Chapter 25 - Alpha Zander

Mia launched herself at me while her sister whispered things in my ear while playing with my collar. The kiss feels like sandpaper scratching against my mouth, it is the most horrible thing I have ever felt. I hate hated this. all I want is my mate, but right now she doesn’t want to tell anyone so I have to still act like my old self before.

Jace is pissed at me as usual. 'She didn't mean flaunt yourself around with other women, you dumbass.'

'Honestly, I'm confused as to what she wants.' I snap back at him.

'Just because you had a shitty weekend after she left on Saturday does not give you the right to hurt her like this. She can fucking see us! Do you know the pain you are causing her? The pain you are causing us by going against the bond?' Jace growls.

No, no I didn't know the pain I was causing her, I didn't want to look at her and see the brokenness I caused.

I hear Oliver call her name, snapping me out of my funk. I look up just in time to see her leave the cafeteria and head toward the school gates. My stomach churned as I see the hairpiece tightly tucked away in her hair holding all of her beautiful locks together. The one little item that makes all the fucking difference.

Fuck! I screwed up big time. I want to follow her so badly, but I also didn't want to cause any unwanted attention.

'Follow her,' Jace says demandingly.

'I can't,' I mumble back, scrubbing my hand over my face in defeat, and of course, he is more furious at that response.

'Yes, you fucking will. You will fix this I will not lose my mate over this.'

The twins had since stopped their assault on me and moved back towards the line waiting for the food mingling with their friends. What the fuck! was that just to make a fucking point?

I was more than pissed, I was fucking furious, I have just probably lost my mate and these stupid girls are now acting as though nothing happened.

I don’t want to follow her because I don’t want to know the outcome of the conversation we had to have. There was always going to be a conversation whether I wanted it or not, especially more so now after my actions that just happened in the last five minutes.

While I was having my internal debate with myself Jace had taken control and made me move in the same direction as Ashleigh.

'Jace, give me back control now!'

This is the first time he has ever done this and locked me in the back seat not giving me any control, even in his wolf form he at least gave me half of the control, we always made decisions together, but this time was different he had something to lose.

'No, I am fixing your fucking mess,' he growls at me.

'You know what she wanted Jace, I can't go after her right now. At least give her a ten to fifteen minute head start.'

He whimpers in pain knowing I’m right. People around me are already cowering in submission from our aura.. He reluctantly gives me back control as I step out of the line and head toward the bathrooms.

Fuck how am I going to fix this?

Going to the bathrooms I go straight to the sink. Two younger kids scurry out straight away I guess me being pissed off they could feel my anger still radiating through.

I go to the far sink and turn on the cold water and filled the basin. I splashed my face with the water trying to get my shit together as I prepare myself for what I must do.

My eyes close as I try to calm myself, letting everything flow through all the different emotions, taking deep breaths. A newfound emotion flowed through me; one I haven't felt in a very long time.

'Because we have something to lose now,' Jace whispers.

Fear was evident in my eyes as they snapped open staring in front of me through the bathroom mirror.

'What do I do, Jace?' I mumble.

'You find her, you fix this,' he says, curling up and putting his head between his paws sulking.

'I, at least want our mate at the end of all this, that is the goal. To let her be comfortable in telling everyone about us so we can be together fully. Even if she does not want others to know yet you need to be mindful of her. You can't keep on doing what you use to do, it physically hurts her, the pain of someone else with our mate, going against the bond. It's something no one should ever experience.'

'I want her, too, I'm just not used to this.' I sighed, trying to get him to understand my point.

'I get you aren’t, but this is something we both have wanted for a very long time, we can't lose our mate.'

I know he’s right. For as long as I can remember, I have always wanted a mate yet here I am fucking it all up.

'We’ve waited long enough now, go and find her.'

I sigh, letting the water out of the basin making a slow gurgling sound as I make my way back to the cafeteria.

Everyone seems to be minding their own business as I slip out, walking towards the parking lot. I check to see if there are any cars missing. Maybe she ended up driving somewhere.

'We can still smell her, so that means she ran.'

'Where do we check first?'

'Try the house. Maybe she went there hoping we would follow,' Jace replies.

God, I hoped she did. As much as I didn't want to confront the shit storm that was going to happen, I at least wanted to be in the same room as her. It has been so fucking hard to not talk to her today.

I grab the keys and make my way to the car taking off in the direction of the little cottage hoping, praying that she will be there.