Chapter 17 - The Lycan King's Gamma

Alpha Owen

I headed out the back of the pack house and I heard the sound of the helicopter. I looked over to the back of the hospital to see that the helicopter was just taking off. My heart sunk knowing that Kailen was on that helicopter and she was going back to her home.

“We had better get this done. Prince Hunter has given us an hour before we have to head out.” Beta Greyson yelled out over the noise of the helicopter. I nodded to him and hurried to the far side of the backyard, to where the concrete bunker led to the cells.

One of the warriors on duty punched in a number code on the panel and the thick steel door unlocked. He then pulled the door open for us to enter. The door opened to a small landing and then you had to walk downstairs to enter the actual cells.

When we reached the bottom of the stairs, there was a barred door and a warrior on the other side had to buzz you in. We heard a buzz and then the door slid open. We walked through the door frame and the warrior in the booth that houses the monitors and equipment pointed down the hall.

“She’s in block 2, cell 1.” He said and I nodded. I’m sure it was weird for them to be housing who they thought would be the future Luna.

I hadn’t even made it to block 2 yet and I could already hear Maya screaming at the top of her lungs. The others were following me when I walked right up to her cell. She didn’t notice us at first; she was just screaming at nothing.

“You finished?” I finally asked her when she stopped to take a breath.

“Owen, I knew you would come for me.” She rushed over to the bars and tried to reach for me, but I stepped back out of her reach.

“Owen, please. Everything I did was for us, so that we could be together.” She pleaded, with tears running down her face. She really was an ugly person. I just never saw the true depths of it before.

When she knew she wasn’t getting anywhere with me, she turned her attention to her brother, who was standing beside me.

“Finn, surely you believe me. I had to get rid of her. I had to make sure that we didn’t get an omega for a Luna.” She cried out. And I’d had enough of all her bullshit.

“Maya, tell us the truth, the whole truth. Who’s plan was it to kidnap Kailen?” I asked her.

“Kailen, that’s all you have ever cared about! I’ll never be good enough for you?” She screamed at me, but I didn’t even flinch.

“Never, now tell me who orchestrated the plan?” I growled out. We were locked in a glaring match until she finally broke.

“It was father’s. He paid her uncle or whatever to drug her so that she could be taken. She was supposed to be sold off and never heard from again.” She huffed out, crossing her arms over her chest.

“And you drugging me and the letter? That was your plan?” I asked her, and she nodded.

“I knew that you would have looked for her if I hadn't done something drastic, so I made you think that you had cheated and then wrote that note to you.” She confessed.

“Wait, we didn’t sleep together?” I asked her, confused. And she sighed.

“No, you passed out, and I just made it look like we did. I knew you wouldn’t remember.” She said, and I immediately saw red. Finn jumped in front of me before I could pull Maya into the bars.

“Are you fucken kidding me?” I screamed at her. My full aura was out, and she was trembling with fear. Everything was a fucken lie, four fucken years of my life I’ll never get back. I’ll never get my fucken mate back.

“I fucken hate you, Maya. I hope they fucken kill you!” I screamed at her before I stormed out of there. I needed to get some air. After everything she had just admitted to me, I felt like I couldn't breathe.

I rushed out of the bunker, taking the stairs two at a time, until I reached the top landing. The lock clicked open after I punched the number code. I pushed open the door, thankful to be finally outside. I took deep breaths while I waited for the others to make their way out of the bunker.

I still hadn’t calmed down by the time the others exited. I was pacing in front of the door, trying to figure out how to fix the mess that Maya had created.

“Some of the warriors are getting her ready for transport. We will be leaving in 30 minutes.” Beta Greyson informed me.

“I will be coming to Ivory Moon.” I told them while we walked back to the pack house.

“What?” Gamma Zach asked me.

“Finn and I are going to Ivory Moon,” I told them, and Finn grabbed my arm to stop me.

“Owen, I know you are upset, but what are you planning?” He asked me.

“My father and Gamma Xander can handle the pack. You and I are going to go to Ivory Moon. I need Kailen to see the truth. Maya fucked up my life and I’m not just going to sit here. I need to fix this mess.” I told Finn, shaking his arm off.

I headed towards the pack house to inform my father and gamma of my leaving. My father was waiting on the front porch and he didn’t look happy.

“Son, we found Jim. He is waiting in the basement with a few warriors. He did not come in willingly.” My father informed me. The others were climbing the stairs behind me.

“You want to stay to hear what Jim has to say?” I asked the beta and gamma.

