Chapter 14 - The Lycan King's Long Lost Princess

Hunters POV:

I wake up to Jess still cuddling into me. I run my fingers up and down her arm breathing in her scent. How could I ever get this lucky? She’s the most perfect thing in the whole world.

I feel her stir and she moves away a little, looking up at me.

“Good morning my love,” I said, kissing the top of her head.

“Morning.” Is all she replied. I’m sure she’s still messed up over yesterday. Things like that don’t just disappear overnight.

“We will be leaving around noon. My beta, Mark has questioned the alpha about having you and the Allaire massacre, but he swears he doesn’t know anything. So until we have physical proof, we have to let him go.” I said. She looks up at me with sadness in her beautiful hazel eyes.

“Okay.” She gets up, heading to the bathroom. I wish there was something I could do to make it go away. To make her feel better.

“Jess?” She turns and looks at me.

“I’m here for you,” I say. She nods and closes the bathroom door behind her. I open a mind link with Mark.

“Still haven’t found anything?” I asked.

“No, we’ve looked everywhere. We have to let him out soon. He’s not giving up any information. We never mentioned the tapes in hopes that when he’s let out, he won’t destroy them.” He said.

“I don’t know man, I feel like he’s stupid enough to keep them. Sick f***er.”

“Yeah. So how’s our queen feeling this morning?” He asked.

“She’s only said like two words. She won’t talk to me. She’s not ready.” I said almost fighting back tears.

“Give her time, she’ll open up to you eventually.” I close the mind link. I sure hope she does.

Yes. What he said. Give her time. We have an eternity. Marcus said.

She comes out of the bathroom and looks at me, then I hear her stomach growl and she blushes a little.

“Hungry?” I asked with a smirk.

“Very.” She says.

“Are you up for going downstairs with me?” If she doesn’t want to, I’ll just have them bring it up.

“Yes, that’s fine.” She says as she heads for the door.

“Wait. You can’t go out in just my boxers. I like I have a pair of basketball shorts you could wear, they have a tie in the waistband.” I stand up and head to the dresser and get them out.

“Here you go. You can just throw them over the boxers.” She nods and slips them up her legs and ties them around her waist. If it didn’t have the tie, they’d fall straight off her body.

“I will walk with you to your room, or have a couple of guards take you to get your things,” I said.

Her eye twitches at that.

“What’s wrong?” I asked.

“Umm.. nothing.. it’s just, I don’t have much and the room.. it’s not really..” her cheeks pink up a little. I think she’s embarrassed? For what?

“It’s not really what?” I asked c*cking my eyebrow at her.

“A room. It’s not really a room.” She said looking at the ground.

“Then what is it?” I’m so confused right now.

“A, uhhh.. storage closet?”.

“A storage closet? That’s where you sleep?” I asked, my rage becoming visible and she backs away with her eyes wide.

“I’m sorry. I don’t mean to scare you. I’m not going to hurt you. It’s just.. how could they treat you this way?”

“I don’t know. It’s just always been this way.” She said while she fiddled with her fingers.

I literally can’t believe what I’m hearing. When I get the evidence I need, I’m going to rip his head off myself. But not before I torture him first.

“Do you have anything at all you want to bring?” I rubbed my hand over the back of my neck.

“I do have a couple of things.”

“Would you rather me go with you or a few guards?” I asked, hoping she would pick me.

“Umm.. you, if you wouldn’t mind.” She looked at me with big puppy eyes. How could anyone say no to that?

“Okay, we will go before we get some food, okay?” I walked towards her to grab her in for a hug. She flinched and I went to back away, but then she came into be holding me tight. I feel so complete when I’m touching her. Even just being near her is enough.

“Also, I know you lied about your name. I want you to tell me the truth, but in your own time. There’s no rush.” I said as played with her hair.

“Yes, my king.” She replied.

“I told you, call me Hunter.”

“Sorry, Hunter.” She said. I let her go and we walked towards the door. I opened it for her and motioned for her to go ahead.

We walked down the stairs and we headed to her little room. Storage closet. Whatever you want to call it. We got to the door and she looked back at me, telling me with her eyes to stay.

She grabbed a few things and stepped out, looking at me almost embarrassed. She shouldn’t be embarrassed, none of this is her fault. I look at what she’s holding; a toothbrush, what looks like a journal, a little stuffed bear, and a small backpack. I walk up to take the backpack and she hands it to me. I open it up, seeing that she already put some clothes in here. I assume that’s all she had.

“You can leave the toothbrush. We will get you a new one, and you can pick it out.” Her eyes kind of lit up at that.

“Can I brush first?” She asked.

“Of course. I wouldn’t keep you from brushing.” I laughed. I see a smile creep across her face. We walk towards the main hall, and she points to a door beside the main staircase. Which I assume is a bathroom. I nod and we walk towards it. I open the door and flip the switch. It’s a small little bathroom, probably for omegas or guests. She reaches for the bag and I open it. She grabs a small tube of toothpaste out of the inside side pocket and walks back in.

“I’ll give you your privacy. I’ll be right outside the door.” She nods and I shut the door. Mark walks up to me, and we step right around the corner to speak.

“Mathew is about to let the alpha out. We told him he gets to deal with the betas body.” He said.

“Okay. We’re about to get breakfast, I’m just waiting for her to brush her teeth. After we eat we’re going back upstairs for me to pack my things and then we’ll be ready to go.”

“Yes sir.” He replied.

Just then I hear an obnoxiously loud screech followed by a slap. I turn the corner to see the beta female standing too close to my mate, who is holding the side of her face.

“You killed him. You got my mate killed. I should kill you.” She screamed.