Chapter 11 - The Lycan King's Long Lost Princess

Hunters POV

I was talking with my beta when I caught her scent. My eyes darted to the back door when I saw her walking out with Alpha Jaden. I growled just seeing him touch her.

“Mate! She really is ours. Our beautiful mate.” Marcus is drooling everywhere in my head.

“She really is.”

Her beautiful, long hair was done half up and it was curly. She usually had straight hair, but I guess they wanted something different for the festival. I saw flowers poking out of the little braids that formed into a bun on the back of her head.

As she stepped out farther, I caught sight of her dress. Man does she look amazing. It’s a short royal blue dress that’s loose in her breast area. It’s tight-fitting and shows off all of her curves. It matches the sapphires that hang around her neck. She wore silver pumps that wrap around her ankles into a bow.

This beautiful creature is my mate. I want nothing more than to run up to her and claim her right there in front of everyone.

I watch her throughout the night, talking with other Lunas and it seems like she’s having a pretty decent time. That prick Jaden has been keeping her on a tight leash from all men. I even had to block a few off from getting to her. What is up with these men? It's like all the unmated ones are gravitating toward her.

Alpha Jaden stares at her for the majority of the night looking ravenous. Like he wants to rip her clothes off and take her right there. I growl at the thought. I will kill him.

“We will. He can’t keep her now. She’s ours.” Marcus said that with so much pride.

My guards have gone through his office and his room. They haven’t found the tapes. I told them to turn the pack house upside down and find them. They checked in the basement and found a hidden compartment in the wall of one of the cells. But it was empty. He must’ve moved them.

It’s starting to get dark now, the lights hanging around the patio shining bright, it’s almost close to the time for the run. I’m getting antsy just waiting for him to try and take what’s mine.

I was standing deep in the crowd watching Alpha Jaden as he pulled Jess up to the stage. He’s about to claim her so I need to hurry and get closer. I opened a mind link with my beta and gamma.

“Guys, I think he’s about to claim her, gather the men. Get close to the stage.” I said. I started making my way closer to the stage.

“Yes my king, already heading that way,” Mark says.

“Yes sir.” Says Mathew. I close the mind link.

Then the alpha starts talking.

“Hello, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to this year's Full Moon Festival.” The crowd begins cheering.

“This year is extra special. It is the birthday of my dear little raven, Jess. This will be her first time shifting.” The crowd gets louder. Some even whistle. I see Jess looking around for someone, me.

“Now, as all of you know, I have yet to find my mate. Which is why, I’d like to claim Jess as my mate, and future luna.” I hear some mumble to each other looking confused. Whispering about how she just turned 18 and wasn’t even given the chance to find her mate yet. Not knowing what else to do, they start clapping. I finally make it to the side of the stage and start climbing up the stairs. Jess looks my way. My heart is pounding about as hard as hers.

“Get her and kill him. Now!” Marcus growled.

“Mate.” I hear her whisper.

“What did you say, dear?” Alpha Jaden asks grabbing her side and pulling her into him. I growl at that. He’s touching my mate. I will cut off his hands.

“Mate!” I growled loudly. “Mine!” I walk to Jess and reach for her hand. The audience gasped.

“I think you’re mistaken, my king. She’s MINE.” The alpha said pulling her away aggressively.

“You would get in the king's way, claiming his mate?” Someone in the audience yelled. Everyone is freaking out.

“I-I. She’s my mat-” He stops talking when Mark jumps on the stage.

“She is MINE. Not YOURS.” He growled.

“If I were you, I’d back down alpha. You do remember who you’re talking to, right? The king. The Lycan king.” Mark said. Alpha Jaden looks at the floor. I can feel his rage from here, as I’m sure everyone else can. I’m starting to get pissed as well. He keeps this up and I’ll rip him to shreds.

“Yes, I like that idea. Let’s paint the stage red with his blood.”

“She is my mate. I WILL be taking her.”

“Let her go,” I commanded. At this point my anger is almost taking control, I’m so close to shifting it’s not even funny. The alpha bowed his head and let my precious mate go. She ran up to me and I wrapped my arms around her, breathing in her neck.

“I promised,” I whispered in her ear. Electricity shooting between our touch. I barely even notice alpha storm off the stage in a fit of anger.

“Let us shift, and forget this moment,” I yelled. I feel her twitch in my grasp. The moon is high in the sky, she’s going to shift.

Everyone runs behind the stage and waits for my mate to shift. Just Itching to get their wolves out for a run.

I looked down as I notice Jess freaking out. Then her clothes started ripping, she didn’t even get to undress before she started shifting. I stand by her and watch as her fangs and claws grow out. Her claws are longer than werewolves, I assume she’s Lycan.

She starts screaming as I hear her bones break, and I touch her back to her calm her. Black fur shoots out of her skin and her legs grow long. Her snout elongates with her fangs still sprouting. 25 minutes later, she’s fully transformed.

“She’s a Lycan.” Someone whispered.

Yes, she is. And she’s magnificent.

Genevieves POV:

I turn and look at the king, his eyes wide with amazement. He shoots me a smile and continues to undress.

“How did the alpha get a Lycan?” Someone asked. Alpha Jaden just stares at me. Unable to move. I walk toward him and he cowers in fear.

“He stole us,” Ophelia growled

“I’m sorry. I-I I didn’t know. I’m sorry.” He says over and over. This man really is pathetic. I growled at him and he starts to run when one of the king's guards grabs him.

“Take him to a cell. We need to question him.” Says the king.

“Yes, my king.” The guards take the alpha and walk towards the pack house.

“Get your hands off of me. I did nothing wrong. I am the alpha of this pack. You can’t touch me.” He growled and kicked. One of the guards punches him in the head and he’s knocked out cold.

“You are beautiful, mate.” The king purrs, running his fingers through my fur. Then he shifts. He’s about as tall as me, if not a little taller. He has amazing light grey fur. I’m beautiful? No. He’s beautiful. Even with how intimidating he is, I feel completely safe with him.

“Let us run.” He shouts. Everyone starts shifting and howling. A mix of dark grey and brown wolves all around us. Everyone starts running, howling as they go.

I turn to the king who has his head c*cked at me.

“Are you going to run, little one?” He asks. Just then I turn to the forest and run, and he follows behind.