Chapter 35 - Alpha Zander

The best fucking sex of my life. No matter how many I have been with, the pure pleasure of the bond flowed through us, making it a hundred times better than any experience I have ever had.

Lying here in the middle of the night, my mind wanders, thinking of all the possibilities that could go wrong when we tell our families. That's part of why I suggested one more week so we can mentally prepare for all the different outcomes.

But holding her here at this moment makes me want to forget all the problems and mark and claim her fully. Jace has finally settled in the back of my mind, but his possessiveness still flows through. He doesn't want to leave this place without her or without marking her. I don't blame him because there is a party tonight with more people than we would like.

I'm so used to getting up and leaving in the middle of the night. I never hang around and always make sure I go to their place instead of mine. No one has ever been in my bed. No one has ever stayed the night with me.

This newfound feeling rolls through me as I lay here, considering, struggling with my flight response … to stay, convincing myself that this time it's different. It’s not just a one-night fling. She’s it, she's my mate.

'Don't you fucking dare leave our mate.' Jace growls, pissed off by my thoughts that woke him from his slumber.

'I wasn't going to,' I mumble. He gives me a death stare. He and I both know I was.

'I know in the past when others have said they love you, you flee. This is different. She is our mate and already loves us unconditionally. Even with all the shit, you have put her through. Do not fuck up now by leaving in the middle of the night.'

'I'm not going to. I was just thinking.' I sigh.

'Thinking and getting ready to bolt!' His rant is interrupted when Ashleigh stirs and moves around, making me freeze, and panic a little.

She snuggles further onto me. Her head is resting on my chest, hair falling around me as she wrapped her arms tighter like I was a cuddly teddy. I dipped my head into her hair, smelling her beautiful scent of forest wood and fresh water, calming my crazed thoughts, and holding her tightly until I finally drift off to sleep.

I'm woken by soft kisses on my lips, leading down to my chest, followed by her hands, leaving a tingling sensation.

"Good morning, handsome," she purrs, planting another kiss quickly on my lips. Her voice is all husky, different from last night. My eyes fly open, and I'm met with her beautiful dark ones with silver rims of Kia pushing through. I suppose she's the one in control this morning.

"Morning," I rumble, my throat dry, voice tight as she reaches down, grabs my cock, and starts stroking it.

I hiss at the impact of her hands, sinking back into the pillow, closing my eyes and enjoying the motion. Jace pushes forward, trying to take control as a response to Kia being let out.

'Only if you don't mark her or do anything stupid that will upset her?' I bargained with him.

'Fine,' he grumbles, excited to have a little control in human form. I relinquish control and let him take over for a little bit so he and Kia can enjoy each other's company. I was a little surprised they wanted time in our human forms instead of theirs but I shrugged it off, sat back, and let them do their thing.

By the time they finished their antics, it was nearly lunchtime. Considering we didn't end up with any dinner last night, I'll bet she’s as hungry as I am. I pushed forward to regain control. I could see Ashleigh trying to do the same as her eyes flashed her colour, pulling Kia back into her place. Thankfully, Jace didn't put up much of a fight. I leaned into her, giving her a little kiss on her pouty lips. A blush crept over her cheeks. I smirked, lifted her, and placed her on my lap. She let out a little squeal, not expecting the motion.

"Morning, sweetheart," I murmur in her ear. I feel a shiver travel through her body, and her scent of arousal fills the air around us.

"Hmm, morning," she moans, leaning back onto me, closing her eyes, enjoying the movements. I nip at her earlobe and kiss her neck.

If I don’t stop now, we will be missing lunch, too. Between last night's time together and Jace and Kia's time this morning, I'm sure she would want a little break, but she was made for me. When she goes into heat after we mark her, we will be rumbling around all day, every day for a week, and I couldn't fucking wait.

"Would you like some breakfast, or I guess lunch? It's nearly midday now, " I ask, kissing her one more time before moving to leave the bed.

"Sure, what were you thinking?" Her eyes flew open, excited at the possibility of food.

"I bought most things: eggs, bacon, hash browns. Take your pick." I shrug.

"Well, I'm famished and would be able to eat anything at the moment. Happy to cook a few breakfast things."

I nod, push off the bed, and head to the closet to grab shorts and a top, throwing them on quickly.

