Chapter 36 - Alpha Zander

I’m on edge as we drive out of our territory in Danni’s jeep and head for Liverpool. Danni is driving, I’m in the front seat while Eric and Billy are sitting in the back. We picked up a couple of cases of beer and ice to contribute to the party.

I never go empty-handed, even if it is a house party. The guys and I always drink a considerable amount.

Driving through the city to get to the other side isn’t a long drive, maybe 45 minutes to Liverpool territory, far enough for us to be a little bit on edge. Ashleigh assured me that the other Alpha heirs and pack members would be attending, so I suggested we take a few cars and pile up as best we could.

As we roll up to the house at around 9.30 pm, cars are all parked along the street, fairy lights on the front fence flickering on and off to the beat of the music. The place is nice enough, a two-story white colonial with a dark roof, four pillars out the front to hold the porch, and a few steps leading up to the house.

People are gathered all around the front and back; one or two girls are already throwing up in the front gardens, with their friends holding their hair back, trying to comfort them. I could sense a few others from other packs around the area, which relaxed me a little more. Dad wasn't thrilled that I was going, but I convinced him it was the best way to build relationships. I could at least make an appearance for a few hours, then come home if he was that uneasy about it.

Considering Ashleigh was my mate, I wanted to try and make an effort to be around her in her natural space.

Danni parked on the curb, and we all pile out, grabbing the stuff from the boot. I sling a case of beer over my shoulder, steadying it with one arm to get a good grip on it before we head towards the thumping music and the with the boys following behind.

I walk through the front door, not even bothering to knock or ring the bell, the door already half ajar as people came and go. The house already wreaked of sweat, alcohol, and a slight tinge of smoke.

I scan my surroundings. It’s a nice enough place. Open floor plan with the kitchen on the right and a massive lounge room on the front left. Big double glass doors opened to the back patio and stairs on the right-hand side before the kitchen leading up. I notice that most of the people here are from school. A chick I recognize as one of Ashleigh’s friends who follows her around the school. She walks up to us and starts talking, waving her hands around and pointing to where everything was.

“Hi, I'm Chloe. Welcome to my home, few ground rules. Firstly. If you are gonna throw up, do it outside. Secondly. No sex in the bedrooms, or anywhere else in this house for that matter. I mean it. I will kick you out even if you are halfway through or finished. I don’t give a shit who you are, do it somewhere else. And lastly. Have fun! Just don’t break anything in the process. Alcohol is in the outside bar. And bathrooms are to the left of the living room.” She smiled and headed toward the kitchen without waiting for me to respond.

Danni chuckles at her rules. “If she thinks people ain’t gonna have sex, she’s delusional.”

I roll my eyes. “Just don’t do it in the house. Don’t give them a reason to be pissed at us,” I mumble, making my way through the busy people outside to the backyard. I spot a DJ playing music on a stand in a corner. People are dancing in front of him on what looked like a plastic mat. Guess they put it down so the girls can wear heels and not sink into the grass.

I scan the area. It is a huge backyard. A pool was further out the back with a seating area off to the right with a large table in the middle. A fire pit is off to the left of that with people already gathered around warming themselves in the crisp winter evening.

I make my way over to the bar next to the DJ. People had already flocked around, lingering and chatting. I try not to be so eager to be near my mate, but I want her and hate that I am around other people who aren’t her. Just as that thought entered my mind I caught her scent. I frantically start looking around, trying to spot her in the crowd.

I nearly choke when I saw her talking with another chick next to the fire pit. She’s fucking hot! It’s taking all of my willpower not to march over to her, throw her over my shoulder, and take her home with me tonight.

After last night I want her more than ever. This afternoon made it quite clear that I couldn't be without her without going fucking crazy, and Jace was just a dick to control.

Wearing knee-high heel boots, her dress only just went past her thigh, the front crossed over, making easy access for her boobs. Gold chains ran across her back and shoulders, keeping everything in place. She is a total knockout, and it is fucking killing me that I’m not the only one seeing her in it and not marching her out of here to have my way with her.

She completely changed her hair. It wasn't curly and crazy as usual. Tonight, she changed it to flowy and wavey as she had straightened it. She looked like a completely different person. I was pissed off this morning with what she wore, fuck, if I knew she was going to wear this tonight, I wouldn't have let her out of my sight.

My heart thumps in my chest as she looks up at me, giving me a small smile. Kia flashes through her eyes, making herself known.

I look next to her at the other girl. I recognize her as Samantha Jane, Westfield’s Beta heir. I guess the two ranked females are mingling.

"You want a drink, Alpha?" Danni asks.

"Huh?" Snapping out of my trance, I spin around to face him and the guys grabbing their drinks.

Danni smirks at my uneasiness and hands me a beer. I roll my eyes at his stupid behaviour. I look back over to see Ashleigh and Samantha had been joined by Lachlan King. I never did like the guy. He always gave me the creeps. Out of the four Alpha heirs, he is the worst. His father is the Alpha of Westfield and just a weasel to deal with. His son isn’t much better.

He moves closer and goes between the two girls sliding a hand around Samantha, pulling her in close. It seems these two are more than just business. Ashleigh excused herself from the group and starts to head towards me, looking directly at me and giving me major fuck me eyes.

She’d only taken a step towards me when a slap was heard. Ashleigh stops in her tracks and spins back around to face them with Kia's aura pulsing through so strong that the music stopped and everyone was baring their necks, submitting to the Beta of Liverpool.

Lachlan King was smirking like the smug bastard he is, flashed her a smile, and shrugged. I didn't even have time to register what happened when she swung back and smacked him right in the middle of the face making a sickening cracking sound of his nose breaking as he cries out like a baby.

"If you ever touch me again like that, it won't just be your nose that is broken. Now get the fuck off my territory!" Kia snarled.

A few people around her snickered at him as he whimpers like a pup. Samantha tries to comfort him but at the same time seems pissed off at what he did. Considering they are probably fucking, Lachlan looking at another girl for his next fix probably wasn't what she needed to see.

Broken bones hurt like a bitch. You have to reset them before they heal, or there will be problems later on. Shifter healing can only do so much.

Jace sits up, all proud of what our mate did. Honestly, if she didn't beat the shit out of him, I would have. I don't give a shit, who found out we were mates.

I would have killed the bastard for touching what's mine.