Chapter 18 - Alpha Zander

I was surprised to see Ashleigh up at the same time I was. Granted she did say the morning sun woke her up.

I guess she isn't an early riser like I am. After my 10k morning run, I race back up the stairs and to my ensuite shower. Once I was all cleaned up I make my way back to my room and tense up when I see someone lying on my bed, trying to look sexy.

Jace growls. 'What the actual fuck! Can I just say again, I fucking told you so, oh, I soo fucking told you so. If our mate catches wind of this not only will Ashleigh be pissed off but so will Kia. I managed to calm her down earlier, but I can only do so much.'

"I heard you dumped Grace hard yesterday; I would have come up last night but you guys had gone to the club," Libby tried to say in a sweet sexy voice. Honestly everything just sounded whiny and needy now the bond had snapped between Ashleigh and me.

"Not interested, Libby," I snapped. "Now get off my bed and out of my room and never enter again," I demanded, linking with an Omega to come and change my sheets to try and get rid of her stench. I was not taking any chances; I had half a mind to look for some sort of camera with Libby. She likes all the kinky stuff and that includes recording us while having sex on multiple occasions.

"Aw, come on Zander. You know we always had a good time," she whined.

"Leave now," I said, with Jace flashing in my eyes putting in command.

Yeah, I’m having someone check my room, stat. For goddess sake, how many more will there be? I thought I was finished with these stupid bitches after Grace.

Jace is still grumbling in the back of my mind saying I told you so over and over giving me the death glare, it's frustrating because we used to be in sync. Now he's just grumpy unless we are around Ashleigh.

She finally got the message and scampered out of my room, but not before giving me a sultry look.

I linked Danni also, 'Danni, you up?'

Danni grumbles sleepily, 'What's wrong? I have this wicked hangover, don't think I can come to training today.'

I roll my eyes. Of course, the kid got wasted last night, and by the sound of things, is paying for it today.

'Can you organize someone to come and sweep my room? Libby was here.'

'Ahh, yeah, no worries. Did someone have a good time after the club, hey?' Danni chuckles.

'Nope, she was here this morning after my run, uninvited and unwanted.' I wanted to make it clear that she was not wanted in case rumours start to spread around.

'I’ll get someone to do a sweep, don't want anything like last time.' Danni confirms.

I roll my eyes at the last comment. That's exactly why I didn't go back to the crazy bitch. She hid cameras in my room and car. I don't fucking know how she managed to do it in the small amount of time she had.

Dad found out and was crazy angry with the lack of respect towards the future leader of the pack, so he punished her with a month doing community service consisting of helping the Omegas and looking after the children on weekends. He basically stripped her of her rights in the pack for a month.

I know it doesn't sound like much but with someone like Libby who cares about positions and rankings and loathes work it was priceless seeing her try to cook and be bossed around by the head Omega and having the children trample her every weekend.

This was before I had Alpha Training. You would have thought she learned her lesson but I’m taking any chances. I haven't been with her since, it wasn't worth it.

Today, I had training until 3.00, I'll head over to my grandmother's cottage early to make sure everything is okay. I'm not sure if anyone is living in it or if anyone has looked after it so I want to at least see the damage before Ashleigh comes over so it's not so disgusting and dirty.

Training on weekends is different. The warriors and the high school kids train together which means we get to learn a few new moves and see where we rank in the group.

I don’t usually get to pair up with Richie on weekends as he is too busy walking around helping others by correcting their positions if needed. Instead I am paired with Mark.

After a few hours, we all finish up and head out. I grab something to eat before heading to grandma's, I haven't been here in years, not since mum passed. I don't even remember when Grandma passed.

I pulled up to the little cottage, and as soon as I did all the memories flooded back. Memories that I thought I buried long ago.

Fuck. Maybe I wasn’t as ready as I thought.