Chapter 32 - Alpha Zander

The sun shines shone through the window shutters, landing on the king-sized bed with the three of us sprawled across it.

"Turn the damn thing off," Chloe groans, hitting me on the side as alarm sounds ring through the early morning. It was well and truly the next morning when we fell asleep. It was nice to catch up with the girls. I felt like it had been ages since everything had moved quickly with Zander.

Chloe's room is cream, mint green, with a few gold highlights. She has mint green covers and pillows, and her chair in the corner next to her massive walk-in wardrobe is also mint green with cream and gold pillows.

Yes, we see each other at school, but that talk is usually about school and other bits and bobs since there are so many unwanted ears around. It's hard to have meaningful conversations without people listening.

It was so hard trying to keep Zander a secret last night. I nearly slipped up once or twice. Chloe was too engrossed in babbling about her and Bobby to notice. I'm not sure about Skyla. That girl is still a mystery to me sometimes. She just sat silently, listening to our conversation. I hoped everything at home was okay. We don’t know much, but we try to include her in many things, like last night.

I look at the clock … it’s 7.15 am, and groan internally. There isn’t time to go home and grab some clothes for school.

Chloe and I are similar in height and build but she is bigger around the chest. Thankfully we have similar taste in clothes although she has more dresses than I do. Skyla is slightly shorter. I hope Chloe has some clothes we could borrow.

By 7.30, Skyla and I had already gotten up, washed our faces, and tried to prepare for school. While Chloe slept through the alarms and us getting ready. She was not a morning person.

“Come on, babe, or we will be late. Skyla and I still need to borrow some clothes for today.” I shake her for the third time this morning.

Chloe groans and slowly tries to get up. We weren’t drinking last night. We just had a late-night chat, did our nails, went through magazines, and chatted about our future possibilities. But we all need our sleep. Chloe more so than Skyla and me.

“You guys need clothes?” She asks, running her eyes over us with a questioning look. We both nod in confirmation.

"Ohh, I know, we can all dress up super nicely! We did our nails last night. Let's find something to wear with them."

Chloe claps her hands happily, doing a little dance in bed. Skyla and I roll our eyes in annoyance.

"Ohh pleaseeeee, just this once, I promise. It'll be fun."

"We are only going to school," Skyla mumbles.

Chloe jumps out of bed and runs to her walk-in closet. The closet was beautiful. It was cream with beautiful markings on the ceiling. I am always in awe when I see her wardrobe. It's nearly as big as my bedroom.

She goes to one of the sides that is filled with her dresses. On the left of the dresses is a full floor-to-ceiling shoe rack with heels, flats, and Vans sneakers that she always wears. Her handbags with all the different accessories in the drawers are on the back wall behind us.

Most of the items had some gold or mint, her signature colours, but it all worked well together.

Her father is a partner in a well-known law firm in the city, and her mother is a surgeon, so they are swimming in cash. They have busy lives, so one child was enough. Fortunately, that child is the sweetest girl and my best friend.

Chloe pulled out two dresses. One is light pink with puffy arms and a skirt reaching just above the knees. The second is an ocean blue spaghetti strap pencil dress similar in length.

"Chloe, we are going to school! Not the club," Skyla says, folding her arms in annoyance. I somewhat agreed with her but at the same time I am curious about what Zander would do if I wore that dress to school.

"It might not be a bad idea?" I mumble. Both sets of eyes snap up to mine surprised that I commented.

"Really?" Skyla asks, tilting her head curiously.

I shrug, trying to hide the blush that was creeping up my cheeks. "Could be fun."

Chloe grins triumphantly when Skyla groans and snatches the blue dress out of her hands. I grab the pink dress, quickly strip, and wear it.

We head off to school. We’re running about 5 minutes late but with the way Chloe’s drives we might make it on time.

We soon pull into the school parking lot just as most students are, too. I take a deep breath before opening the car door. I don’t know what reactions to expect. I hope I at least get one reaction from the one person I wanted.

Kia is all excited about being at school, bouncing around happily. She’s excited to see Zander's reaction. She wants to jump him every time we catch his scent. I am nearly ready. I feel comfortable being around him now. I don’t know how to tell him or our family members about our situation.

As we get out of the car, a few whistles go our way. One person called out, "Damn, you look fine."

Chloe let out a little squeal behind Skyla and me as we make our way toward the lockers. We both spin around to see what’s wrong only to find Bobby Enderson wrapping his hands around her, bringing her into a deep kiss.

'I want that with our mate,' Kia whines.

'We will soon, I promise.'

Skyla rolls her eyes and continues to walk through the school gates. I follow and stop when I catch his scent in the breeze. My eyes dart around and I see him standing next to his car with Danni and his other friends. His eyes snap to mine. They turn dark and feral, flicks of gold flashing through as Jace shows himself.

Kia was still bouncing around all excited; now she had seen Zander.

'Mate, Mate, Mate,' she chants.

Skyla turns around, giving me a questioning look, "are you all good?" she asks, snapping me out of my daze.

"Perfect," I breathed, smiling at her and following her into school. .