Chapter 16 - The Lycan King's Gamma

Alpha Owen

After Kailen left, I never thought I would see her again. I kept up with her life, but I knew she hated me after the way things went down. I still regret that day, and I will never forgive myself for letting her go.

I shouldn’t have listened to all the talks about her being an omega. I should have known that she was a Luna, there is no way the moon goddess would have blessed an alpha with anything less than a luna.

And I fucked it all up by believing that I could be happy with Maya, that Kailen left me because she found out I had cheated. And then I found out that Maya drugged me before I would even touch her. That night was such a blur. I don’t remember the act. I just woke up very early in the morning with Maya beside me. We were both naked.

I immediately left and went home to get her scent off of me. Then I went to see Kailen. I should never have gone to that party. And then after she was gone, everyone was telling me that she ran because she knew that my birthday was coming up and that she would never have been my mate.

I was such an idiot to think that she was anything less than what I believed her to be. She is a luna, and she was mine, and now I’m sitting in her hospital room watching her with the Lycan Prince, slowly dying inside. I should be the one that holds her, that comforts her, but I let her go.

After watching her have a night terror, the realization of what she had been through hit me. She was still recovering from what had happened to her. And Maya knew something, but I couldn’t see her. I’m afraid I’d actually kill her if I stepped into a room with her.

Then I heard the doctor mention that she suffered from abuse as a child. We had been friends since we were ten years old and I don’t remember anything like that. I remember her being klutzy, but she never mentioned anything about being abused. I was furious.

I stormed out of the hospital on a mission to read her file and to get to the bottom of all of this. If this had been going on for years, why the hell didn’t the former doctor report it to my father? All of this didn’t make sense.

I stormed into my office to find my Beta and the Lycan prince’s beta and gamma, looking through files.

“I want to see Kailen’s file.” I demanded.

“What happened?” My beta asked me and I glared at him. He never liked Kailen, and I never knew why. Even if she was an omega, she was still a wonderful person.

“Why the fuck do you hate her so much?” I yelled at him and he blinked at me, stunned.

“What the fuck are you talking about?” He stuttered out.

“You know what the fuck I’m talking about? Don’t fucken play dumb! Why the fuck have you always hated Kailen?” I screamed at him.

“Alpha Owen, you need to calm down.” Beta Greyson spoke to me. They were all standing now.

“No, this fucker needs to explain to me why he was always against my relationship with Kailen.” I growled out.

“Dude, she’s an omega.” He answered, and I punched him in the face. The Beta and Gamma were both holding me back from beating the shit out of my beta.

“She’s not a fucken omega, you piece of shit! And even if she was, I love her. You’re supposed to be my best friend. What the fuck is wrong with you?” I screamed at him. He was leaning on my desk, rubbing his jaw.

“Owen, I just thought you could do better. You could have picked anyone in this pack and you chose her. Yeah, she’s fuckable, but she’s not a Luna.” He answered me and I was so ready to kill him. My wolf, Chase, was ready to shift, and I was barely holding myself together.

“But your sister is Luna material?” I asked him and he pushed his lips into a line. He doesn’t even like his own sister. I don’t even know why I was with her.

“Did you help your sister that night?” I growled at him and he looked at me, confused.

“What are you talking about?”

“That party a few weeks before Kailen was taken. Maya admitted to drugging me to get me to sleep with her. Did you help her?” I asked him again.

“Wait? What the hell is going on?” Beta Greyson asked me. I broke out of their hold and flopped down on one of the couches.

“Before Maya attacked Kailen, she admitted that she drugged me to get me to sleep with her. That she wrote the note that I thought Kailen left.” I told them, leaning forward, resting my elbows on my knees.

“Owen, I would never have allowed that to happen. If I had known, I would have stopped Maya.” Finn said, sitting down on the couch across from me. I looked at him before I looked at Beta Greyson.

“I want to see her file. And I want her case file from Ivory Moon.” I told him. He reached into a file box that they were collecting files in. He pulled out her file and handed it to me.

“What are you looking for?” Finn asked me.

“I’m looking for her medical records. The doctor that is treating her wounds now said that he believed that she had been abused as a child. And I want to see what he saw.” I answered him while I was flipping through her file.

“Abuse?” Finn asked me, confused, and I nodded.

“We noticed that pattern as well,” Beta Greyson told me. I noticed that he and the gamma were sitting on the love seat.

“Owen?” Finn breathed out.

“Yeah?” I was still flipping through the pages. Her file was quite thick.

