Chapter 17 - Alpha Zander

I roll over to my side as sunlight shines through my windows disturbing my peaceful sleep. My head throbs slightly from the number of drinks I consumed last night. We have shifter healing, yes, but it doesn't help that Chloe drinks like a fish and I'm a lightweight. She had about 3 rounds of tequila shots and too many cocktails to count. I don't want to know what was in the coke she kept on giving me, but it was not just coke. I'm sorely paying for it today.

I groan and stretch across my bed and I slowly sit up trying to get my bearings and see where my headspace was for today's workload. Looking around my room I’m glad to see I wasn't a messy drunk. Everything is still neatly in its rightful place, my dress is draped on the light pink cushioned armchair in the corner, and my shoes are placed next to the door.

I look down and see I am wearing an old bed tee and the same pair of panties from last night.

I feel Kia string around inside me waking up as well. ‘What happened last night?’ she mumbles.

I laughed at her, ‘we weren’t that bad, were we?’

‘Honestly, I’m not sure. All I remember is the talk we had with Zander and then spending time with the girls. Oh, speaking of. Where’s the gift from Zander? I want to see it!’

I grumble in annoyance trying to get out of bed and find my gold purse. Thankfully it was next to my dress on the seat. I moved the dress off the seat and transfer it to the bed so it isn’t damaged.

Opening my gold purse, I see the little blue velvet box that Zander gave me. I smile. I honestly thought at one point it was all a dream and I was going to wake up and still have to live through yesterday.

The hairpiece is beautiful. Little jewels and pearls all around the metal frame formed to make small flowers with fork-like ends to help hold the hairpiece in place while it is worn.

‘I wonder what it’s made of?’ I ask Kia.

‘I don’t think Zander would have given us anything that would be dangerous. Maybe it’s platinum, it would make sense given how old and well maintained it is.’ Kia mumbles back.

I nod in understanding. Platinum is rare but if you had connections and knew where to get the raw materials, it wouldn't be too hard to make something like this.

I sigh and put the hairpiece back in its box. I don’t want anyone to find it and I don’t want to lose it. I put it inside my bedside drawer for safekeeping. I smile hoping I might see Zander again this weekend.

My phone buzzes on my bedside table letting me know I received a text message. I look at the screen and see that it’s from Zander. I fumble around quickly trying to see what he had sent, nearly dropping the phone in the process.

Zander: Good morning, sweetheart. I hope you enjoyed yourself last night. Let me know when you are free, and we can organize a time to meet up. xoxo

My breath hitches as I read the message. Inhale, exhale, Inhale, exhale. I chant to myself as I read the message over,

Moon goddess, why was this so scary? Do I answer him? Do I leave it for later?

'Answer him now, silly! Pfft who cares about the silly human girls and their stupid games? This is our mate, not some boy toy,' Kia mumbles, annoyed I was even considering waiting to answer him.

I sigh. She’s right, I don't have to worry about wooing someone, he’s already mine. I breathe in and start typing trying to figure out what to say.

Ashleigh: Good Morning, Zander. I had a good time, thank you. xx

Zander: Ohh, hey! You're up.

Ashleigh: Yeah, I forgot to close the blinds last night so the morning sun woke me. *Annoyed emoji*

Zander: haha, aww poor diddums. I hope you at least got a good enough sleep.

Ashleigh: Yeah, it wasn't too bad, wait... how come you are up at 5 am?

Zander: I'm usually up this early *boy shrug emoji*

Ashleigh: Really? Why so early? School doesn't usually start until 8.00 am.

Zander: I like to go for a run every morning. It helps to clear my head for the start of the day. I try to catch up on any work or pack work I need to do beforehand if I have time after.

Ashleigh: Sounds fun.

Zander: Hardly.

Ashleigh: To answer your earlier question, I'll have to double-check with my parents but I'm mostly free this evening or Sunday, although I usually keep Sunday evenings reserved for catching up on schoolwork, plus we now have that history assignment to do so that's added on top of everything else. Sorry! I ramble sometimes. *shy blush emoji*

Zander: Haha, it's alright, sweetheart. I like your rambling.

Zander: Ok so it sounds like tonight is more likely ...

Ashleigh: Probably, yeah.

Zander: essage me the best time, yeah, and we can meet at the address I sent earlier.

Zander: Have a good day, sweetheart I have to head off now, message me when you are free. xoxo

Ashleigh: You have a good day also!

I sigh and roll on my bed clutching my phone. He messaged; I mean I know he said he would but the fact that he actually did makes all the difference.

Kia is buzzing around with new happy energy, happy with the progress with our mate.

I grab some Panadol from the bedside and take a few before I hop in the shower taking a long warm soak before the day begins.