Chapter 8 - The Lycan King's Long Lost Princess

Hunters POV

Since the alphas arrived, we had a big dinner. The alpha talks about Jess nonstop. I almost stood up to leave. Or maybe it was to kill him. My head was so fuzzy from rage. So we’ll never know.

It’s 8 now. I’m sitting in the main hall waiting for Gamma William to arrive. All I can think about is her. Is she one of the children? She would’ve been around the age of the princess. Is she the princess?

“Our princess mate.”

I’m sitting here running over things in my head when gamma William walks in.

“What is it I can help you with, my king?” He asks raising an eyebrow.

“Can we go somewhere private to talk?” I asked.

“Yes, my king, this way.” I get up and follow him through the castle. We’re heading the way toward where I talked to Jess about her name. It seems this is the most empty part of the castle. Maybe her room is this way. That would explain why it’s so empty. Even with all the guests. Alpha doesn’t want anyone near her. We walk into a room across from the door she entered when the alpha was walking in.

We walk in, and he lights a few oil lamps. It’s a small office. There are bookshelves on every wall, all full of books. There’s a desk in the middle, and scattered papers on them. He seems very familiar with this office, it must be his.

“Okay, let me just get this started. I can see you don’t like the alpha one bit. Maybe even hate him. I’ve also seen the way you treat Jess. You’re always very kind to her and make sure she has what she needs.”

“Yes my king, may I ask what this is about?” He said looking confused.

“Well, I was wondering if I can trust you,” I asked, rubbing the back of my neck.

“Of course my king. You are well, the king. I’d never do anything to betray you.”

“Great. I need to know what you know about the Allaire massacre.” He looks stunned by my question.

“I have intel that alpha Jaden is connected. And that he’s the main one that orchestrated the whole thing. Is that true?”

“My king.. he will kill her.”

“Jess?” I asked confused.

“Yes, my king. Jess.” He replied. His heart is starting to beat fast, and I can smell his fear.

“I won’t allow that. I give you my word. I can see that you care for her. I just feel a certain way about her. I want to take her with me. So I promise, I will protect her with my last dying breath.”

“Yes, my king. Thank you.”

“Now tell me what you know.” Gamma William goes on to explain who was there at the massacre, and then he mentions the children.

“He took all the children. Most of them are dead now. He was unsure of who were wolves or Lycans, as both lived in the kingdom. There are 4 living children, Jess is one of them. She’s only alive because he took a special liking to her, and started pursuing her when she was 13. When she bloomed.”

“He touches mate. We can’t allow this. Just let me eat him.”

“He will pay with his life, Marcus. Just give it more time.

“What happened to the rest?” I asked getting mad as hell.

“He killed them all. Weeks before they shifted for the first time.” He said with sadness in his eyes.

“The main male servant is the one who showed you to your rooms. He’s about 17. There’s a boy by the stables he turns 14 in august. And then there’s a girl who helps Jess cook and clean some days, she will be 18 in July.”

“And the princess?” I asked.

“Unsure. No one knows what she looked like. There was one servant, but she was killed during the slaughter. Jess would be around the same age.”

“What date is the festival again?”

“21st of June” he replied

“Hmm. I’ll have my beta look into it. I don’t quite remember the princess's birthday. It’s been so long.”

“Also, the alpha has pictures and videos from the massacre. Not only did he kill them, but he also r*ped some of them as well. He took videos. I caught him.. you know.. to one of the videos and after, he threatened to kill me if I said a word. They’re either in his office, or his room.”

“Thank you, gamma William.”

“No problem. If you take Jess, I want to come. She’s my family.”

“I would be honored for you to join us in my kingdom,” I replied with a smile.

“Thank you for your time. I must be on my way.” I smacked his shoulder and started opening the door.

“Yes, my king. Thank you, again.”

We parted ways and I headed to my room to get a shower and change. I just have this feeling I need to be outside tonight.

A few hours later:

It’s half an hour before midnight. I’m outside on the patio under the awning, smelling nature and enjoying the night sky. For some reason, I can’t get Jess out of my mind. I’m so excited just thinking about her, my d**k is hard. I really hope she feels the sparks. When I touched her earlier after the whole beta female situation went down, I almost mated her right then. Thankfully I have a bit more control over myself. If it wasn’t for the situation she’s in, I would have.

I’m breathing in the trees and looking at the moon when I hear a heart racing. It’s got to be her. I turn and look at the door hearing it open. Then her smell hits me. I stand up as I watch her slowly inch out of the door and shut it.

“Mate. Claim her. Claim her.”

“Shut up Marcus. I’m working on it.”

She walks a few steps and I see her sniff the air. She turns and faces me, and before I can even think I’ve walked towards her, placed one hand on her waist and the other on the back of her neck pulling her into a deep kiss. She tastes absolutely amazing. She is definitely my mate.