Chapter 36 - The Lycan King's Gamma

Gamma Kailen Steele

After spending the entire afternoon and night with Hunter, I didn’t want him to leave this morning. I now hate how much we both have to work. My heat was now over and I made an appointment to see the doctor. I didn’t want to get my hopes up, but I prayed that something came from this. Not just for Hunter. I really wanted to be a mother. And being in heat has given me some hope that it could be possible.

Before Hunter left this morning, he mentioned he had a recent case for me. He was going to bring everything to my office this afternoon after my class. I was curious to learn about the case. It must be important if the King and Prince were made aware of it. Hopefully, I can solve it quickly. I really didn’t want to be away from Hunter.

I decided my students needed to get some fresh air today. I changed my lessons to the training field. My students were just arriving, as I was already ready and waiting for them on the training field. After all of my students were ready, I started my lesson.

“So, I decided we needed some fresh air this morning. And I promised I would kick some asses, so we are going to pair up and the last man standing gets to fight me.” I told them.

“And what do we get if we win?” Mr. Cooper yelled out.

“You don’t need to worry about that.” I told him with a smirk.

“Now pair up and spread out.” I called out. I walked around the pairs, correcting their moves as I went.

“Fancy seeing you here.” I jumped before realizing that Jake was standing beside me.

“Oh, Hi Jake.” I breathed out, grabbing my chest.

“I didn’t mean to scare you.” He said, while I tried to calm down my breathing.

“No, it’s fine. I just wasn’t expecting you,” I told him. My students were down to the top two. Cooper vs. Carter, now this should be interesting.

“Excuse me.” I told Jake before I walked over to my students.

“Now, I want a fair fight. If you choose to be an ass, I’ll make you run for the rest of the week.” I told them.

“Begin.” I yelled out. I moved back to watch them, and Jake moved to my side again.

“You fighting the winner?” He asked me.

“I am.” I answered, trying to pay close attention to the two future alphas, battling it out. Both of them were fantastic. And it was going to be a close fight.

“So, this is what you do all day?” He asked me.

“When it’s nice outside,” I shrugged.

“And it looks like we have a winner!” I exclaimed. Cooper had Carter pinned. Cooper let go of Carter, helping him up.

“It is okay, Carter. Now it’s my turn.” I told him, giving Cooper a smirk.

The class cheered while Cooper and I circled each other in our fighting stance.

“There’s time to tapout.” I told him, watching his moves intently.

“Not a chance.” He said before he swung his right fist. I ducked, swiping my leg, taking him to the ground. I stepped back to give him space to get back to his feet.

“You’ll have to do better than that.” I told him, getting back into my stance. I could see that he was getting frustrated.

“Cooper, take a breath. Calm your senses.” I told him. I let him have a moment before I made the first move.

I faked right, punching towards his left side. Cooper moved out of the way, just in time for me to spin, and hit him square in the chest, knocking the air from his lungs. He was definitely going to bruise. He started coughing and holding his chest.

“Fuck, you hit hard.” He breathed out.

“When you are in training with a bunch of powerful men that can knock you out with one hit, you learn to hit hard.” I told him.

“Are you okay?” I asked him after he collected himself. The other students were still cheering and taunting.

“Yeah, I just wasn’t expecting that,” Cooper said.

“Okay, class, pay attention. This just became a lesson.” I yelled out.

“Cooper, I’m going to show you how to counter that move, even winded.” I told him and he nodded. We both moved into our positions.

“So, if I’m here and I’m about to hit you in the chest, what do you think you should do?” I asked him.

“Block?” He answered.

“That, but there’s something better. Change positions with me and I’ll show you.” I told him. He took mine while I took his position. I could see the class and even Jake watching us intently.

“Now hit me.” I told him.

Cooper hit me square in the chest. I moved my body lower, using his momentum, flipping him over my shoulder. He landed with a thud as he hit the ground, hard. As he was lying there, I could catch my breath.

“Are you okay?” I asked him, leaning over him.

“Yeah,” he wheezed out.

“Nice hit,” I told him, rubbing the spot that he hit.

“Did I lose?” He breathed out.

“Did you learn something?” I asked him, and he nodded. He was still lying on his back.

“And what did you learn, Mr. Cooper?” I asked him.

“Never piss off Gamma Steele,” he answered, and I laughed.

“Come on, big guy.” I told him, helping him up. Mr. Carter came over and slapped Mr. Cooper on the back.

“I’m glad you bet me.” Mr. Carter told him, laughing.

“Thanks,” Mr Cooper groaned.

“You all did fantastic today.” I yelled out.

“Now go run ten laps.” I heard Hunter yell out. I turned around to find him walking towards me. When he reached me, he wrapped an arm around my back, pulling me into his chest. He crushed his lips to mine in front of my entire class. They started cheering and whistling. Hunter pulled out of the kiss, leaving me stunned.

“That doesn’t sound like running.” he yelled out. I could hear the students take off while I watched Hunter.

