Chapter 24 - The Lycan King's Gamma

Lycan Prince Hunter

I took the folder and turned my attention to Alpha Owen. He handed me his phone, and I looked at the screen. It was a picture of them at a party. Women surrounded him and his beta, but there was another man with them. He was tall and built like an alpha. He had lighter brown hair, which was cut short.

“Who is this?” I asked Alpha Owen.

“That’s Marc. He’s the alpha of the Opal Mountain pack. See the scar on his jaw.” Alpha Owen pointed out, and Rex let out a growl.

I threw the Alpha back his phone and opened up the file that security brought me. I scanned through the list until I found one Alpha Marc LeBlanc of the Opal Mountain pack.

“That fucker was here!” I growled out. I stormed out of the room and ripped my phone out of my pocket as I exited the building. Greyson picked up after the first ring.

“Hunter,” he answered.

“Find Alpha Marc LeBlanc of the Opal Mountain Pack.” I growled into my phone. I hung up and ran over to the pack house. I needed to get to my office to find out where this pack was located and why this Marc was even here. I also wanted to pull Kailen’s file. There is a sketch of her captor that was drawn when she first arrived here.

I’m pretty sure I broke the lock on my office door when I stormed in. There was no time to waste. I need to get to her now.

I turned my computer on before I pulled her file out from my desk drawer. The alpha and beta walked into my office just as I found the old sketch of the person who took Kailen for the first time.

I held it up for them both to see and you could see the realization on their faces. It looked just like the picture of him that the alpha had shown me.

“Fucken Bastard.” Alpha Owen growled out. He took a seat in front of my desk. His beta sat down in the other seat beside his alpha.

I started searching for anything that was related to Marc LeBlanc or the Opal Mountain pack. I had to find some kind of trace of him in our pack.

“Is this her file?” Alpha Owen asked, and I nodded. I closed it up and slid it over to him. I knew he wanted to read it.

“Have you both been to the Opal Mountain pack?” I asked them, still looking at my monitor. I was sitting there in only shorts. I was so consumed with finding Kailen. After getting up from my seat, I walked over to the cabinet and threw on a hoodie.

“We haven’t been there. It’s been about a year since we have seen him. He took over from his father around three years ago. I heard that the pack was in the red and he’s been working hard ever since to get into the black. He’s done very well, from what I’ve heard.” Alpha Owen explained, as I sat back down.

“Can you find it on the map?” I asked, and they both nodded. I had a map hung on the left wall. Both of them stood up and went to look over the map.

I turned my attention back to my computer. I put Opal Mountain pack in the search bar. I was surprised at what popped up.

“Alpha Owen, do you know Kailen’s old pack?” I asked him.

“I don’t remember. I’m sure she told me, but I can’t recall it.” He answered.

“Why, what did you find?” He asked me.

“I found her parents. They were the former Alpha and Luna of the Opal Mountain pack.” I told them.

“That actually makes sense. Her wolf was white, but she also looked like an Opal in the sunlight.” Alpha Owen said. And he was right. I always thought that she was beautiful, but her wolf did look like an opal.

I read further, and it says that her mother was the one that inherited the pack from her father and mother.

The reports say that when Drake LeBlanc challenged Kailen’s father and won, after his, Luna killed herself. No one knew what happened to their daughter.

Why are the women in her family so important to them? I know she’s beautiful, but this was personal. He had been stalking her. He knew where she came from and he wanted her, like his father wanted her mother.

I stood up from my desk and walked over to the map on my wall. Alpha Owen put a pin in the location of the pack. There’s no way he drove out of here. It would be at least a three-day drive.

Greyson and Zach threw my office door open and rushed in.

“We know how he got her out of the pack, and you’re not going to like it.” Greyson rushed out.

“Plane?” I asked him and he raised an eyebrow at me.

“How?” I asked him. I pointed at the map.

“It’s too far to drive.” I told him. And he huffed.

“He had a chopper ready, and before we could even alert the border warriors, he took off with her. We tracked the chopper to an airstrip just outside the pack and there was a private jet waiting for them.” Greyson explained, and I let out a growl.

“There’s an airport about three hours away from his pack. I’m sure that’s where he’ll be landing.” Alpha Owen informed us.

“What time is it?” I asked.

“It’s been about three hours, Hunter.” Zach sighed, and I pulled my hair in frustration.

“They should be landing about now. Alpha Owen, do you know where the airport is located?” I asked him.

“I’ve never been. He would always come to our pack or we would meet up. I only know where his pack is located because of the pitch he made about investing in his company.” Alpha, Owen explained.

“Zach, go to your office and find that airport.” I commanded, and he rushed out of the room.

