Chapter 20 - Welcome Home Mate


I couldn’t believe what had happened.

I know it’s all my fault, but there was an explanation.

Naomi mind linked me, telling me there were rogues on the territory. She told me to meet her at an advantage point. We all received word that there were rogues in the territory.

But when I got there, the only problem was there were no rogues, only Naomi. Jason mind-linked me, telling me that there were five outside his house where Keith and Roxie and they were heading back to help them. It came as a shock, as we must have run past them, but how the hell did they manage to get through without being seen?

Naomi was there on her own, naked and crying.

I told her I had to get back to Roxie, but she said to me that Bruce had rejected her. She had no clue why. She was heartbroken. Blaze was going crazy in my head as he wanted to return to Roxie to ensure she was alright. I placed a block on Blaze, but I knew it was a mistake by the time it was too late.

I asked her what she needed from me. She just needed a friend, so I hugged her. But what was only meant to be a hug that ended with us kissing each other was something else. I had no clue how we ended up kissing. I don’t have feelings for her, I never had, and my heart belonged to Roxie.

I never thought Roxie would know, especially since we hadn’t mated or marked each other.

I would have told her, but when I looked up, I saw her face.

My heart felt like it had been ripped out of my chest.

Blaze was confused when the block came down. He would find out, eventually. But he was more stunned at our mate when she ran fast and home. She stood in front of her father, and her face was blank.

I knew I had broken her once again when she looked at me. Her eyes were like when we had to send her away.

“What did you do, jackass?” roars Blaze in my head, watching Roxie.

I ignored him as Roxie came close, but she swung at me and punched me square in the face hard before I could do anything. I stumbled back, but I didn’t have a chance to recover as Roxie did a spinning kick on me which sent me flying backward onto my ass with a loud thud, not too far from Naomi.

I could feel the pain in my face and stomach. But when she rejected me, my heart was torn in two. The pain was excruciating. She walked off, not before she punched her brother in the face.

Everyone was stunned, but I was heartbroken.

My mate just rejected me.

Blaze was howling in my head in pain, but the scent beside me became more prominent. Naomi kneels beside me. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to,” she says.

I looked at her. Blaze stares at her but growls loudly.

“YOU DUMBASS,” he roars in my head.

He blocked me without saying another word.

Naomi places her hand on my arm, but I shove it off.

“I think you have done enough, don’t you?” I said to her through gritted teeth.

I got off the floor and walked toward everyone glaring at me.

Naomi follows, but I turn around. “GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME,” I growled at her. “I DON’T WANT ANYTHING TO DO WITH YOU.”

Naomi stops in her tracks and whimpers. She quickly turned and ran away.

Most people had gone inside, but Jason was staring at me with anger all over his face.

“What the fuck did you do?” he says with a snarl.

“Look, I need to explain,” I started to say, but he shoves me back. “You’re not going anywhere near her. What the fuck was Naomi doing here?”

I stared at him, but he looked at me, and I could tell something had clicked in his head.

“You jackass, I thought I told you to end it with that bitch,” he shouted.

“I have; she had a mate,” I said to him.

Jason looked at me, confused. “Had a mate? What happened between her and Bruce?” he asked.

“Naomi told me he rejected her; I was comforting her,” I said, not going to give the full details.

Jason stares at me and turns to walk away.

“Man, wait, I need to explain to her….” I started to say, but I didn’t see it coming. Jason turned around and punched me square in the face, in the exact same place where his sister hit me moments ago.


I grunted.

“You don’t get to be fucking alpha here,” Jason shouted. “Get the fuck away from the house.”

Jason ran into the house and slammed the door behind him.

I stared at the house.

What the fuck am I going to do now?

I was entirely on my own.

The rejection replays in my head, and it causes my heart to ache more.

I looked up at the windows, but there was no sign of her. I even listened throughout the house, but I couldn’t hear anything.

I turned and walked away.

My heart was breaking.

I strolled back to the pack house and avoided anyone who was near.

I walked inside and headed to the office; I knew my father would be there. Realization sets in; Tim would have told him by now what had happened.

I walked in and found my father standing in front of the window.

I closed the door behind me and looked at my father.

“You know you’ve fucked up, right,” he said as he turned around to face me.

He was pissed.

“Why the hell would you be with that girl for?” he asked.

I stared at him and sighed. “I didn’t mean to. It just happened. Naomi told me that there were rogues at that spot, and she knew of an advantage point, but she was on her own when I got there. She told me that Bruce rejected her, and she was heartbroken. I thought I was her friend,” I said.

My father looks at me and cocks his head to one side.

“She told you that Bruce rejected her?” he asked, slightly confused.

I nodded.

My father’s face went blank for a few minutes, obviously mind linking someone, but when he comes back. “You were played,” he said and walked over to the couch.

I frowned, “what do you mean?” I asked as I sat on the opposite side of him.

My father sighs. “Bruce didn’t reject Naomi; she did the rejecting. She even forced him to accept the rejection.”

I could feel Blaze’s block on me coming down, and I knew he was listening to the conversation.

I growled. “Why the fuck would she do that?”

“Well, you and she were together a while ago,” he says.

“I know, but I told her about Roxie being my mate and that we had to stop, she even kicked my ass for leading her on,” I said. “I don’t get it.”

My father looks at me but doesn’t say anything.

All I wanted to do was to go and see Roxie, even if it was to reject her rejection.

“You need to leave it for a bit,” my father says with a knowing look.

I stared at him, but a mind link came through, and it was Naomi. I growled and closed my connection to her. I can’t believe what she did. Why was she being like that? I never gave her any false hope. She knew that I was going to have Roxie as my mate. I told her so, and she even agreed with me.

“I think you need to get to bed,” my father says, pulling me out of my thoughts.

I looked at him. Something doesn’t feel right. Why is my father acting like this?

“What’s going on?” I asked him. But before he speaks, the phone to the office rings out.

I stared at him for a moment, but I got off the couch and picked up the phone.

“Hello, Alpha Lex speaking,” I said.

“Lex, it’s Dean,” he says. “Can we talk? I just had seven rogues come into my territory.”

“We had five not too long ago,” I say. But suddenly realized I never knew what the hell happened to them?

“What the hell is going on?” he asked.

I sighed. “I don’t know, but we should come together and figure this out,” I said.

“I agree. What about you come to me?” he says. “You can stay for two nights, and we can either devise a plan or try to track them down to kill them.”

I knew what I wanted to do, but it wasn’t to go and visit Alpha Dean.

“Look, I will let you know when I’m free, but I think we should track where they came, especially as they just attacked both packs; maybe there is a link that we’re missing,” I said as I looked at my father, who was staring at me.

He nodded.

“Yeah, that should work, but we need to do something soon. I lost a pack member tonight,” he said, slightly troubled.

“I’m sorry to hear that,” I said.

“I will ring you back tomorrow, and we can devise a plan,” he says.

We both said goodbye to one another.

I glanced toward my father; I needed to get answers about what happened earlier, but also I needed to know what the hell was going on around here.