“I think my father was involved.” He stuttered out, and I immediately looked at him. He was watching me flip through her file.

“What are you talking about?” I asked him, confused.

“It was the former Beta who was connected to both cabins. And he is also missing,” Beta Greyson explained. And my mind was racing with all this new information.

“Do you think that your father and sister planned this so that I would make Maya Luna?” I rushed out, looking around the room at all three of them.

“It definitely could have been possible. Maya admitted to the note and to drugging you. I know you don’t want to speak to her, but she is coming back to Ivory Moon with us. And the best thing that you can do before we leave is to confront her.” Gamma Zach told me.

“Wait, you are taking Maya?” Finn rushed out.

“She attacked a king’s gamma and now she has admitted to drugging an alpha. She will be tried and sentenced for her crimes.” Beta Greyson answered him and I agreed. She needs to face the consequences of her actions, even if that means death.

She didn’t care that she was sending Kailen to her death, to a horrible death. She just underestimated how strong Kailen actually is.

“You’re not going to step in?” Finn growled out.

“Nope, if she stays here, I’ll kill her myself. She drugged me so I would cheat on Kailen. She made me believe that Kailen had run away. Ivory Moon can fucken have her and I hope they throw the book at her.” I told him, firmly and without question.

“I understand that she is your sister, Beta Finn, but we have laws for a reason. She may have been under age for the drugging but she’s an adult now and she tried to kill the Gamma.” Gamma Zach told Finn, and he let out a sigh.

“I know, but now I have no one. My father is going to die and so is my sister.” I looked up from the file to look at my defeated friend.

“I’m sorry, Finn. There is nothing we can do about their actions.” I told him and he eventually nodded. I know this is going to be hard on him.

I finally started to read over her medical records, and what I found was disturbing. About a month after she arrived here with Cathy is when it started with the monthly trips to the ER. She has had multiple broken bones, broken multiple times. Bruises, concussions, stitches, you name it.

I noticed that the older she got, the less the visits became. They eventually stopped after she and I started dating. Whomever was abusing her was clearly afraid that I would find out about it. Then it clicked.

“Finn, pull Jim Miller’s file,” I ordered.

“Jim? Cathy’s mate?” Beta Greyson asked me, and I nodded.

“It doesn’t make sense that Cathy would abuse her. She brought her all the way here. If she didn’t want her, she would just have left her to die in her old pack.” Gamma Zach said, and I looked at him confused.

“What are you talking about?”

“Kailen’s father was killed in a claim over his pack and mate. When he lost and was killed, Kailen’s mother killed herself and her friend Cathy fled with Kailen.” He explained, and I was shocked. Kailen never told me where she came from. She would always say she didn’t remember since she was so young.

“Finn, call my father. He should see this as well.” I asked my beta when he passed over Jim’s file. I was looking through his finances when Finn returned with my father.

“Read this. And then explain to me why our former doctor didn’t report the abuse.” I told my father. He sat down beside me and I passed him Kailen’s file.

“Son, what is this about?” He asked me, not opening the file.

“Kailen was being abused and the former doctor never reported it.” I growled out, and he cursed. All eyes were on him now.

“Alpha, what is it?” Beta Greyson asked him.

“The former doctor was Jim’s grandfather. He passed away six years ago.” My father told us and I let out a growl. That’s why the abuse went unnoticed. Jim’s grandfather was covering it up.

“Father, how the fuck didn’t you notice?” I screamed at him.

“The same reason why you didn’t. Do you think I like finding out that a former member of my pack was being abused and I, her alpha, wasn’t there to protect her?” He yelled in frustration.

I didn’t notice that Beta Greyson left the office until he reentered.

“Alpha, we are leaving in a few hours. If you want to confront Maya, you better do it now.” He told me and I looked at my father. I passed him Jim’s file.

“Find Jim and get him in here. Also, see if you can find anything that would prove that he was involved in Kailen’s kidnapping.” I told him and he nodded.

“I know a few months ago, Kailen paid off their mortgage.” My father told me while I was standing from my seat on the couch.

“What? Why would she do that?” Gamma Zach asked him.

“I’m not sure. Kailen called me a few months ago and told me that she was paying it off for Cathy.” He explained.

It definitely sounds suspicious. Kailen hasn’t been back here in four years and I’m pretty sure she hasn’t seen Cathy, so why would she pay off her home? Especially if Jim was her abuser. Why would she help him?

“Find the link and bring him in. I think it’s time I went to talk to Maya.”