Chapter 30 - Alpha Zander

We finished our classes for the day and caught up and chatted on the football stands, waiting for the guys to finish training. The sun is still out so we are in no rush to head home.

I got home not too late yesterday evening, just as everyone finished dinner and went to do their own thing. I thankfully didn't get into any trouble with my parents for skipping out on school. I know I had a valid reason, but I didn't want to tell them just yet.

It was hard to leave Zander last night. I missed him instantly, and Kia wanted to return to our mate every moment. It was harder than I thought.

“Earth to Ashleigh,” Chloe called, waving her hands in my face, pulling me out of my daydream.

“Huh?” I asked, blinking away my daze.

“You know we have been talking about tonight for the last 5 mins,” Chloe says.

“What’s happening tonight?” I asked stupidly.

“What or who has you in the daydream?” Chloe asks.

Crap, I hate it when she calls me out on stuff.

“Umm, no one.” I shake my head furiously, trying to hide the red tinge I could feel showing. She cannot know about the kiss I shared with Zander just yet.

I turn back to look at the guys at the field. The football field is the size of a standard oval and is used for all sports, including hockey, soccer, rugby, and many more.

The pool is just behind the field opposite the library, with an underground car park, a gym, and a basketball center off to the side. The stands surround the field and is massive, it ca easily fit 2,000 people on a big day. The girls and I are currently sitting on the library side of the stands.

During the season's opening, they hold a game that is always huge, and the stands are always packed out. This is what the boys are training for now. The first game is between Liverpool and Charwood.

I can’t help but steal glances at Zander as he runs around, all hot and sexy. Once or twice, I swear I felt his burning gaze on me. ‘We could just tell them,’ Kia mumbles.

‘Not happening, not yet.’

‘Why not? Why can’t I be with my mate? I’m getting sick of all this hiding around,’ she whines.

‘Because I want some time together for us to just be us. As soon as everyone knows all the pressure of being Luna and Alpha comes, and I don’t want that right now. Can’t we be in our bubble for a bit longer?’ I beg.

It’s true. I didn’t want people to know yet so I could spend more time getting to know Zander. Yes, I hated that we had to hide it from people, and maybe girls would be less flirty with him knowing he was taken. But I also want to make sure he is ready, too. He’s never had a relationship that lasted. As far as I know, he has never had a girlfriend, so jumping into this is risky.

"Hmmm, I don't believe you," Chloe scolded, shaking a finger in my face.

"It's no one, I swear," I grumble, putting up my hands in defense. I have never been a good liar.right now, I am doing everything I could to not look over at Zander and give us away.

She rolls her eyes and starts making plans for tonight, "So my parents are away for the next few days until the following Monday. I was thinking maybe a little party on Saturday night. And if you guys want to stay over tonight, so I'm not alone, that would be awesome."

"I'm kind of surprised you didn't invite Bobby over?" Skyla giggled, shoving Chloe a little bit.

"Well, I was going to... but dad said no to having boys over, so kinda annoyed about that, and well, I want to have a party. I'll live with the consequences later," Chloe says, waving her hand dismissively.

Skyla and I chuckle at her response.

"So who is going to the party?" I ask, trying to keep the conversation going, so it doesn’t lead back to me.

"Well, I was just going to invite everyone, and have a big house party, I know it's on pack lands, but will Oliver allow the other pack members to come?" She asks, turning to face me.

"Hmm, it should be okay," I say, nodding. "We have a peace agreement with all packs, so it shouldn't be a problem. I'm sure Ollie will stop by to check it out anyway."

"Fabulous," Chloe cheered, clapping her hands together and turning back to face the field. "Ohh, it looks like the boys are finishing just in time. Do you guys want to come over to my place now?"

"Sure," Skyla and I say together.

"I drove here today because the guys did have to practice. I wasn't planning on hanging around. So, I'm happy to drive us," I tell the girls as we gather our things to leave. "I have to run back to my locker for some things, but I'll only be 5 minutes. You guys can wait for me at the car if you want. I toss my car keys to Chloe as I say this so they could wait in the car instead of hanging around.

"I'll be back in a bit," I call out, heading down the steps toward the field. I need to let Ollie and Brent know I am going to be out tonight and tomorrow, plus tell Ollie about Chloe's plans for this weekend's party.

I look towards the feel to find Ollie and I wave my hands above my head to get his attention. Ollie is at the bench down the bottom of the stand, grabbing his bags and water bottle and talking to Brent.

"Hey, Ollie! I'm going to stay at Chloe's place tonight because her parents are away. I'll text mum and let her know, too," I called out.

He nods as he lifts his water to his mouth, squirting it in and wiping the excess off with his arm.

I walk closer so I don’t have to shout. "Also, Chloe wants to have a house party this weekend. Would it be okay if the other packs come over, too? She didn’t want to invite everyone without asking first."

A flash of blue quickly pass through his eyes as his wolf makes himself known. Ace is nice enough but can also sometimes be a hard ass, so I'm hoping Ollie will be on my side with her having a party. It would be an excellent opportunity to build relationships with the other packs and Alpha heirs.

"It could be a good opportunity to show the other packs we are open to them," I add. Chloe was set on having this party and would be half-annoyed if Ollie didn't allow it. "It won't be anywhere near the packhouse, just at her house."

"Why didn't she ask herself? Does she really need this party?" Ace pushes forward, clearly frustrated about this. I could feel tiny beads of sweat forming on my forehead and clammy hands forming into a tight fist as I struggled against his aura. Brent was already in submission. Being the Beta, I withstand him sometimes. I guess this was one of those times.

"She was going to, but I offered to ask instead. Please, it would be nice to blow off some steam after this week," I reply.

I could see the fight between Ace and Ollie. Ace finally gave back control to Ollie as his eyes changed to his chocolate brown colour, and his aura settled down.

"Sorry about that. You know how he gets with other packs," Ollie mumbles, rubbing the back of his neck and looking over to Brent as he lifts his head, stretching his neck. “Look, I don't mind, but they need to promise to be decent and respectful, and I'm not sure if that is possible."

"Why don't we try this once and see how it goes? If it doesn't work out, then we never have to do it again?"

Ollie heaves a heavy sigh, "Chloe is okay with this?"

I nod 'yes.'

"I'll ask Dad if it is ok with him and let you know."

"Okay, thanks, I'll head off now. See you both tomorrow," I wave, heading towards my locker.

I make my way quickly across the school grounds. The halls are eerily quiet without the usual chatter and talks of the students.

I reach my locker and start to input my code when I feel a hand grab my arm spin me, pushing my back against the lockers. Zander lifts a hand and fiddles with a loose strand of hair. Sparks instantly fly through me with his contact.

Kia is bouncing around, all happy having contact with our mate.

"You have been very distracting to me this afternoon, sweetheart, " Zander's husky voice enters my left ear.

His warm breath on my neck sends shivers through me, making me feel things I have never felt before.

I blink up into his dark eyes, biting my bottom lip. "I don't know what you mean," I whisper.