Chapter 23 - Alpha Zander

Monday morning rolls around, but all too quickly. The weekend is never long enough.

It was great to see Zander on Saturday evening. I loved the little cottage and could imagine us maybe living there or in something similar if we had to be on the pack lands.

It felt somewhat familiar being there. I couldn't quite put my figure on it, but I had a few weird flashbacks and a strange feeling of deja vu. After a while, I brushed away the odd feelings and enjoyed his company. It was nice to get to know him a bit and try to understand him and put aside all the rumours and previous encounters we have had. As hard as some of them were, I was still going to be mindful that he had a past. I didn't want to hold it against him, but I still had to keep it in mind.

Kia loved running around with Jace. She is a bit more of a free spirit than I am, but we are always in sync, epically more so, now we have found our mate. While I am still getting to know Zander, Kia has already decided she wants Jace and only Jace. So even if something happened it would have to be a lot for her to allow me to reject him, she won't have it any other way.

Monday is my day to help helpwith cooking and cleaning, so here I am, up at 6 am on a Monday morning helping Mum get everything ready. I quickly shower and get ready for school. I kind of wish our school had a uniform so it wouldn’t be so hard to choose what to wear. We were told, however, that in most workplace environments a uniform is not worn , so they are preparing us more for adulthood and responsibility.

I check my appearance in the mirror one last time before running downstairs, ready to help with the cooking. Mum is already in the kitchen cooking away on the stove. I hear a timer go off as I stop at the Island bench.

"Morning. sweetie! Could you please grab the plates and set the table," mum asked with her back turned as she focuses on what she’s cooking.

"Sure, mama", I nod automatically even though she couldn't see me.

I reach up and grab the glasses from the shelf above the stove and then turn around and grab the plates and cutlery out of the drawers on the island bench.

I hear a gasp behind me. Frowning, I turn to see what happened. Mum is standing behind me her face pale, looking at me like she had seen a ghost.

She stands as still as a statue like she couldn't comprehend what was going on. The tea towel in her hand is crumpled as she holds it tightly.

"What's wrong?" I ask, confused.

She quickly pulls herself together as though nothing happened in the last 30 seconds.

"Nothing sweetie, don't worry about it," she waves a hand dismissively and goes back to cooking the rest of the food.

"So how was your weekend? Did you enjoy yourself?" she asks trying to start a conversation to forget the awkward encounter.

I nod again, a frown on my face although this time she could see me.

I really want to tell them about Zander. I hate keeping secrets from everyone but I am wary of the repercussions once I do. I don’t want to have any drama if it can be avoided while I’m still trying to figure out my feelings.

"It was good, I enjoyed the training with dad and uncle, and hopefully, I will get better at tracking. Kia definitely enjoyed it." I keep it short and simple, with a little bit of detail but not too much for her to ask more questions... hopefully, it would be enough to not pry any further.

Mum nodded in response while cooking, I could hear everyone starting to wake up now, there were a few showers that turned on upstairs and down the corridor where Meg and Alex live.

I quickly go around and help set everything up. Everyone is usually up and downstairs by 6.45 am or 7.00 am. We have to make sure we are ready to leave by 7.30 am, at least, to be at school on time.

In the next 15 minutes, everyone’s buzzing around downstairs seated at the table ready to start the day.

Ollie and Brent look exhausted. I wonder what they got up to last night? Or maybe they’re just exhausted from the warrior training they had last night. I honestly didn't think it was too bad. Last night we got to train with our wolves instead of in our human forms as we usually do so I really enjoyed it. It was a nice change.

Afterbreakfast we pile into Ollie's car and take off for school. I’m looking forward to going today and I’m willing to admit that I miss Zander. I wish we’d had more time last Saturday night but I needed to get back when I did to be ready for Sunday training.

As we arrived at the school parking lot I see him get out of his car with Daniel, I feel butterflies form in my belly as I watch him.

'Ugh, I feel such a creeper right now.' I mumbled to Kia.

'Hehe, I don't. I like our sexy mate, I want to go over there and jump him right now, stuff what everyone else thinks.'

I rolled my eyes. Silly horny wolf.

'I will only wait for so long, Lei, he is our mate whether you are okay with that or not. I won't reject him, not now.' she tells me with such determination and confidence it makes me wonder what I am actually waiting for.

I meet Chloe and Skyla at the lockers to catch up on the weekend. As we chat by the lockers I smell him before he has even walked past. My breath hitches and everything is buzzing around me. Feeling a little numb with power, Kia is bouncing up and down happily just being near him. It’s a different feeling from Saturday evening. I feel energized and more alive now than I did before.

I wonder at the new power I feel, 'What's going on?' I ask Kia.

'Sometimes I get a little weak from being away from Zander and Jace for so long. Being near each other helps us both,' Kia answers my confusing question.

It's weird since I didn't feel any difference on Saturday night. I didn't even notice we had gotten weaker. This worries me a little bit, but we will see Zander here at school and will probably meet him regularly throughout the week, it helps me settle and feel that we will be able to manage it.

I hope he noticed me wearing his hairpiece, I really love it and want him to know I am all in with him. I want to make this work. As I think this his beautiful eyes move up to lock with mine. I give a small smile as he passes through chatting with Daniel and one of his other friends.

It is so hard not to go up to him and talk to him. For now we have to ignore each other, only allowing our eyes to talk, hoping no one notices .