Chapter 13 - The Lycan King's Long Lost Princess



Hunters POV:

We ran for what felt like forever. I was hot on her tail and she wasn’t slowing down. Marcus and I loved the chase.

After a bit of running Marcus starts nipping at her legs then I run behind a tree and wait.

We play a game of tackle for a while before she gets on top of me, licks my snout and ear then shifts back.

“She’s naked.” Marcus drools.

“Let us be naked as well.” I say.

I shift back, staring into her beautiful hazel eyes and pull her in for a kiss. Goddess, I could get used to this. I flip us making myself on top of her, my d*ck hard and ready to be shoved deep inside her. I continue kissing her when she tries to speak.

“Umm.. my king?” She said as she pushed on my shoulders.

“Call me Hunter. I am your mate. I don’t want you calling me king.” I said with a smile. I kissed the tip of her little button nose.

“Okay. Hunter, I would like to put on some clothes.” She said. Her cheeks turned a bright shade of pink and I could help but poke her belly with my c*ck.

“Oh yes. We are naked aren’t we?”I laughed. I mind linked mark to bring us clothes. Within seconds Mark hands me the clothes.

“I brought an extra shirt for her, and a pair of shorts. I’ll let you two get dressed.” He said then ran off.

“I wish we could stay naked.” Marcus purrs. I laugh and shake my head.

“Me too buddy. Me too.”

I help her up then pull the shirt over her head and she grabs it, placing it against her nose and taking a deep breath. I laugh and hand her some shorts. We both get dressed and head back to the pack-house.

“We will be heading to my castle in the morning. Until then, I would like it if you slept in my room.” I said.

“I’m not allowed up there,” she said. She started biting her lip and I place my thumb over it, stopping her.

“You’re my mate. My queen. You will not be sleeping anywhere besides my room.” I say firmly.

“Grab your things and I’ll meet you there.” She says and runs to the pack house.

Walking back inside after talking to a few alphas, who all congratulated me on finding my mate. I asked my beta to go find Jess, as she’s been gone for 10 minutes. He opens a mind link with me.

“I can’t find her. She’s not where you said her room was, she’s also not in your room. She’s nowhere.”

“What? I’m coming.” I close the mind link.

I walk to her side of the castle and look around. I catch her scent and someone else’s and follow it into a room down the hall from hers. I stop and listen to the two heartbeats.

One of them is racing, the other is slightly spiked. I hear a muffled cry and then a moan and I burst open the door. The alphas beta is on top of my mate with his pants down covering her mouth with his hand. She’s trying to move away from him but he’s not budging.

I run up to him and grab him by his shirt, and I turn him towards me grabbing his throat. I turn and look into her eyes. Tears are running down the sides of her face and she’s just staring blankly at us.

I notice the blood between her legs staining the couch and I look back at the beta. Before he can even get out a word my anger has taken over and I shove my hand into his chest. I grab his beating heart in my hands and rip it out. I drop his dead body on the floor and his heart beside it. My beta and gamma standing behind the open door looking away from my mate.

I run towards her.

“Oh, little one. Come here. Let me take you away.” I try to reach for her but she pushes me away. Her breath reeks of wolfsbane. No wonder she didn’t shift.

“I should’ve come with you. It’s my fault. I’m so sorry. Please let me take you.” She nods, tears still running down her face. I grab her up, and a blanket to cover her up. She lays her head on my chest and I walk with her out of the room. I mind link my men.

“Take his body and throw it in with the alpha. Tell him this is what will happen if he touches my mate.”

“Yes, my king.” They say in unison as they walk in. I closed the mind link.

I carried her up the stairs to my room and put her on the bed. I run to the bathroom and turn on the bath. I can’t believe what just happened. I walk back into the room up to her and gently grab her face.

“My love, I’m so sorry. Let’s get you cleaned up, okay? May I carry you to the bath?” I asked. She nods. I’m so sorry for what happened. I should’ve gone with her. I carry her to the bathroom and look at her with regret in my eyes. This is my fault.

“Do you want my help getting in?” I asked.

She nods again. I lift her a little before placing her into the bath. I remove her soaked shirt, catching a glimpse of some deep scars on her thighs and stomach. I look away, giving her the dignity to never shift my eyes from her face again. I watch as she slowly relaxes into the water. I get up and grab a clean cloth and dip it in the water. I run it over her face removing her tears. She doesn’t say a word. Just stares at the plug in the bottom of the bath.

I wash her hair and her back, then step out while she washes the rest. I sit on the bed thinking and listening when I hear her heart slow down. Almost to nothing. I rush towards the door and see her lying underneath the water staring up. Her eyes faded and closed. I reach under the water and pull her up gripping her face.

“Please don’t leave me. I only just got you. Please.” I beg her. Tears now streaming down my face. She looks at me with the saddest eyes.


She nods and I grab a towel from the rack beside the shower. I pull her out and wrap her in it. I carry her to the bed and head to the dresser for one of my shirts and a pair of my boxers. I turn and see some scars poking out of the bottom of the towel near her thighs. I let out a small growl at the sight and she flinched.

Mate thinks we’re going to hurt her. Marcus whined.

Yes, but we won’t. We’ll never let anything happen to her again.

I help her into the clothes, keeping her breasts covered with the towel. I slip the pair of boxers up her legs, trying hard not to look at the scars. I will kill whoever put these there. I have an idea it was the alpha. I have her stand so I can finish getting them up all the way. I dry her hair as best as I can with the towel and lay her down.

“Hunter, the alpha wants to speak with you.” Mark mind links me.

“Tell him no. I will not leave my mate right now. She needs me.” I say slipping into bed next to her.

“Yes sir.” The mind link closes.

I debate on whether or not I should hold her, scared that she won’t want it. But I do anyways. The moment I touch her she starts crying.

“My love, I’m sorry. I won’t.” I said pulling my arms away.

“No. Please stay.” She said turning towards me and scooting closer to me. Sinking farther into my chest.

“I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t have left you.”

“Don’t worry about it, it’s too late.” She whispered. Tears flowed out of my eyes. I haven’t cried since my parent's funeral. And even then, it was nothing compared to how I feel right now.

I open a mind link with my guards.

“I want guards by my room. And I want them with her all the time. I don’t want her alone again. If I’m not with her, I want two to be there.”

“Yes, my king.”

I hear her breathing and heartbeat slow. She’s finally asleep. I close my eyes and drift to sleep with her.