Chapter 11 - Alpha Zander


I hear a chorus of voices waking me up from my peaceful sleep. Mum, dad, Brent, Ollie, Uncle David, and Auntie Sarah were all around my bed with huge goofy smiles and arms stretched wide, each holding a present. I sit up and rub my eyes, taking in the view from my bed.

I smile warmly. "Aww, thank you all so much!" I say as I get out of bed and walk over to mum and dad, giving them a hug first.

"Well, today you officially become an adult, so we wanted to let you enjoy this moment before heading off to school," mum said.

They put the presents on the bed and they each give me a quick hug. "I know we don't have much time before school but quickly get ready and come down to breakfast. Alex is off on patrol this morning and Meghan is just downstairs getting set up," dad said.

"Sure Dad. I won't be too long. I’ll just have a quick shower and get ready," I reply as they wave and leave the room.

'Happy birthday Kia,' I whisper to her, hoping she would hear me.

I feel her moving around feeling excited for the day. It's nice she's excited. It's been a while since she has been happy like this.

'Happy birthday Lei, I hope today is good. I'm so ready to not have any messy bullshit going on.'

I giggle at her comments. Yep, it seems she is back in full swing.

'Sorry I've been a bit MIA Lei, but it all should be okay now.'

I could feel her confidence and happiness radiating through, giving me energy for the day. I’m happy she’s sorted herself out. One day I hope she will share it with me.

I shower quickly and get ready for school. I put on one of the new lingerie sets I bought. They are surprisingly comfortable, and Meghan was right. They do make me feel sexy and confident.

I then put on the dress Meghan chose for me. A beautiful dark pink with long sleeves that stops just above my knees, it feels appropriate for school while still a little sexy at the same time. Twenty minutes later, I’m running down the stairs ready for breakfast.

Everyone was sitting around the dining room table; Meghan had really put up a feast this morning. pancakes, sausages, fruit, yogurt, hash browns, toast. So many goodies. It was a mouth-wateringly amazing sight.

We do have Omegas in our pack but mum and auntie love to cook and taught Meghan when she moved in. Now we just take turns at cooking for everyone. Every now and then, the boys help. Mum always said it was a good skill to have, no matter the age or who you are. We get help when we have big functions and parties like tonight. But mostly the Omegas just help out with the cleaning and groceries when needed.

" Ahhh, there she is!" Dad smiled and walked over to give me another hug.

"Happy Birthday!!" Meghan squeals, running over, slamming into me with a tight suffocating hug. "You look amazing in the dress. Oh, didn't we do so well!" She smiled big like a Cheshire cat.

"Haha, yeah, it's perfect thanks so much," I laughed and did a little twirl showing off. "Oh, thank you, Uncle! I really did enjoy yesterday evening", I smiled at my uncle, who is seated at the head of the table with Auntie Sarah next to him.

"It's okay, I'm glad you had a good time and got home safely."

"So how are you feeling sweetie? Nervous, excited, scared?" Mum asked.

I take a seat between mom and dad, across from Ollie and Brent. I guess they want to have me close today, feeling a bit vulnerable because their little girl is all growing up.

"Hmm, oh, I'm a bit of everything if I'm honest. Mostly nervous and excited, Kia has given me a lot of energy for the day, so that has really helped," I respond with a smile.

Dad nodded. "It can be nerve-racking; you don't know if you will meet your mate today or on another day. That is why our actions, how we carry and present ourselves are always important."

I nod in response and looked up to see Ollie and Brent looking a bit guilty. I know Ollie’s history, but what has Brent done? As far as I know, he hasn't had any girlfriends or partners. I guess I will have to ask him about that later.

We all chatted and made small talk while eating the glorious feast when one of the bells chimed on someone's phone, announcing that it was time for school.

We said our goodbyes with more hugs from mum and dad and headed out the door into Ollie’s car. I sit in the front and Brent in the back.

As we head out to school, I turned around and asked Brent, "what was that about?"

He frowns, "I don't know what you mean."

I rolled my eyes, "you know, the guilty look you both had when dad was giving his little speech this morning? We all know Ollie’s history, but what are you guilty of?"