“I’ll text Hunter to let him know that we will be staying a little longer. I have a feeling he’ll be coming back with us as well.” Beta Greyson answered me. He pulled out his phone to text the prince.

“Let’s go see what he has to say for himself.” I spoke, walking off in the direction of the stairs to the basement. We build our interrogation rooms in the old cells. This way, my office needed fewer repairs.

I led the way down the stairs into the basement. We replaced the bars with sound-proof glass. I could see that the warriors had cuffed Jim to the metal table that they seated him at. Two warriors stood outside the room and one was standing inside the room. I could tell that Jim had put up a fight. All my warriors had marks on their faces and Jim’s face had seen better days.

“Has he said anything?” I asked the two warriors as I approached the door.

“Nothing of importance. Just that he’s innocent of whatever crime he is being accused of, Alpha.” One of my warriors reported. I nodded. I turned to face the others.

“Who’s coming in?” I asked. Beta Greyson and Gamma Zach immediately stepped forward. I told my father and beta to watch from the surveillance room.

One of the warriors opened the door, and I stepped in to find a furious Jim. Beta Greyson and Gamma Zach followed behind me. I took the seat across from him and the beta and gamma stood at my sides.

“What is the meaning of this, Alpha?” Jim growled out.

“We are here to talk about your relationship with Kailen.” I told him and he huffed.

“Fucken pain in the ass, she was. Cathy should have sent her to the orphanage.” He said. I pushed my lips in a line and balled up my fists.

“And what was wrong with Kailen?” Beta Greyson asked him.

“Who the fuck are you two?” Jim asked bitterly.

“Beta and Gamma to the Lycan Prince. Now answer the question.” I commented. And he let out a huff. He knew he couldn’t fight my commands.

“She wasn’t my fucken responsibility. I didn’t sign up to raise a child that wasn’t my own!” He growled out.

“So you blamed an innocent child for what your mate brought into the relationship? You put her in the hospital more times than I can count, you fucken piece of shit! She was a fucken child!” I leaned over the table and yelled in his face. I was furious at his lack of empathy towards a child.

“She wasn’t my kid.” He shrugged his shoulders. I grabbed his head and slammed it onto the metal table. How the fuck could this piece of shit even be a part of my pack?

Beta Greyson and Gamma Zach pulled me behind them and turned to face me.

“We need to know what happened with Kailen’s kidnapping, and killing him won’t help us.” Beta Greyson whispered to me. I pushed my lips into a line and nodded.

I looked over at Jim and his nose was bleeding and it looked broken. I started pacing the room while the other two started to ask their questions.

“Were you involved in the kidnapping of Gamma Kailen?” Beta Greyson asked Jim.

“Kailen isn’t a fucken Gamma, she slept her way to that position, just like she was sleeping her way to the Luna position.” He scuffed out, and I stopped pacing. I was ready to kill him.

Both Beta Greyson and Gamma Zach let out a growl. Both of them were balling up their fists, and I knew they wanted to hit him just as badly as I did.

“I don’t care what you think of her. I asked you if you were involved in her kidnapping?” Beta Greyson growled out.

“You can’t prove a thing,” Jim growled out. I stepped towards the table and glared down at my former warrior.

“I, your Alpha, command you to answer the question!” I demanded, letting my aura fully out. This bastard was going to talk. I needed answers.

“Yes, I was involved.” He said through gritted teeth.

“How?” Gamma Zach asked him and he let out a growl. Sweat was beading down his forehead as he tried to fight the command.

“Now, Jim.” I growled.

“It was my job to drug her and make sure Cathy was out of the house.” He growled.

“Who?” I asked him and he shook his head.

“Answer me now!” I yelled, smashing my fists on the metal table.

“Beta Stuart.” He whispered, and I was stunned. Maya had said that he was involved, but it was still shocking to hear it.

“Beta Finn’s father?” Beta Greyson asked him, and he nodded.

“What did you get for your cooperation?” Beta Greyson asked him.

“The Beta paid off my debts.” He admitted, and I punched him in the jaw. This was over money and power. Kailen and I were just pawns in this fucken game they were playing.

“I’m transferring you to Ivory Moon.” I growled out. The others were on my heels as I left the room. My father and beta met us in the hallway. Both looked sympathetic to my situation.

I knew my father felt guilty that this was all planned under his nose by his best friend, his beta. The one person he should have been able to trust without a doubt. And poor Finn just lost his sister and his father all in the same day.

“Father, you and Gamma Xander are in charge of the pack. Finn and I will be escorting the prisoners to Ivory Moon.”