Chapter 21 - Welcome Home Mate


My father stared at me as I placed the phone down.

“I’m staying here tonight,” I said to him as I sat on my chair behind my desk.

My father frowned.

“You need proper rest,” he said.

“I know, but I also know I won’t be able to sleep. I need to sort it out with Roxie,” I said.

He nodded, giving me a knowing look.

I looked at him. “Dad, Can I talk to Bruce?” I asked him.

He stared at me for a few moments, but he nodded.

My father mind links to Bruce, and after a few minutes, Bruce walks in. His eyes were all bloodshot, but when his eyes landed on me, he growled. “You have some nerve calling me in here,” he said.

I stared back at him, confused.

He glares, but my father places his hand on his shoulder. “You need to calm down and explain to us what happened,” he asked.

Bruce looks at my father and then back at me. I could tell he was debating whether to talk to me, but he sighed.

“Naomi never loved me, especially at the beginning; she always loved you. She would compare you to me, what you were like in bed and how big your cock was,” he said. I wince at the statement, but Bruce carries on. “She never loved me; she only used me as she wanted to get close to you. She told me that she watched you and your mate spar earlier and you won. I thought nothing of it until she rejected me out of nowhere. I was in pain. I wasn’t going to accept her rejection, but she stabbed me with a silver knife and told me she would kill me if I didn’t accept her rejection. I accepted and even rejected her. She smiled afterward and told me that she and you could finally be together.”

I stared back at him in disbelief.

Bruce looked at me with sadness in his eyes.

“I never wanted anything to do with her,” I said to him. “I have been waiting for my mate to come home for six years, and she did a few days ago.”

Bruce looked at me. “At the beginning, I mean after a week. She was truly the love of my life, but a few days ago, she went back to the woman who hated me. She had it in for your mate; she would tell me stories of what she and her friends would do to her. She was shocked that your mate never told you, Jason, or even her father what they did to her. So she kept doing it, thinking she was putting the fear into her,” he said.

I looked at him, but something clicked in my head—something that Keith said about she never liked being here or something about not fitting in within the pack.

“Why did you treat her like that at the training ground?” asked my father, who had never taken his eyes off him.

Bruce looked down at the floor but looked back at my father. “Naomi wanted to make her pay and suffer. She told me she was weak, and I believed her. I never thought she could cope in a sparring match against the alpha. So I thought I would make her watch, and she could fight someone in her league.”

I growled.

Bruce looks at me but sighs. “I noticed during training that she was holding back when she was fighting Alpha Frank,” he says, looking at me.

I stared back at him in shock; what the hell?

Suddenly, I felt Blaze come forward and look at Bruce.

Blaze ignores me but mutters. “Mate was holding back in sparring against us too.”

I looked at him; she held back when she fought me.

Blaze cocks his head at me and frowns. “You are one stupid human; she threw the whole round as she wanted to get to know you and go on a date with you.”

I looked at my father. “I need to go,” I said to him, startling him and Bruce.

Without another word, I got out of my chair and headed to the door, my father and Bruce staring at me. But I knew my father mind-linking, someone.

I knew where I wanted to go, and I knew she wouldn’t want to see me. I would stay outside the house all night if I had to, but I needed Roxie to understand what had happened. I need to tell her I was a fool and an idiot.

I turned around and ran straight out of the packhouse and towards her house.

As I got to the door, I banged on it.

The door opened, but it wasn’t Roxie.

It was Jason.

Jason stares at me, “what the hell?” he says.

He glares at me, “She doesn’t want to see you,” he says.

“I know, I just….” I say, but I stop myself. I knew I had fucked up, and I also knew Jason wasn’t going to let me in, so I barged past Jason and headed straight upstairs to her room.

I could hear Jason running behind me.

As I reached her door, I banged on it.

“ROXIE,” I shouted.

There was nothing, no sound or movement. Something didn’t feel right, and Blaze was on edge. I pushed down the door handle and was surprised to find it open.

I pushed the door wide and walked in. I stood in the room and looked around, but she wasn’t there.

There was nothing, no sign of her.

I looked behind me to find Jason standing behind me, looking around her room.

“Where the hell is she?” I yelled.

Jason looked at me, but I realized that he wasn’t alone. His mate was standing there.

Sofia walked into the room as Jason stood sidewards, letting her through and pushing past me.

Sofia glared at me. “You’re a jackass,” she said.

“I know I am. Where is she?” I asked her.

Sofia looks at Jason from behind me, but I can’t see what he is doing. “She’s gone,” she says as she looks back at me.

I growled. I could feel Blaze pacing back and forth in my head; his anger was intense.

“Where?” I asked.

“You don’t need to know where,” she yells.

I walk toward her, with anger fueling my veins, but Jason steps in front of her and growls at me. “You touch my mate, and I will hurt you.”

I stopped and looked at him.

Sofia steps aside to look at me, but I glared at Jason. I never take my eyes off him.

“You both need to fuck up,” she says, making us both look at her.

Sofia glared. “I’m going to betray her trust by doing this,” she said. She turned around and walked over to a box on the chest of drawers. She picked it up and placed it on the ground. Sofia bends down, picks up three black leather-looking books, and hands one to each of us.

I looked at the one I was holding, which looked much heavier than the other two. I looked back at Sofia, confused. What the hell was this?

Sofia stares between the both of us. “I’m betraying Roxie’s trust, but I think you both need to know something, and it’s not pretty either.”

“What do you mean?” asked Jason as he looked at the book he was holding. Sofia looked at him and then back at me. “You want to know what Roxie went through over the years while she was here; these are her actual diaries that have everything in them that will explain what she went through, what happened to her, everything,” she said.

“You won’t like what you read, but something tells me it’s about time people knew what truly went on here,” she said.

I looked down at the book and moved back till the back of my legs hit her bed. I sat down and opened the book.

If I wanted to know about my mate, I guess I had to read about her first.

I opened the first page and instantly saw the date in the corner of the page.

I flinched as I started to read; I knew nothing of the day but the date was something that I knew all too well.