"You might as well tell her, bro, she ain't gonna let it go," Ollie mumbles.

"What the hell?? Have you been keeping secrets from me?!” I practically yell, startling Ollie and making him jerk the steering wheel.

"Great, thanks so much, man. Look, it's no big deal. I've just been seeing someone the last few weeks and Ollie caught me the other day,” Brent shrugs.

I looked at him stunned, my mouth opens and closes a few times trying to comprehend what he just said. "You're serious?" I ask.

"Yeah, why, what's the big deal? Ollie sees chicks all the time and you never give him any shit about it."

"That's different," I mumble.

"No, it ain't and you know it,” Brent snaps.

"You're my baby brother, it's my ass mum and dad are going to have if you mess up," I said.

Brent just starts laughing hysterically.

"What?" I look back and forth between them, confused.

"Please, you're a princess to mum and dad. You could get away with murder if you wanted." Brent says.

"Nuh-uh," I say, shaking my head furiously. "You heard dad this morning, I'm just trying to live up to his expectations."

Brent rolls his eyes, "Look, it's my life. If they give you crap about it, just tell them it was my choice, I don't have to live in the stone age like everyone else, and I don't want to either."

I sigh in defeat. Obviously, I wasn't going to win this one. "So do I get to meet her?"

"Maybe one day. I'm just trying to figure out feelings and stuff," he mumbles.

Ollie linked me 'It was a complete accident that I caught them. We really didn't mean to hide it from you, we just didn't know how to tell you either.' I look at Ollie trying to study his face, it looked sincere.

I suppose I also have been in my own mind about things lately. I sigh and say to Brent, “okay, I'm sorry I got all grouchy on you."

He shrugs, "It’s all good, I get it. I would be pissed if you guys hid something from me. I'm sorry I did."

"Great, now we are all one big happy family again. Can we please discuss tonight," Ollie says demandingly.

"Hmm sure, what is there to discuss?" I ask.

"What time are we going out? And who is going?" Ollie responds.

"Well, we have dinner beforehand. I think mum and dad have invited a few people, so maybe 10pm? Honestly, I'm not sure how many people are coming. I didn't exactly send out invites, it's just word of mouth at this point."

"Perfect. My type of party,” Ollie responded, grinning like a damn fool as we pulled up in front of the school.

School is packed as usual, everyone seemed to be running around like crazy trying to get to class on time. It's not like we are late, we still have 10 minutes left. As I stepped out of the car, the breeze swept through, and I smelled a beautiful mouth-watering scent of wildflower and honey.

'MATE, MATE, MATE' Kia yells.

'Really! Where?!' I say excitedly, looking around frantically trying to find the source of the delicious scent.

My heart stops suddenly. I'm frozen in place as I discover who the scent belongs to. He’s up against his sports car making out with the bitch.

No, no, no. I shook my head. This can't be happening. Why? Why him of all people? My heart clenches as I see him groping her ass as he deepens the kiss.

'Let me out, let me at her,' Kia hisses, 'I'll rip the bitch apart, I don't give a shit who sees.'

He jerks back suddenly and starts to look around crazily. His eyes land on mine widening in fear, begging for forgiveness, but the damage has been done. I'm completely broken, standing there frozen, unable to move my legs. My body feels like it's on fire, the pain shooting through every limb.

Do not cry, do not cry, you will not cry, you are the damn Beta of Liverpool, DO NOT CRY!

Kia is livid, pacing in my mind trying to get out, 'Let me out,' she growls.

'Kia, we are still on neutral ground, the treaty is in place,' I whisper.

'I don't give a shit!' she hisses, 'That is our mate. I'll be damned if I let this bimbo of a bitch be all over him like that!'

'Kia,' I whisper. 'Even if he wasn't doing that, we still wouldn't have been able to run to him.'

She growls back, frustrated, 'I don't care what uncle thinks, he is MATE!'

"Ash! Are you coming???" Ollie calls back to me, snapping me out of the trance I was in. I quickly gather myself together, locking Kia in the back of my mind, turn around to face Ollie and head through the school doors.