“I missed you.” He whispered after the students ran off to complete their laps.

“How are you?” I asked him, wrapping my arms around his waist.

“Better,” he said, kissing my forehead.

“Hate to break up this super sweet moment, but Hunter, why have you been ignoring my calls?” Jake asked him. I forgot he was even here.

“I didn’t want to talk to you.” Hunter told him, and I’m surprised at Hunter’s bluntness.

“Oh, don’t be like that, cousin. A healthy competition hurts no one,” Jake said.

“Hunter, what is he talking about?” I asked him.

“He thinks he has a chance with you,” Hunter sighed. I looked at Hunter and then at Jake.

“Did you miss the mark on my neck?” I asked him, and he smirked.

“And before you mention anything about that contract, I’m still investigating. And you can’t own me, regardless of what the contract says.” I told him, firmly.

“What ever you say, princess. I’ll be seeing you again,” he said before turning on his heel and walking away.

I had an intense episode of déjà vu. I’ve heard that saying in that voice before, but I couldn’t place it. My mind was racing as I tried to remember. I was so lost in my mind that I didn’t notice that my breathing was shallow and I was having a panic attack.

“Beautiful, breath.” Hunter was saying when I finally came to my senses. I looked at him, and he was confused and concerned.

“What happened?” He asked me, pulling me into his chest.

“I don’t know.” I mumbled into his chest. My cheeks felt wet from tears. I don’t remember crying.

“I think you need a break, Beautiful.” Hunter said, pulling away to look at me.

“Hunter, I’m okay. I’ll get a coffee and go relax in my office. You told me about the case and I need to go over it.” I told him, and he raised an eyebrow at me.

“I promise, I’m okay. I also need to call Thomas and figure out this whole thing with Jake.” He sighed when I told him.

“Fine, coffee and then office. I’ll meet you there after I’m done here.” He told me.

“Bring more coffee?” I asked him.

“You may have a problem, but yes, I’ll bring more coffee,” he said. I leaned up and kissed his lips. I heard more whistles as the class was done with their laps.

“Have fun.” I told him before retrieving my things and heading to the coffee kiosk.

After, I made my way to my office. I opened my office door to find boxes and boxes of files. I pushed my lips into a line as I looked around my office.

“You owe me dinner.” I mindlinked Hunter. I sat down at my desk, wondering where I should start.

“I’ll have you.” Hunter’s voice filled my mind.

“After you help me clean up my office and bring me food,” I told him, and I could hear him laughing.

“Fine, I’ll see you soon, Beautiful.” He said before closing the link.

I sat back in my chair, drinking my coffee, feeling off from earlier. I wish I could remember why that felt so familiar. Sighing, I got to work. These files will not read and organize themselves. Hunter didn’t tell me much about the case, so I’m surprised to find that this was a massive murder case.

I took a map out of my desk and pinned it to a wall so I could map out where these rogues were coming from and where they were attacking. I found it odd that they were moving like a pack. And it wasn’t just one pack that they were attacking, it was several, all in the north-eastern territory. It was close to the Opal Mountain pack. I called Thomas and asked him if he knew anything about this and if someone had attacked them. I also needed to ask him about this deal my father made. Pulling out my phone I call him.

“Alpha Kailen, What can I do for you?” Thomas answered on the second ring.

“Thomas, you are the alpha now.” I reminded him.

“Only watching the pack for you alpha.” he told him and I sighed.

“Anyway, I was calling to see if the pack has had any recent rogue attacks?”

“Not since I’ve been here, but I can check the files,” he answered.

“Thank you, I appreciate it. Also, I have a question about a contract that my father had with Prince Andrew?”

“What have you heard?” He asked, sounding tense.

“His son, Prince Jake, is claiming that I’m his mate.” I told him and he growled out.

“I told your father not to make that deal. Before you were born, we were at war over some of our territory. Another pack was trying to push us out. Where we are located, we don’t have many alliances, so your father made a deal with Prince Andrew. If he was to help us, then his son was to be promised to his daughter. He knew he would have a daughter. Only females have been born to the alphas in this pack,” Thomas explained.

“So what does this mean? My father sold me to win a war?” I asked him and he sighed.

“I think he was thinking you would fall in love with him and never learn about the contract. But someone marked you before you knew of the contract, so I assume the contract is void.” He said.

“He’s claiming that, since I’m the alpha, that the contract still holds.” I told him.

“I guess that is up to the king to decide. And since you’re mated to his son, I don’t think you have anything to worry about.” He told me and I let out a breath.

“Thank you, Thomas. I’m a little disappointed in my father, but I understand he needed to protect his pack.”

“I know, Kailen. But everything worked out. And I’ll email you if I find any reports of rogue attacks.”

“Thank you, Thomas. Take care.” I told him before I ended the call.

Now that one issue is solved, I can focus on this massive case. This was indeed going to be a long night. Sighing, I got to work.