Chapter 24 - Welcome Home Mate


I stared back in shock as the video came to an end.

I pulled back and looked at Jason. “She’s an ultimate fighter,” I said in shock.

Jason nodded his head. “I knew something was up. She was holding back in training when she was sparring against your dad and even with you. I could see Keith keeping an eye on her all the time. But then it was the rogues from earlier,” he said.

I stared back at him, looking at him confused. “Rogues from earlier,” I asked him.

Jason looks at me, but his hand slaps his forehead.

“Shit man, I forgot to be Beta to you for a few hours,” he said. “When you shouted rogues, we all went in the direction you told us. You wanted us to make sure there were none around. When we got further away, my father got a mind link from Keith telling us five men were at the house. My father and I ran back only to witness Roxie take down two rogues alone. She had killed two before him, but she killed him by using just her legs.”

I stared at him with my eyebrows raised.

Blaze felt proud as he stuck out his chest when Jason told the story.

Jason looked at me, “I know, but witnessing that was something worthwhile,” he said.

I nodded, not saying anything.

But something was bugging me, but then it was like a light bulb going off.

“Do you think Naomi sent those rogues?” I asked with a snarl.

Jason pounders over what I said, but he shrugs. “I would be guessing, but it can’t be a coincidence that they show up when she mind links you to come to her.”

I growled. “I’m going to kill her,” I said to him.

Jason looked at me. “I think we need to talk to your father,” he said, but a smirk pulled the corners of his lips. “I bet he will rip you a new asshole when he reads these.”

I groaned.

I know he will; he was proud to have Roxie as my Luna. But he was happy that his best friend’s children would be among the next generation of people who would help me take over the pack and make it our own.

“I think I should do this on my own,” I said to him.

He nods, “but I think you need to sort out all the shit-stirring arseholes in this pack. I mean, if Roxie is having trouble with my exes, there is no doubt that Sofia is too,” I said to him.

Jason doesn’t say anything, but he sighs. “I think you’re right,” he says and looks at me. “We both need to make this work with our mates, but also we need to make a big change in how we see and be around everyone, especially the women.”

I nodded.

“I think we need to set some ground rules and place them around the pack,” I said.

Jason looked at me. “Yeah, but you need to announce Roxie as your mate, I mean now,” he said.

I looked at him. “I know. I should have told her the first night she came back whether or not she accepted me,” I said.

I looked toward the door and stood up.

I looked around the room and grabbed the two diaries that my father should read. I think to get the worst ones out of the way. He can read the other ones later on and on his own.

Jason looked at me. “I think I will make sure all these diaries are put away, and I’m going to look for Sofia,” he said.

I nodded as I walked towards the door.

I headed down the stairs and walked through the front door.

I stop in my tracks as I look outside the house after everything. I didn’t realize the state on the ground. There was blood everywhere, but there were no bodies; they seemed to have been moved.

I opened a mind link to Jason. “Where are the bodies from the attack?” I asked him.

“Gamma Simon and some guards moved them when we were in the house,” he said. “He burned their bodies near the river to send a message to others who want to try to come onto the pack grounds.”

“Ok. Once you sort out with Sofia, both of you come to the pack house, and we can come up with ideas on what we need to do to get Roxie back,” I said to him.

Jason agreed and closed the mind link.

I walked to the pack house and headed straight to the office, where I knew my father would be.

It didn’t take me long, and I walked through the door but stopped in my tracks. My father was there but wasn’t alone, and his face was pissed.

The person in the chair in front of him turns around in the chair and smirks at me.

Blaze was on all fours and growling.

“SHE NEEDS TO BE GONE,” he snarled.

I keep my face blank, but I move into the office.

“Alpha Lex,” says Naomi. “I came to talk to you about something, but I had a lovely chat with your dad.”

I looked at my father, who was glaring at her.

“You need to leave now,” I said through clenched teeth. “I have some pack business to deal with, and you are not part of it.”

Naomi looks at me and pouts. “Well, that’s not nice. I was wondering if we could talk since our mates rejected us. I think I can help you become the Alpha you truly be,” she said.

Blaze growls out, “She needs to shut up.”

I tried to keep him at bay, but it was hard to control him, especially after everything we had read.

“I think you should leave now,” I said as anger filled my veins. It wasn’t just Blaze’s anger I had to deal with; it was my own.

Naomi stares at me but moves out of the chair and walks over to me.

I sidestep her as she tried to place her hand on my arm, and I couldn’t help but growl.

Naomi doesn’t flinch, but she nods, “we need to talk,” she said.

She walked out, and I kept my eyes on my father, never looking at her. My father looked like he wanted to kill me.

Once the door was closed, my father moved from behind the desk and stared at me.

“You better explain to me why that little whore thinks she has a right to become your Luna when you need to be setting everything right with Roxie,” he snarled.

When my father gets angry, he is hard to get through to. I stared at him. I hope I can get through to him.

“I want you to read these two diaries, and once you have, I want you to call me back,” I said to him.

My father stared at me and frowned.

“Why?” he asked. “I know about these diaries; I have read one of them as Sofia gave me one to read earlier.”

I looked at him but glanced at the ones I was holding. These were the worst for him to read, and I know my head would end up on a spike.

“Dad,” I said as I stepped closer and placed the diaries on the desk in front of him. He glanced down, but he looked back up to meet mine. “You need to read these more; there is much about this pack and what went on regarding Roxie. I want you to read them, and I will warn you, these are terrible.”

My father looked down at the desk and moved back around. He sits and looks up at me, “while I am reading these, what are you going to be doing?”

I sighed. “I will be going for a run. I think Blaze needs to get out and run,” I said to him.

My father nodded.

My father opened the first diary, and I turned to walk away.

But before I leave the office, my father calls out, “keep away from that girl; she is bad news.”

I nodded, but I didn’t say anything.

I walked out of the office and didn’t even bother looking around. I walked straight through the pack house and started to run towards the forest clearing.

I knew Blaze needed a run, but I needed to get my mind off everything.

My mind was more on Roxie, and I needed to get her back.

I needed to figure out a way to get her back.

I don’t even bother taking my clothes off as I let Blaze take over, shredding my clothes in the process.

Blaze runs fast, but we both stay in silence.