Chapter 14 - Alpha Zander

Jace was so hyped up after our conversation, I had to bargain with him again to get him to leave our mate. Grumbling, he finally gave in. She was so cute when she was all flustered like that. Just when I thought her cheeks couldn't get any redder, I was worried the kiss I gave her froze her in place.

So here I was in English with a grumpy old wolf grumbling about not being around our mate. 'We will see her tonight,' I try to reason with him again. 'We have to be careful, Jace, before anything else happens we have to build a relationship with her and then figure out father and our packs.'

'We should bring the Luna family heirloom your mother gave you, for her birthday present,’ Jace sighed.

'Oh shit, you're right, it's still her birthday! Isn't that usually given at the Luna ceremony? That's what mum always said.'

'Yes, but I think in these circumstances it'll be okay. It'll show that you are serious about her being your Luna. We may just have to explain the significance of the heirloom to her, but I think it will be okay. Besides, it's not like we have time after school to go and get her anything either.' Again, of course, he is right.

A few of us had training after school, then we would be going to the club after. At the end of class, I bolt for my car in anticipation of getting out of school ASAP. Unfortunately, I didn't see Ashleigh for the rest of the day. I tried to hang around a little longer but instead of Ashleigh walking out, I saw Grace.

She starts to make her way towards my car, looking determined … like she was not going to take no for an answer after this morning's conversation. Instead of waiting around for Ashleigh, I decided to take off.

I don’t need any more trouble than I already have and I certainly don’t need Grace's stench all over my car or me. A little bit cowardly maybe but I always made my intentions clear to Grace and never promised her anything more. Yet here she is acting like a spoiled little brat. Can't say I'm surprised. It is just another painful reminder that both Jace and Danni were right.

Training went as normal. We are always split up into groups. Our commander in chief, Richie, is Danni's uncle. He and Jake are brothers and since he was raised with the understanding of leadership as well as the physical strength of a Beta, it made sense to put him in a more leadership role.

Of course, we held tryouts, but Richie came out on top anyway. Richie always likes to pair up with me because we are somewhat evenly matched in fighting skills. I have pulled one over on him more than a few times, but he always gives his best and is never afraid to throw a few punches or kicks my way.

I at least learn a new trick, whenever he pulls one on me every now and then. Since coming back from Alpha training, I've picked up a few more fighting techniques that I wouldn't mind using to whoop his ass.

After a few laps around the training center, we all had our blood pumping through and full of energy ready to get going. As usual, Richie pairs up with me. I haven't had training since I got back, so it'll be interesting to see how much he holds against me. After a few rounds at each other, we both have sweat and blood dripping off us.

He has a busted lip and a black eye forming from some of my attacks and I have a bit of road rash and a busted jaw. The bastard hid a few of his moves from me and was able to knock me down a time or two.

I guess by me throwing some new moves, he has to up the ante. In the end, it didn't matter, I was still a lot stronger than some of our top warriors in the pack. We just laughed it off and shook each other's hand as Richie called training to an end.

I take off for the packhouse immediately after. I need to get ready for tonight to see Ashleigh. I called the club earlier to see if they could do something for me and they happily agreed . It is already 8.45pm and Ashleigh said she was going to be there around 9.30ish.

So, I have a little time to get ready and have a bit of dinner beforehand. After I showered, I went to my walk-in wardrobe and pulled out one of my favourite dark navy long sleeve, button-down shirts. Darker colours always looked better on me. I paired it with nice jeans and dress shoes.

Okay, don't judge, yes maybe I am dressing a little fancier for the club tonight, but I don’t want to look like a sleaze like the others were going to. I at least wanted tonight to be special for her and wipe away the bad memory of this morning.

I just hope she knows I am trying to make up for the shit I had caused her.

'Don't forget the gift,' Jace mumbles.

'Oh, look who decided to show,' I tease him. I am kind of glad he said something. I haven't heard anything from him since we got back to our territory.

'I've been around,' Jace mumbled.

'What’s wrong? Cat got your tongue?'

'Nothing’s wrong, I just want to see her. I'm getting weak because we haven't seen her in the last few hours.'

I sigh, I know he was right, I could feel how weak he was getting, and it wasn't from the earlier training session. We become weaker if we are not around our mates after a few hours.

No alpha, no leaders, no rules can stop the bond from happening unless one of the people decides to reject the other. In response, a new law was established between the council and humans alike that if a mate is in another pack or with any other race, they have to move to be with their mate depending on the ranking and other circumstances. If this law is breached at any time, there can be serious consequences and penalties. Without these laws or peace agreements between packs wars would ensue.

This was one of the things I was concerned about when I found out that Ashleigh is my mate. Yes, I can be an asshole and just claim her in front of everyone and take her, but I don't think that would help with our relationship. I want someone to help me rule my pack rather than stand beside me looking pretty and doing nothing.

I don't want there to be a war between our packs either because of our history. I want to try to resolve this peacefully before it comes to that. Especially with both of us in leadership positions.

I searched my drawers for the box my mother gave me. It was a blue box with a white lace ribbon around it. After searching for about ten minutes, I found it in the back of one of the drawers next to my bed. I sit down on the bed trying to prepare myself for opening the box.

I hadn't opened it since mum gave it to me, I'll never forgive myself for that day. If only I was stronger, if only I was older, If only I had Jace, I may have been able to save her. That day, I lost the only woman who had ever loved me unconditionally. I sighed, looking up at the ceiling. I was not going to cry about this. I want to remember the good times I had with Mum.

Thankfully, Jace isn’t saying anything stupid. I suppose he was trying to conserve his energy.

I wonder if Ashleigh is feeling weaker, too. if Kia felt the impact at all or if it was just a male thing.

I open the box, trying not to tear it. I don't want to ruin it now. I don’t know how old it is. Inside is a letter with a key on it.

What the fuck is this? I open the letter and recognize my mother's handwriting.

Oh, fuck no. I am not ready for this.

'Just take it slow, deep breaths,' Jace tried to encourage me.

'My dearest boy Zander,

I am truly sorry I am not there to see you become the man you are today.

If you have this letter, it means I have not made it to your coronation to become Alpha. I hope by now you have found your Luna and she loves you, respects you and is with you every step of the way during your leadership. Please remember that love takes two. Love is given and received by both people.

I pray that during the time your father and I were together you saw the love we held. My prayer is that my little boy will become strong and bold in all things. My hope is you show your love, friendship and loyalty to all who deserve it.

Please forgive those who are to be forgiven. Life is too short to hold grudges and be angry. So many lives have been lost because of jealousy and hate. I pray you can change the future of our pack and bring peace amongst all.

The key is to grandma's cottage on human land. It is still under her name as Isabella Harper.

Address: 202 Gilbert Ave, Landon 2265

Consider this as a sanctuary when needed. Good luck my son, I wish you all the best.

Lots of love. Mum xoxo