Chapter 33 - Alpha Zander

Fuck me. This girl is making it harder and harder for me to keep the promise I made her. As soon as she stepped out of that car, Jace completely took over and wanted to claim her right there and then.

That innocent, sweet smile of hers draws me in every damn time, but today, it was filled with lust and longing. I could smell her arousal from here. I'm sure every other male wolf could as well. Others are starting to circle, making Jace even more possessive and harder to control, our mate so close yet so far away. It was starting to piss me off.

'Let me go to her,' Jace growls, frustrated with our situation. We want to respect her wishes, but fuck, when she dresses like that, she knows what she's going to get.

'We can't, Jace, but I have an idea.'

She has no idea what she has got herself into. Play with fire, and you will get burned, sweetheart. I smirk as she turns and walks into school with her friends.

Jace chuckles at my idea as I show him what I plan on doing. Jace then goes into full-on passive stalker mode, trying to find her scent and moving around the students so swiftly and quickly that by the time they turn around to see who is there, I’ve already disappeared.

We only have about 5 minutes left until the first class, and I don't want to wait until study hall to see her next.

I pick up her scent around the science labs. Most of the students are already in the classroom by now, and I'm hoping that because Ashleigh and her friends arrived late, she doesn’t have her books and things, so she'll be a little late for class.

Her scent is stronger as I move around the hallway. I hear her footsteps hurrying in my direction. Smirking, I slip into the bathroom next to me, waiting, listening as she comes closer. I reach out and grab her to pull her in with me.

"Hello, mate," My voice rumbles, overlapping with Jace's. I know my eyes are a dark haze with Jace showing through.

Sparks fly around us with the contact of our skin, making me even wilder and Jace more possessive.

She gasped as her hand flies to her chest, breathing heavily, trying to calm herself when she realizes that it’s me.

"Zander?" she says, tilting her head in question, her eyes sparkling with mischief and a hint of longing.

"You are playing a very dangerous game, sweetheart," I growl, nuzzling the side of her neck and kissing her softly on the spot where she would one day bear my mark. I don't usually do soft and gentle, but right now, I'll do anything for her.

"Oh? Am I going to be punished, Alpha?" Her sweet voice whispers in my ear.

I growl into her neck as the last word leaves her lips, her soft moans start filling the bathroom as my hands move around her body. Her hands move over my shoulders and into my hair, and she tugs on my hair each time I kiss her neck, egging me on to go further.

I lean in to kiss her on the lips, but a naughty thought passes my mind. I hover over only inches apart from her lips. She groans in frustration when my lips don't meet hers. Her eyes snap back open and stare into mine as we wait.

I smirk. "You’ve started something you might not be able to finish."

"Try me," she whispers, leaning in, closing the gap between us, and deepening the kiss.

The last bit of self-control snaps. A growl rumbles through the bathroom as I pick her up and carry her towards the stall. We may be in the bathroom, but I do not want every damn person to see her.

She lets out a little giggle as I carry her and I silence it with another kiss. I don't want her first time to be in the bathroom, but I can at least make sure one of us is satisfied. I don't usually care what the girl wants. Usually, sex is all about me, but right now, I only care about her having a good time and enjoying herself.

The door slams against the concrete walls as I push it open, my hands already making their way down her body. Her moans are becoming louder and louder the closer I get to her pussy, teasing her as I run my hands down her back, groping her ass.

She stands on tiptoe on one leg while the other is raised to hook on my waist. She tries to deepen the kiss and her neediness is driving Jace and me crazy.

I slowly make my way to the end of her dress, fiddling with the hem, giving her a chance to pull out or stop if she wants. Ashleigh doesn't even hesitate. She leans into my touch, wanting more. My hands slip under, feeling the sparks and goosebumps rising on her soft flesh. I suddenly stopped expecting there to be soft fabric to be in the way of her entrance.

"No panties," I choke, pulling away from the kiss.

Her eyes arecompletely black, and I'm sure so are mine. "They seemed like an inconvenience," she mumbles, leaning back into the kiss.

I let out a sharp breath as she leans forward, my hand moving on her body. Jace has utterly lost his mind as I have.

My finger is met by her dripping wet pussy. I move at a rhythm for her to get used to the sensation. Her moans become louder and more desperate than before. "Zander, Zander," she chants my name as I pick up speed, her hips thrusting in rhythm every time to move deeper.

I place my hand over her mouth to muffle the sounds. That only seems to make her more excited. As much as I want her screaming my name, letting everyone know she's mine, I don't know if she is ready yet.

Her breathing gets heavier, her head leaning against the bathroom stall for balance as she comes crashing down from her orgasm. Seeing her like this and knowing I caused it makes me fucking ecstatic.

She moans one last time as I remove my hand from her and lick her sweet nectar off. Kia seems to enjoy that as I see her push forward, trying to gain control.

"Meet us at the cottage tomorrow night." Kia's voice rings through.

“Sure, sweetheart.” I bring my other hand to her face and let her lean into the sensation of the bond, hoping it would help Ashleigh regain control.