“Hunter, what have you found out?” Greyson asked me. I was still standing by the map.

“It’s up on the monitor,” I told him. He sat down, and I noticed Alpha Owen and Beta Finn standing behind him. They were also reading what was up on the monitor.

“Opal Mountain is Kailen’s pack.” Greyson commented. I was still looking over the map. A massive mountain range surrounded the area. I was trying to figure out where the best place for an airstrip would be.

“I think we need to contact Cathy. This seems to be tied to Kailen’s mother,” Greyson said.

“I’ll give her a call.” Alpha Owen said. It surprised me that he would even have her number. He pulled out his phone and I took a seat across from my desk. Greyson was still strolling through the information. I needed him to find something that I had missed. My mind is racing and I’m finding it hard to focus as my anxiety grows. We needed to find her before he had a chance to do anything to her.

“Rex, what the hell are we going to do?” I asked my wolf.

“The bond is almost complete. I can feel her fear. She needs us.” He said, and the knots in my stomach grew.

Alpha Owen sat in the chair beside me and put his phone on speaker. It took a few rings, but Cathy finally picked up the phone.

“Alpha Owen, what can I do for you?” She greeted her alpha.

“Cathy, I need information on the Opal Mountain pack. We know that was Kailen’s former pack and her mother and father were the alpha and luna.” Alpha Owen said, and I heard the sigh that she let out.

“That’s correct, Alpha Owen,” She told him.

“Why was it never reported?” I asked her.

“Prince Hunter, I didn’t realize you were there as well.” She commented.

“Its fine. We don’t have time for formalities.” I told her.

“Okay. I never reported her, because I was trying to keep her safe. I knew they would come after her.” She answered my question.

“And why would they do that? Wasn’t the challenge over the pack?” I asked her.

“The challenge was over the Luna. There’s a reason the pack is called Opal Mountain. The Luna wolves have all been bigger and stronger than regular Luna wolves. And if you have seen Kailen’s wolf, you would have noticed that her wolf sparkles like an opal.” she said sorrowfully.

“I don’t understand. I have met her wolf, and she is bigger but not noticeable, in my opinion.” I told her.

“She has to be in her packlands. I don’t understand it, and her mother didn’t as well. But if she was too ever go back to Opal Mountain, her wolf would be the size of or bigger than an Alpha. Luna’s have always run that pack for that reason. The Lunas were always stronger than their mates.” She explained. It explains why she was able to get through all the training and she can even kick my ass.

“Alpha Owen, is everything okay with Kailen?” Cathy asked, worried.

“She has been taken by the now Alpha of the Opal Mountain pack,” he answered and she gasped.

“That Alpha Marc?” she asked.

“Yes, Cathy. We believe that he’s the same person that took her before.” I explained, and I could hear her crying on the phone.

“There’s a secret passage. You enter under a waterfall. It’s located in the Opal Mountain peak valley. It’s a massive waterfall, and it’s difficult to get behind it. Her father built it when he started to receive threats.” Cathy told us through her tears.

“Cathy, was there ever an airstrip near the pack when you were there?” I asked her.

“There was one about three hours south of the pack. I’m not sure if it is still there.” She answered.

“Thank you Cathy, all of this information will be useful.” I told her.

“Prince Hunter, do not let him mark her. I suspect that he wants her to carry his pups. There has never been a male child born into her family, ever. If a male is born, he will be the strongest Alpha ever born.” she said, and I let out a growl. That’s why he bought her. He wants to have pups with her.

Alpha Owen said his goodbyes to Cathy while I was stuck in my head. What the hell will he do to her when he finds out that I have marked her and that she can’t have pups?

“So we just need to find her before he can mark her and get her pregnant.” Alpha Owen stated, and I let out a growl.

“She can’t get pregnant because of what that bastard did to her before.” I growled out. I stood up from my seat and started pacing the room. I was furious that I let this happen.

“Hunter, what are you saying?” Greyson asked me. Before I could answer him, a sharp pain ripped through my chest. It felt like I was being stabbed over and over again. I was panting as I leaned against the wall. Greyson was now beside me.

“Rex, what’s happening?” I asked my wolf.

“He’s touching our mate.” He whimpered. I let out a murderous growl. If I was furious before, I am now.

“Hunter, what’s wrong?” Greyson asked me as Zach entered my office.

“He’s touching her. He’s touching my mate.” I yelled.

“Hunter, I found the airstrip.” Zach informed me.

“We need jets and we need warriors. We are leaving within the hour.” I told them. The pain had subsided, but my fury was still on the surface. Rex wanted to shift and rip everyone apart.

“I’ll meet you at the airstrip.” I told them, leaving my office.