Chapter 25 - Welcome Home Mate


We arrived at Uncle Keith’s pack just before night fell.

The pack is smaller than my father’s, but it has more qualified trainers.

People train constantly, and no one ever makes you feel worthless.

I glanced at my father, who had been sleeping the whole ride there. The pack was only two hours long, but we stopped off for some food on the way.

My Uncle Keith told my father about the upcoming ultimate fighter competition, which was mainly a charity event. Everyone was going to be there, and judging by my Uncle’s face, it was to be big.

We were in the middle of eating, but my father caught me off guard and asked me, “Are you competing in the fighting?”

I was shocked, but I shook my head.

Uncle Keith’s alpha wanted the best, and I only started to fight. So I knew it wasn’t my time. I only fought a few fights when I was needed. I remember winning three out of four contests, and the alpha was impressed. I always tried to keep my head down, but I like to do more fighting. It releases some of my anger and frustration; back then, I had a lot of both.

Uncle Keith never mentioned anything about the fight before, but his eyes have been on me since we left that place and were back on the road.

After another forty-five minutes, the car comes to a complete stop outside my Uncle’s place, and we all get out of the car.

The driver takes our bags and places them in the house.

I walked up the steps, but I couldn’t help but stare at the familiarities of the last six years. This place was my home, and I love it here.

I stepped onto the porch and leaned on the rail as I looked over it. My Uncle has the best view.

My Uncle and father walked into the house. I know that my Uncle is taking my father to his room. My Uncle has a four-bedroom home. He has his own room and even made one for me within three days of me staying there.

My Uncle was prepared for when my father would come, but he never did. But he already had a room ready for him as he always believed that he would come when he needed to get away.

I stared out, trying not to think about anything.

Bex fell asleep when we were in the car; she hated it when we were traveling as it always made her nauseous, and she wanted to rip someone apart. So, when the car started, Bex placed a block up.

I have tried pulling it down, but I guess she’s sleeping.

I wanted to find out what she was thinking, and we could discuss what we should do next.

“Well, your father likes his room,” says my Uncle as he steps outside. He sighs and walks over to me. I can feel his eyes on me.

He stood next to me and looked out. “You know I was going to ask you about joining the ultimate fight for the charity event,” he said.

I looked up at him, but his eyes were focused on something in the distance. I couldn’t help but frown.

“Why didn’t you ask?” I muttered as I turned to look back. There was nothing there, just trees and a rabbit who thought he would try to move without us noticing.

“I didn’t think you would want to, I mean, I knew you were going to be mated to Lex, but I didn’t know what he would think,” he said.

I sighed.

“I want to join you,” I said to him, without looking at him.

“Roxie,” he says. “You need to talk about what happened or try to figure out what you want. I know you rejected him, but if he never accepted it. What if he came here?”

I didn’t say anything, keeping my eyes focused on the trees ahead.

Uncle Keith sighed. “I think you should take some time and maybe head back to the pack and work it out with him,” he said.

I growled at him and turned to face him.

My Uncle looked at me with raised eyebrows, but he didn’t say anything.

“I don’t need to be told what to do,” I said. “Alexander made his decision, and I made mine. I don’t know what to think or do, but one thing is for certain, I want to fight.”

I stared at him. Uncle Keith stared back at me, his eyes searching my face.

“Okay,” he said with a heavy sigh. “I will let Alpha Gareth know you will be competing in the ultimate fight.”

I nodded.

I looked to the front door, but I could feel his eyes still on me.

“I know I need to think about everything, and I know I need to talk to my dad about what was truly going on within that pack,” I said as I looked back at him. “I will make you a deal; I will consider thinking about everything as long as you help me train.”

Uncle Keith nodded and gave me a small smile, “that’s all I want to hear, you need not overthink, and I know it is tricky for you, but Lex is a good man, but he is also an idiot for what he did.”

I didn’t say anything.

“He’s not an idiot,” blurts Bex, “he’s a dumbass and needs to be nurtured.”

I smirked.

“Bex,” says Uncle Keith with a grin.

I nodded at him.

He smiled, “well, I think my gorgeous niece and her stunning wolf need to go for a run,” he said.

I smiled.

“Thank god for that,” said Bex.

I didn’t say anything.

I walked around my Uncle and walked toward the forest, but my Uncle shouted out. “I will leave some clothes for you on the porch.”

I didn’t stop as I carried on walking toward the forest.

As soon as I am out of sight, I take my clothes off and shift into Bex.

Bex shakes out her fur and sniffs the air. It didn’t take long until she ran between the trees chasing the wildlife.

I couldn’t help but stare into her eyes as she ran past everything. This place was gorgeous in the spring but even better in the summer.

We went to the pack river, and Bex trots over to drink some water from it.

Afterward, Bex laid down and looked around, the silence was tranquil, and it eased us. It made us relax.

“You okay?” she asked as she yawned.

I smiled. “Yeah, just feel weird,” I said to her.

She nodded. “I know what you mean,” she said.

She stared at me but sighed. “I need to ask you something,” she asked. “Do you think you can ever forgive mate for what he did?”

I looked back at her; that was a tricky question to answer.

I don’t say anything, but Bex starts to talk again. “I think we need space from the pack, but I want to take back the rejection. Blaze never did anything to us, and he probably would kick that human’s ass if he could,” she says. I couldn’t help but smirk at the comment.

Bex looked at me. “He was a player and stupid to think nothing happened when it did,” she said. “I know talking about everything about what happened will hurt, but you do need to tell your dad.”

I looked at her and sighed. “I know, and as for our mate, I need some time to process before I make any decision about taking back the rejection,” I said to her.

We stayed quiet for a long while.

“You know I only rejected him because I wanted him to hurt as much as he hurt me all those times before,” I said. Bex looks at me and nods, but she doesn’t say anything.

“He hurt me, Bex,” I said to her quietly as I started to feel my heart break.

Bex doesn’t say anything.

Bex lowers her head and lays her head on her front paws.

Nothing else was said; we were both dealing with what our mate had done. I know Blaze and Bex want each other, but this was all about Alexander and me.

I needed time, but I also wanted Alexander to prove to me. But at the moment, I couldn’t even think about what that meant. He broke my heart again. It would take more than an apology and begging; that’s all I knew.

Tiredness loomed over us, and we both were sent into darkness as we let sleep over us.