Chapter 33 - The Lycan King's Gamma

Gamma Kailen Steele

Hunter was busy all afternoon, so I wasn’t able to talk to him about why he was feeling upset earlier. He said his uncle was in town, but I found that odd. I’ve never heard him speak about his uncle and I only know that he has one because of pack history. Hunter’s grandfather had two sons and broke the kingdom into two parts so that each son would have a piece to rule. Well, it didn’t work out that way. King Henry takes care of both territories, his brother Prince Andrew is more of an alpha. I don’t think Prince Andrew wanted to be king, but he couldn’t say no to his father.

Anyway, now I’m on my way to the restaurant alone to meet them. The restaurant was really fancy, so I dressed up to make a good impression, meeting Hunter’s family. I decided to wear a high-waisted black pencil skirt that fell right below my knees, with a dusty rose surplice blouse with lantern sleeves. I pair the look with a pair of nude heels. I didn’t like to wear heels often, but I figured tonight I would get dressed up. My makeup was light, but my lips were red. I curled my hair and left it flowing down my back. When I pulled up in front of the restaurant, I checked myself in the rearview mirror before stepping out of my vehicle.

“Gamma Steele, good to see you.” the young valet driver smiled. I returned the smile and handed him my keys before I headed into the restaurant. I was feeling kind of nervous until I saw Hunter. He was wearing a deep navy suit, looking very sexy. And I instantly just wanted to take him home. He must have changed at the office. When Hunter noticed me, his face lit up, which melted my heart. He was so much sexier with a smile on his face.

“You look gorgeous as always, Baby.” He greeted me. He wrapped an arm around my back, pulling me into his chest. He crushed his lips to mine in a quick but lust-filled kiss. I could hear some gasps from the surrounding people, but I just ignored them.

“Ready?” He asked me, as he led me to our table. He had his hand on the small of my back the whole time, earning us some stares and whispers. I think people forget that we all have very good hearing.

“Hunter, is everything okay?” I mind linked to him.

“It is now that you are here.” He answered, but I noticed that his body tensed when I asked him. After almost four years, I knew this man all too well. And I knew when something was bothering him.

Hunter led me to the back of the restaurant to a private room. He opened the door for me and I entered to find three men seated around a table. One I knew to be King Henry. I assume the other older man is his brother, Prince Andrew. But who was the younger man seated beside Prince Andrew?

All the men stood up to greet me. King Henry gave me a side hug and a kiss on my cheek.

“You look lovely, my dear.” He said before introducing me to the other two men.

“Kailen, I’d like you to meet my brother, Andrew, and his son, Jake.” I shook both of their hands, giving them a smile.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you both,” I told them. Hunter led me over to the table, pulling out my chair for me. He’s such a gentleman. He seated me between his father and himself while his uncle and cousin sat across from us. Hunter rested his arm on the back of my chair while my hand found his thigh.

“So, Kailen, you’re a gamma for Henry?” Prince Andrew asked me, while his son was watching me intently. I just put on a smile and ignored that tugging feeling in the pit of my stomach.

“I am, yes.” I answered him.

“Isn’t it against the rules to sleep with your boss?” Jake asked, and Hunter let out a growl. I squeezed his thigh to let him know that I was okay. I figured these types of questions would come up.

“Jake!” Both Andrew and Henry exclaimed.

“Yes, it is against the rules, unless they are your mate. But technically, Hunter isn’t my boss, his father is,” I answered.

“I see you get that question a lot.” he smirked.

“Anything else you’d like me to clear up?” I asked him, politely, but firm.

“Fiesty, I like that in a woman.” He said.

“Kailen, Henry has been telling me that you are teaching,” Andrew asked, changing the subject. I nodded.

“Yes, Kailen, please tell us all about what you do, besides my cousin here.” Jake said, putting his elbows on the table, leaning forward.

“Jake, fuck off.” Hunter warned him.

“Hunter, calm down. I’m just trying to get to know our future queen. I’m sure the sex isn’t the only reason why she’s wearing that massive rock on her finger.” Jake commented, and I looked down at my hand.

