and memories of all our times we had tea in the library came floating back. I really enjoyed Alpha Landon’s company, and he never made me feel like a worthless omega.

I looked over at Owen, and he was watching me with a frown. I placed my cup on the coffee table that separates the couch from the armchairs.

“So how long have you and the Lycan Prince been together?” Cathy asked me. Owen let out a low growl.

“It’s been almost four years now,” I told her, and her face lit up.

“That’s wonderful, my dear. I hope there’s a wedding in the near future for the both of you.” She exclaimed, and even Alpha Landon looked happy about my answer.

Owen, on the other hand, growled out louder than before and stood up, pacing the library. I’m not sure why he would even be upset. He has his chosen mate. I’m literally nothing to him now.

“We are so proud of you, Kailen.” Alpha Landon spoke.

“Thank you, Alpha.” I told him with a smile. Owen continued to pace in front of the fireplace.

“Alpha Owen, is something wrong?” I asked him, taking another sip of my tea before setting it back down.

“Really, Kailen?” He huffed, throwing his hands in the air.

“Owen, what the fuck do you want from me?” I asked him, getting angry at his tone. Alpha Landon and Cathy were sitting quietly on the couch, watching the show.

Owen didn’t answer my question, instead we just stared at each other until I spoke again.

“You moved on, Owen, and I’m allowed to do the same,” I told him, standing from my seat.

“I may be with Maya, but I didn’t move on.” He told me. And I was stunned by his confession.

“You’ve been with Maya for over four years now, and you haven’t claimed her? But you trust her enough to help run your pack?” I asked him, confused.

“It’s complicated,” he said.

“It’s not complicated, Owen. You cheated on me with her and then you just moved on with your life as I was fighting for mine. I was fighting to get back here to you. I thought you loved me as much as I loved you.” I yelled and I could feel the tears building in my eyes.

“You left a goddamn note. What the hell did you want me to do?” He yelled in frustration.

“I wanted to be worth fighting for. You didn’t fight my rejection, you accepted it without a fight and then you claimed Maya. Was I just some sick joke? See if you could get the stupid omega to sleep with you? To fall in love with you and then break her heart?” I screamed at him.

“Kailen, you know that’s not true. I love you.” He said calmly.

“If that were true, you never would have accepted my rejection. You would have fought for me, for us. I fought every damn day I was gone to get back to you.” I cried. I couldn’t hold back my emotions any longer. I looked over at Cathy and Alpha Landon.

“I need to leave. It was nice seeing both of you.” I told them before I turned around and made my way to the library door. But before I made it to the door, Owen grabbed one of my arms, turning me into him, holding me against his chest.

“Owen, stop.” I tried to push him away.

“Kailen, please. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.” He said, resting his forehead against mine. I hate that his scent still feels like home. He gently started to wipe away the tears that were falling down my cheeks.

“This is hard for me. Seeing you again. I should have fought for you.” He whispered.

“Owen, you have your Luna.” I whispered and even saying those words out loud broke my heart. It’s hard to look at your fated mate and know that they love someone else. That you were never good enough for them.

“I haven’t claimed Maya, she is acting as Luna, but I haven’t claimed her.” He whispered to me. I moved my head and looked up at him.

“That doesn’t change the fact that you didn’t fight for me,” I told him. Before he could explain, the library doors were thrown open, and a very pissed off Maya stormed in.

“Owen, what the fuck are you doing?” She yelled. I moved away from Owen and he stepped around me.

“Maya, we will talk about this later.” He told her firmly, and she crossed her arms over her chest.

“No, Owen, we will talk about this now! She has always been the reason why you haven’t claimed me and I’m done playing this fucken game with you. You are mine, and that bitch was supposed to stay gone.” She screamed.

“What the fuck do you mean by stay gone?” Owen demanded, and I was stunned by what she said.

“You’re so gullible, Owen. Never questioning that note that she left for you. The hard part was seducing you. I had to drug you before you would even let me touch you that night. But you did.” She growled out.

“You fucken drugged me?” Owen growled.

“I’m the Beta’s daughter. I was born to be Luna of this pack, not some stupid omega!” She yelled at Owen.

“Maya, what the fuck did you do?” Owen let out a murderous growl.

“You stupid fucken omega, all you had to do was stay gone!” Maya screamed out, lunging at me. She threw me back into a glass bookcase and the whole thing shattered with the force of my back hitting it.

Before I could even register what was happening, Owen ripped Maya off of me and my warrior rushed in to see me leaning against the wall with glass and books around me.

My warrior’s eyes went wide in horror as we looked at each other. Owen was trying to keep Maya under control. I touched my stomach with my hands and winced. I looked down to see a piece of glass sticking out.

Cathy and Alpha Landon were now standing, watching in horror at the scene that was playing out in front of them.

Shock set in while I felt my blood running down my legs to the floor.

“Owen.” I choked out. I could feel blood running down my chin. The metallic liquid was filling up my mouth, and I knew I was dying. There was no way to stop the bleeding in time. He turned to look at me in horror. He threw Maya at my warrior.

“Hold her. Father, lock her up.” He commanded as he rushed over to me. I was bracing myself against the wall with my legs, and I’m not sure where I found the strength to stay standing. My world was spinning from the blood lost, and I knew this was it.

“Kailen, stay with me.” He rushed out. He ripped my hoodie from where it was ripped from the shard, exposing a larger piece of glass. My hoodie was covering most of it, but now that I could see it, I knew it was worse than I thought.

“Kailen, it’s going to be okay.” Owen rushed out while he scooped me up into his arms. I screamed out from the pain of the glass shifting inside of me.

“I’m sorry, Baby. But I need to get you to the hospital.” He said. He couldn’t hide the fear in his voice. I think I nodded. My vision was blurring and I could feel myself slipping into the darkness.

“Kailen, you need to stay with me.”