Chapter 35 - The Lycan King's Gamma

Lycan Prince Hunter

I hated myself for leaving Kailen, especially since she was in heat. I didn’t think that she’d ever go into heat and the thought of us having a pup excited me. I know it may not happen, but her going into heat was a good sign.

I left the apartment to find Greyson and Zach waiting in the hallway. I looked over at both of them and they scrunched up their noses.

“Why does your place smell like sex and what is that?” Zach asked, and I let out a laugh.

“Kailen is in heat,” I said and both of them looked at me, stunned. I started to make my way out of the royal house with them on my heels.

“Wait, you have to explain. And why the hell are you leaving her?” Greyson yelled out. I turned around, and they both stopped in their tracks.

“Will both of you keep it down? I told Kailen to let me know if she needed me. She is sleeping right now. And I don’t want to make a big deal out of this, if she doesn’t get pregnant. I don’t want her to blame herself. Okay?” I scolded them and both of them nodded, before Zach put up his hand like a child.

“Yes, Zach?” I breathed out.

“How’s heat sex? Was it better?” He asked, grinning like a dork.

“Not better, more intense.” I answered.

“Now let’s go. I’d like to get this over with,” I told them. I turned on my heel and headed to one of the conference rooms. My father would be waiting.

I walked into the conference room to find that everyone was indeed waiting for us. Alpha Evan of the Night River pack was sitting beside my father. His beta and gamma were sitting beside him. I took the seat across from my father. Zach and Greyson sat on either side of me. Zach and Greyson’s fathers were also present, as they are my father’s beta and gamma.

“Lycan Prince Hunter, it’s good to see you.” Alpha Evan greeted me.

“You as well, Alpha Evan. What brings you all the way to Ivory Moon?” I asked him and he sighed.

“The rogue attacks have been getting out of control. And it’s not just my pack. All the packs in the area have teamed up, but we still are unable to get the attacks under control,” he answered.

“Have there been any deaths?” I asked him, and he nodded.

“There have been three she wolves killed and all of them were under the age of twenty-five years old,” he answered.

“Just from your pack?” I asked him.

“Yes, and I know the others have had a few dead girls as well,” he answered.

“Son, we should get Gamma Kailen to investigate.” My father commented.

“Kailen isn’t available at the moment, but I’ll get her the files and we can come up with a plan.” I told them.

“Gamma Kailen? As in your mate?” Alpha Evan asked me, and I nodded.

“Isn’t she the Alpha of Opal Mountain?” His beta asked me.

“Where did you hear that?”

“Prince Andrew and his son were telling us how there’s a pack with a female alpha. We had a meeting with them before we came here.” Alpha Evan answered.

“Everything said in this room is confidential. Assume everything that you’ve heard is rumors,” I commented.

“Yes, Prince Hunter. We didn’t mean to offend you or your mate.” The Alpha apologized.

“I’m just protecting my mate. And I’m sure you understand that, Alpha Evan.” I told him and he nodded. My father slid a file across the table to me.

“What’s this?” I asked him before I opened the file.

“It’s the victims,” he said.

I opened the file, and I was shocked to find three she wolves that looked similar to Kailen. Greyson and Zach leaned over to look at the file and both of them looked at me, thinking the same thing.

“Is something wrong, Prince Hunter? Do you know any of them?” Alpha Evan asked me.

“I don’t recognize them. They all just look similar.” I stated, and he nodded.

“That’s what we were thinking, but all attacks seem random, and rogues don’t usually work together.” The alpha said.

“Is there anything else connecting these women?” Greyson asked.

“They all went to the same school, but graduated in different years and they didn’t run in the same crowds. As of right now, the only thing connecting them is that they were killed in a rogue attack.” His gamma clarified.

“I assume we have a list of all the other packs. We will get a list of all the victims and we will get Gamma Kailen to look into this matter.” I told them.

“Thank you, my King, Prince Hunter.”

“Was there anything else? I know you have a long trip a head of you.” I asked him.

“Nothing that can’t wait. These attacks have put my pack on edge. Most are afraid to leave their homes, especially the shewolves. I want our pack safe again,” Alpha Evan said, and I nodded.