“Ignore him, Beautiful.” Hunter said through the link. I looked up at him and nodded. I turned my attention back to the table.

“I am a teacher. Pack history and training is what I teach. I also investigate murders and major crimes. And what is it that you do, Jake?” I asked him.

“I do the same as Hunter,” he answered quickly, before downing his drink. I think I hit a nerve.

“Oh, that must be quite exciting.” I smiled before taking a sip of my drink. Hunter had already ordered for me.

“And what are you going to do when Hunter becomes King, princess?” Jake asked me.

“Jake, there is no rush. Hunter won’t be taking over for another few years. And Kailen is one of the best teachers and trainers that we have. If she would like to keep her position, I’d be happy to make that happen.” King Henry answered.

“Thank you, my king. We haven’t decided anything yet.” I said to King Henry with a smile.

“So you are just going to abandon your pack, then?” Jake said. Hunter slammed his fist on the table, making me jump.

“Jake, if you don’t stop interrogating my mate, we are leaving.” Hunter growled out. He pulled me to his side.

“I didn’t mean to scare you, Beautiful.” he whispered before kissing my temple.

“I just want to make sure that she is the best option. That she is prime queen material.” Jake defended.

“And that’s not for you to decide. It’s my decision. I’m the one that’s going to be King.” Hunter told him, downing his drink. I rubbed my hand on his thigh, trying to calm him down. His cousin really likes to poke the big bad wolf.

“Son, that’s enough. Let’s just enjoy dinner as a family.” Andrew told his son.

“It would seem that you have everyone under your spell, princess.” Jake smirked.

“Or maybe they just have good taste,” I told him with a smile.

The rest of dinner was uneventful, but I was so glad when it was over and Hunter was driving us back home. He held my hand while he navigated his way to the royal house. I guess his uncle and cousin will be staying for a few days on the alpha floor. Hunter brought my hand to his lips.

“You look beautiful.” He told me.

“Thank you, Baby.” I told him, smiling at him.

“I’m sorry about tonight,” he sighed.

“Hunter, you have nothing to apologize for. I’m a big girl and I can handle myself. But thank you for your support.”, I told him. He squeezed my hand. I knew I would always be safe with Hunter by myself. It wasn’t until we were home and getting ready for bed did I ask him what he wanted to tell me earlier. His ass of a cousin distracted me.

“Hunter, what did you want to tell me earlier?” I asked him, while I snuggled in beside him. He let out a breath before he answered.

“It’s something about your past,” he said. I instantly sat up to look at him.

“Explain.” I told him.

“Before I explain anything, I want you to know that I love you and I’m never letting you go.” He said, and now I was scared. What the hell could have happened? What could he have learned that would make me question his love for me?

“Hunter, you’re scaring me,” I whispered. I could feel my emotions starting to bubble to the surface.

“No, Baby, I’m sorry. Fuck. I don’t know how to tell you.” he rushed out. He pulled me back into his chest.

“It has nothing to do with our relationship, okay?” he said, and I nodded.

“Then what is it?” I mumbled into his chest.

“My cousin is claiming that you are his mate,” Hunter sighed. I sat up again and looked at him, stunned.

“Why the fuck would he think that?” I exclaimed.

“Because of an agreement that his father had with your father,” he answered, and my mind was racing. How can I be part of an agreement?

“Hunter, you are going to have to give me more than that,” I told him.

“Before you were born, your father needed my uncle’s help. The agreement was in exchange for my uncle’s help. Your father’s daughter would be mated to my uncle’s first son. If a daughter was not produced, then the pack would be handed over in lieu of it.” Hunter explained. I could feel myself starting to panic as my heart rate increased and my breathing became shallow. How could my father just sell his own daughter?

Hunter wrapped his arms around me, sparks exploding all over my body from his touch on my bare skin.

“Hunter, please don’t let him take me?” I begged with tears in my eyes, looking up at him.

“He would have to kill me, Beautiful. You are mine, and I’m never letting you go.”