Chapter 32 - The Lycan King's Gamma

Lycan Prince Hunter

Kailen and I spent four wonderful days at our beach house until we had to go home. I was over the moon at the fact that she agreed to marry me and that our bond was now fully forged, bonding us for life. It was amazing to finally fully be connected to her. I can feel her through the bond and I can also mindlink her outside being in wolf form. I really didn’t want to leave our little piece of paradise, but we both needed to get back to our responsibilities.

We both had classes, and I had some important meetings I couldn’t miss or reschedule. And I knew that Kailen wanted to get back to her class. She loves Greyson and Zach, but not with her class. They are a couple of goofballs when they are in charge of a bunch of teenagers. Class was never boring with these two, that’s for sure.

We arrived back in the pack yesterday evening. I was now waiting in my father’s office. He asked me to meet him before our next meeting started. Kailen was in class this morning and I knew that after, she would have a bunch of work to get caught up with. I made sure I hid her phone when we were gone so she would just relax and not worry about all the crap back here.

My father finally entered, with my Uncle Andrew, my father’s younger brother. Following my uncle was his son, Jake. I stood up from my seat and greeted them, while wondering what they were doing here. My uncle had his own part of our kingdom. My grandfather spilt up his kingdom so both his sons would rule. I personally don’t deal with much of their side of the kingdom. My father usually handles all the matters, as his brother is more of an alpha than a king. My father is hoping that Jake will step up to take over for his father and take that position more seriously.

“Uncle Andrew, Jake, what do we owe this pleasure?” I asked, shaking both of their hands.

“We heard that you are officially marked. We wanted to meet our future Queen.” My uncle answered. I looked at my father, but he said nothing.

“Kailen is in class at the moment, but I’m sure we could all have dinner tonight, if you two are staying?” I asked him. We all took a seat in my father’s sitting area.

“That would be wonderful. I’d love to meet the woman that finally tamed you, nephew.” My uncle exclaimed.

“Father, that is not why we are here.” Jake growled out.

“Jake, you have a problem with meeting my mate?” I asked him.

“Son, there seems to be an issue regarding Kailen, Opal Mountain, and her mate.” My father said.

“Father, what issue?” I asked him. I hid my emotions, but my stomach was now in knots.

“She’s supposed to be my mate.” Jake said, handing me a piece of paper.

“Father, I don’t understand. What is this?” I asked him.

“It seems that Kailen’s father promised his daughter to Andrew’s first son. It was a deal that was made before either was born.” My father explained.

“Jake, Kailen and I are marked and mated. And I will never reject her.” I told him firmly.

“Then it would seem that I’m now the alpha of Opal Mountain.” Jake shrugged.

“Jake, what the hell is this really about?” I asked him.

“We believed that his daughter was dead, but now, after claiming Opal Mountian, we now know that she is his long-lost daughter. And this agreement means that she is my mate. Or if they did not produce a daughter, I would become Alpha of Opal Mountian.” He explained.

“Why the hell would you want to be an alpha of one small northern pack, when you reside over many?” I asked him and he shrugged.

“Why not? Or you could just keep them both and hand over your title to the throne.” he shrugged. Is this asshat for real? I have the girl and the kingdom. Kailen was thinking about handing over Opal Mountain to Thomas. So the agreement would be void.

“And Uncle, why was this agreement made?” I turned my attention over to him.

“It was an agreement to strengthen our bloodline. We are of royal blood and their alpha females are stronger than the average Luna. I also helped with some pack business over the years. I may or may not have helped in that battle that happened almost 20 years ago,” my uncle said.

“Andrew.” My father growled out, but I was more interested in the things that pertained to Kailen.

“And what would have happened if you didn’t produce a son?” I asked him. If his son gets Opal Mountain, what would Kailen get in this situation?

“Nothing. This was all agreed upon because of my help. I agreed to help if he gave my son his daughter. I know the legends around Opal Mountain. My grandson would have been unstoppable.” My uncle answered.

“Hunter, what is Andrew talking about?” My father asked me, confused. I didn’t tell him what Thomas had told me about Kailen’s bloodline. She believed she couldn’t carry a child, and I didn’t want her to feel any extra pressure.

“There is a legend that if the Luna of Opal Mountain was to give birth to a son, that he would be the most powerful werewolf ever born. From the beginning of the Opal Mountain pack, their lunas have only had daughters. Their wolves are white, of course, but they are also much stronger than their alphas. I was told that the Luna protects the pack with her alpha.” I told him.

“And Kailen is now their alpha.” My father commented, and I nodded.

“Technically, that is true, but she is thinking of handing the pack over to the acting alpha and her father’s beta, Thomas.” I told him.

“But that doesn’t change her blood.” Jake said, and I glared at him.

“Opal Mountain is within our borders and can not just be sold without our knowledge. That in itself would void this agreement. And Kailen is mine, regardless of blood. So, that is why you are here? You want her to give you a son?” I asked him.

“And she’s fucken hot. And I get to piss you off, so it’s a win-win for me.” I growled at him.

“Kailen is not some possession. You can’t just come into my pack and demand that I hand over my mate. Kailen also doesn’t own Opal Mountain, so you can take up this agreement with Alpha Thomas.” I told them, standing from my seat. I’ve heard enough of this. Kailen isn’t property, and I was also never letting her go.

“Afraid of a little competition, Cousin?” Jake stood up, challenging me.

“If you like, we can make this a real challenge and I can kill you on the training field.” I told him.

“Now, boys, there’s no need for any of this. We are all family here. Jake, Hunter is right. She is marked and mated and we have to respect that.” My uncle defended me.

“Why don’t we let Kailen decide?” Jake said with a smirk, and I almost laughed in his face. Kailen didn’t even choose her goddess-given mate over me. He stood no chance with her.

“I guess we will see you both at dinner,” I answered.

“Father, we have that meeting.” I reminded him before I left his office. I could feel Kailen trying to push through into my thoughts.

“Beautiful?” I opened up the link.

“Hunter, are you okay? You felt off.” She asked.

“Yeah, I’m okay. I guess my uncle is in town and wants to meet you. We have dinner planned for this evening,” I told her.

“Oh. But that doesn’t explain the emotions that I was feeling. Something happened.” she said.

“I’ll tell you before we go for dinner. I have to head into a meeting. I love you and I’ll see you after.” I told her.

“I love you, Hunter.” She told me before I closed the link.

Greyson and Zach were already seated in the conference room when I entered. I sat down between them and Greyson leaned in.

“What happened?” He asked, and I let out a sigh.

“Jake happened.” I told him and he nodded. They both knew him and they both knew that he was chasing after the throne. I wouldn’t give Jake the throne. He may be next in line, technically, but I don’t trust him not to run our kingdom into the ground.

“Why the hell would he even be here?” Zach asked.

“It’s a long story. Let’s just get this meeting over.”