“I assure you that Gamma Kailen is the best investigator that we have. If anyone can figure this out, it’s her.” My father said, and I felt proud of my mate. She really was the best. If I was ever killed, I would want her to investigate my murder.

“We appreciate you making the time to see us. If Gamma Kailen needs anything else, she can contact me personally. We will take our leave.” We all stood up, betting them safe travel and such.

After they left, I sat back down to look over the rest of the file. All of these she wolves were in well-populated areas when they were attacked. They all happened in the cover of the night, but there would have been plenty of others around. It didn’t make sense that they would attack in such an open area. And then there was the fact that it would seem that the rogues were working together, like a pack.

“Hunter, what are you thinking?” My father asked, sitting back down.

“This just doesn’t make sense. It’s like they are looking for someone. But why kill them?” I thought out loud.

“And why are the rogues organizing like a pack?” Greyson chimed in.

“And why do these victims look like Kailen? That can’t be a coincidence,” Zach said.

“I’ll show Kailen all of this, but it may have to wait a few days,” I said.

“Is she alright?” My father asked, and before I could answer, Zach did.

“She’s in heat.”

“What?” My father exclaimed. And I could punch Zach.

“She’s in heat.” I told him.

“Then why the fuck are you here?” he exclaimed.

“She was sleeping when I left, and I can feel her. She’s okay.” I told him.

“When did it start?” He asked. He wanted a grandpup badly.

“Last night. But Dad, you already know the odds. So if nothing comes from it, keep your disappointment to yourself.” I told him.

“I would never say anything. I know her medical history. But seriously, why are you here and not trying? The more you try, the better your odds. Now get!” He yelled at me. And when I didn’t move fast enough, he just kept telling me to move faster.

“I’m going, I’m going. Greyson bring the rest of the files over.” I told him before I left. My phone rang in my pocket before I could enter the royal house. I ignored the call when I saw it was Jake. I wasn’t in the mood to deal with him after last night.

I entered our flat to find Kailen on her computer sitting on the couch. After closing the door, I flapped on the couch beside her. Her scent wasn’t as potent as it was this morning.

“You okay?” She asked me.

“I should be asking you that.” I told her, pulling her into my arms.

“Yeah, I think the heat is over.” She told me, sounding disappointed.

“Shouldn’t a heat last longer?” I asked her. From what I knew, it should be about three days, not eight hours.

“To be honest, Hunter, I never thought I’d actually have a heat. But I can make an appointment. I just don’t want you to get your hopes up.” She sighed, and I squeezed her closer to me.

“Kailen, whatever happens, happens. Either way, I have you and that is all I need.” I told her.

“I love you so much, Baby.” She mumbled into my chest. I don’t think I’ll ever get sick of the way she calls me baby.

“I love you, Beautiful.” I whispered, before kissing her forehead.

My phone started to ring, and I let out a groan. I knew who was calling, and I didn’t want to answer. The name I was hoping wasn't calling me again was the one I pulled out my phone to see. I ignored his call again. I didn’t realize I let out a growl until Kailen asked me what was wrong.

“It’s nothing, Beautiful.” I told her. I didn’t want to talk about Jake right now. She gave me a pointed look but didn’t say anything. Instead, I changed the subject.

“What have you been up to?”

“I’ve been working, but I’m starving now.” She told me.

“Well, I have the rest of the day off, so how about we order in.” I told her and her face lit up.

“That would be wonderful. What do you feel like eating?” she asked me, innocently. Nothing I wanted to eat was food.

“You.” I said, pulling her into my lap so she was straddling me.

“How about you feed me first, and then you can play with me?” She whispered, licking my bottom lip. My hips bucked as I grinded my very hard dick into her core.

“That wasn’t very nice,” I groaned out.

“I thought you liked it when I was naughty.” She whispered in my ear, causing me to shiver. Goosebumps erupted all over my body.

“Keep it up and you won’t be eating.” I warned her, as she moved her hips down into me, licking up my neck.

“I guess I can wait,” she moaned out. I swear I will never get sick of this woman.

I crushed my lips to hers before I stood up, carrying her into the bedroom. It’s a good thing I have the afternoon off. I don’t think we are leaving this bedroom.