Ashleigh scampers around, grabbing her clothes from the bag she must have brought beforehand. "I'm just going to the bathroom to freshen up," she says, rushing through to the bathroom. I nod and head downstairs to get breakfast ready.

As I cook breakfast, my mind wanders again, and feelings of uncertainty and doubt rise. I enjoyed waking up next to her this morning, so I'm pretty taken aback as to why I am feeling these. Maybe the trial we have to go through with our family and packs?

That is probably most of it, but now I’ve experienced what the mate bond is like I wouldn't even dare to think of rejecting her. I couldn't, and I don't think Jace would survive if she rejected us. I don't think I would survive without her.

Would she choose her family and pack over us if it came to it? There are rules in place, but sometimes manipulation and threats can cause someone to go against the mate bond.

'Stop over-thinking. She is a strong woman. She can do what she wants without anyone manipulating or questioning her actions,' Jace tries to reassure me. 'Ashleigh has already told us how much she cares; why is this such a hard thing for you to accept?'

'I get that she cares. I'm just more concerned about what her family will be like. I'm always going to be uneasy about everything until the dust has settled and we have told people.' I mumble back.

"You seem to be concentrating awfully hard on the bacon and eggs?"

Her sweet voice snaps me out of my debate with Jace. I look up and see her walking toward me with a cute smile. She's wearing jeans, and a low-cut long-sleeve top, exposing half her boobs in the best way possible.

I let out a possessive growl when I see what she is wearing. There ain't no fucking way she is leaving here with that on. Ashleigh just laughs at my annoyance and rolls her eyes.

"Down, boy," she says, walking around the bench and kissing me on the cheek. "How's it all going?" Ashleigh asks.

"Good, food is nearly ready in about 10 minutes if you want to grab some plates and things," I huff, still half-annoyed.

She nods, moves around, and grabs the plates and cutlery. "Any sauce?" she asks.

"Yeah, there should be some in the fridge." I tilt my head to the left, motioning to the fridge.

Fifteen minutes later, we sit down on the lounge in the living room, tucking into the food.

"Hmm, so good," Ashleigh moans, tilting her head back and leaning into the sofa.

"Careful, sweetheart, or I'll take you back upstairs and have my way with you again," I growl, unable to concentrate with this beauty next to me. I swear she put this shirt on just for a distraction to fucking toucher me, cause its fucking working, my eyes zero in on her boobs every time and don't want to leave.

She blinks slyly at me, a smirk pulling on her lips. Oh yeah, she knows exactly what she's fucking doing.

Silver rims flash through her eyes as Kia tries to look on and see what is happening. I'm about to lean in and kiss her when her phone starts ringing, startling us both.

Ashleigh groans when she sees who is calling.

"Who is it?" I ask.

"Chloe, I'm supposed to be helping her set up for tonight," she mumbles. "I'll just ignore her for now and send a quick text."

She waits for the phone to stop ringing before sending off a few messages while I finish the rest of my food.

"Crap, she wants me to be there in an hour," she mumbles, looking back up at me. I know it takes around half an hour to get to her place from here.

"It's ok. I can finish up here if you want to head off now," I say.

She tilts her head and asks, " Are you sure? You cooked and will also be cleaning?"

I shrug, "It's ok, you have to head off and see your friends. I’ve probably already taken more of your time than is date before someone notices anyway." It fucking kills me to say it. However, I still want her to maintain her friendships and current responsibilities outside of us trying to work out our own shit.

She leans in and pulls me in for a deep kiss. "Thankyou, you are still coming tonight, right? come around nine o'clock if you are."

"Yeah, if that's okay," I reply while cleaning everything up.

Ashleigh nods excitedly, smiling. "Can't wait," she breathes as she picks up her phone and runs to grab her bag.

I sigh inwardly. Damn, I thought I would have had more time with her today. Jace is also grumbling in my mind wanting our mate to stay longer. I put the things in the kitchen before I hear her coming back down the stairs. I head over and open the door for her before she heads out.

"Thank you for last night," she smiles, standing on her toes to reach me. I lean down, kissing her possessively, not wanting her to go.

"Anytime, sweetheart," I mumble, pulling her in for a deep kiss. "I'll see you tonight."