Chapter 29 - Welcome Home Mate


I stare at my father, who looks up at me.

“Please tell me that what was in those books was a child’s imagination,” he says quietly.

I shook my head.

My father looks at me for a few moments but sighs. “Tim has mind-linked me, and he’s not happy,” he says. “Roxie has told him everything that had happened.”

I stare at him. I was surprised to hear that; Roxie never mentioned anything to anyone over the years, not even her father.

“He is pissed at you and Jason,” he said. But his face turned hard. “It seemed I would be taking a trip to school as well; no one ever did anything about the abuse and torment. Keith tried to tell the headmaster but was more pissed that a Beta from another pack would meddle in a child’s affairs from this pack.”

I couldn’t help the low growl that slipped out. Blaze was pissed too; he was growling and snarling in my head. No one helped Roxie.

My father looked at me, “we need to figure out how to deal with all this,” he said.

I nodded and walked over to the chair opposite him.

He watches my every move till I sit down.

“You know you have truly fucked up,” he said. I didn’t say a word to him. I know I am at fault and have to find a way to win Roxie back.

“I won’t be surprised if Roxie doesn’t take back her rejection, whether you don’t accept it or not,” he said flatly.

My heart sank into my stomach; thinking she would never take the rejection back makes it hard to bare, but it was my own fault.

My father and I sat in silence for a few moments.

“We have to come up with something,” he says. “A pack rule that will make people feel safe within the pack, or even feel safe enough to tell us what’s wrong.”

I nodded.

I looked at my father. “I think if we mention a complaint that was put before the pack that a pack member didn’t feel safe, we were investigating it. Maybe we could ask people around the pack for information to find out if anyone witnessed anything,” I said, remembering my conversation with the omega moments ago.

My father stares at me but sighs. “Do you think anyone will come forward? I mean, it did happen years ago,” he said.

I stare at him, but I tell him about my conversation with the omega. After I had finished, anger filled his face. He turned a bright shade of red. “Why didn’t she come forward about it?” he bellowed.

“I believe she was scared,” I said to him. “I think the women who tormented Roxie did it to other people as well, stopping everyone who would tell any of us.”

He nodded but went blank for a few moments.

I watched him; he must have had a mind link come through. Once he closes the mind link down, he stares at me. “Two men were spotted by Roxie and Jason’s house; they were trying to break in but were spotted by a guard,” he said.

I stared at him, confused. But an image of Naomi with two men comes into my mind.

Blaze growls.

“I think we need to keep an eye on Naomi,” I said to him, and my father glared at me. “I thought I told you not to bother with that girl,” he said.

I shook my head. “I haven’t gone anywhere near her,” I said. I told him what I saw moments before I came into the office. My father growled. “You should have led with that when you came here,” he said.

“I would have, but you were too busy calling me names,” I said to him.

My father glares at me but soon frowns.

“I know what we can do,” he says. A smirk appeared on his face, “you need to call Alpha Dean about the rogue attacks,” he said. “Make a visit to Keith’s pack; there is a charity event that you may want to check out, but I believe there might be someone there that both of you have been trying to find and get hold of.”

I looked at him, confused.

My father smirked. “Alpha Gareth is holding an ultimate fighter competition for a charity gala that he wanted to do. He has some of the best fighters. Tim is going, but he was given five tickets to go. Obviously, Tim and Keith are attending; I was thinking of sending you and Jason to go. The other ticket could be for Alpha Dean.”

He stared at me for a moment but carried on. “Alpha Trevor has been invited, as he is a big fan of a certain fighter, but the fighter has only now entered the competition,” he said.

Why would Tim have five tickets? Wasn’t Roxie going?

Blaze grunts in my head, and I looked back at him. “You are one stupid human,” he growled.

I stare back at him, but something clicks. Jason showed me the video of Roxie fighting the ultimate fighter. She must have been competing.

I stared at my father, who was looking at me.

“Is Roxie competing in the fight?” I asked him.

My father nodded but frowned. “How did you find out?” he asked. “I mean, about her fighting.”

“I was shown a video earlier and watched it,” I said. “I can’t believe she never told anyone.”

My father nodded. “I have to admit, I was grateful to her for holding back on her punches during training. I would never like to be on the receiving end to one of them,” he said.

I stared at him but remembered the punch she had given me earlier. It was much harder than the ones she had thrown before, and it hurt like a bitch.

Blaze smirked. “You deserved that,” he said, but I ignored him.

My father smirked. “I should have asked you if you had received one, but judging from your face, you have,” he said.

I didn’t say anything.

My father stays quiet for a moment but looks at me. “You need to leave tonight,” he said.

I nodded and moved out of the chair. I was about to turn and walk away, but something came to mind. What about Naomi?

“What are we going to do about Naomi?” I asked him.

My father smiled. “Don’t worry about her,” he said. “I will have someone keep an eye on her; maybe Sofia will do it. But knowing what she had done to Roxie, I might have a guard follow her. If she asks where you are, I will tell all pack members that you are on official pack business.”

I nodded.

I walked toward the office door and headed to my room.

Once I got there, I walked in and closed my door behind me. I placed the lock on and quickly grabbed my phone. There was a text from Jason; he sounded confused about why we were going to his uncle’s pack.

I sent him a quick message, telling him everything.

After I did that, I contacted Alpha Dean.

I had to tell him everything, including about Roxie. After an hour of explaining, Alpha Dean was quiet on the other end. “Dean,” I said.

“Yeah,” he says. “I have to admit you are one dipshit motherfucker. I never met anyone within my pack, and I always took human women when I needed some fun. I knew how she-wolfs were.”

I groaned.

“I know I fucked up,” I said.

“I have just seen the fight you sent me,” he said. I could hear the amusement in his voice. “I would definitely love to pay to see her kick your ass.”

He laughed.

I grunted, “Okay, enough of the laughter. Meet us outside our pack,” I said.

“Okay,” he said. “It would be interesting to find out if Alpha Trevor has had any rogue attacks within his pack. Have you gotten anything back from him?” he asked.

“No,” I say. “His phone always goes to answer voicemail, and he never emails me back. Maybe during the fight, we could ask him.”

“Yeah,” said Alpha Dean. “I do find it strange that he hasn’t gotten back to us. We haven’t caught any rogues as we either killed them or they ran away from us.”

Thinking about it, it was the same at this end. We couldn’t work out if they were looking for someone or just wanted to get under our skins.

There was a few moments of silence, but Alpha Dean spoke again. “I will see you in front of your pack gates in an hour,” he said.

We said goodbye.

I quickly got a small bag and headed toward the door once I got everything I needed.

I walked out of my room and headed straight toward the front door of the packhouse, where Jason was waiting for me.

“Let’s go,” he said.

I nodded.

We both climbed in and left.

We picked up Alpha Dean outside the pack gates and headed straight to Keith’s pack.

My stomach was in knots thinking of seeing Roxie again; I needed her to listen to me. I needed her to take back her rejection.

Blaze was quiet most of the journey, so I closed my eyes. Even though it wasn’t far, I needed to keep myself calm.

I needed to find a way to persuade Roxie that I was the mate she deserved.

I would do anything to prove it to her.