Chapter 31 - Welcome Home Mate


We arrived at Keith’s packhouse just before it was pitch black.

We pulled up to the packhouse and was greeted by Alpha Gareth. “Alpha Lex, Alpha Dean,” he called, walking down the steps toward us. “You’re early; I thought your father told my son you would be coming tomorrow evening.”

“Well, my father thought it would be best if we came tonight,” I said and quickly glanced at Alpha Dean. “We wanted to ensure we had the best rooms and seats for this fight you are hosting.”

Alpha Gareth smiled and nodded.

“I want to introduce to you my beta Jason,” I said, glancing at Jason.

Alpha Gareth nodded. “It is nice to meet you finally,” he said. “But I have to say; you look nothing like Roxie.”

Blaze perks up at the mention of Roxie.

Jason glanced at me but smiled back at Alpha Gareth. “I know,” he said.

“You must be so proud to know that she is competing in the fight, your uncle informed me a few hours ago,” he said.

Jason nodded, “I am; I can’t wait to see her fight,” he said. “We can’t wait.”

That was an understatement.

I looked around, but there weren’t many people around. I wondered where Keith’s house was, I thought.

Jason and Alpha Dean give me a knowing smirk, probably knowing what I was thinking.

“Well, I will show you all to your rooms,” Alpha Gareth said. “You will share a room as we have to combinate for a few other people if that’s okay.”

We nodded.

We follow Alpha Gareth through the packhouse and up two flights of stairs. Once we came to the room we were staying in, we noticed it was like a little apartment. I glanced at Alpha Gareth, who smiled back. “This packhouse has a few little apartments and single rooms. As I believe two of you have mates, and alpha Lex you are looking for yours, I thought I would give you the apartment. But if you do hook up with anyone, there is a room down the hall you could use.”

I glared at the man; how dare he insinuate that I would hook up with anyone. Blaze grins, “we could bring mate there,” he said.

I didn’t say anything.

I glanced back at Jason and Alpha Dean, smirking even more.

Just frigging great.

Alpha Gareth said his goodbyes and walked away. We all headed into the apartment.

I have to admit; it looks nice and spacious.

“Well, isn’t this cozy?” said Alpha Dean, standing in the middle of the room.

I looked around and walked over to the couch to sit.

Jason was standing like a lemon, but I noticed he had a blank expression on his face.

When he comes back to me, his face turns.

“What’s wrong with you?” I asked him.

Jason looked at me, “My uncle and father are on their way here now,” he said. I stared at him, but he shook his head. “Don’t get any ideas,” he said. “My father sounded pissed, and by the sound of my uncle, we might be in for one hell of a shouting match.”

I stared back at him and stayed silent.

I knew both men found out what happened to Roxie, but something tells me that Jason and I are going to get it in the neck for not noticing what happened to her.

Alpha Dean stares between us, but before he can say anything, there is a knock at the door.

Jason looks over at me and nods. He walks to the door and opens it.

There stood in the doorway were two very pissed men, and they were both glaring at me.

I couldn’t help but gulp.

Alpha Dean sits on the chair by the window, waiting for the showdown.

Once Tim and Keith entered the room, Jason closed the door behind them.

Jason moves into the room, but his father grabs him by the ear and growls. “You jackass,” he snarled. “You should have known what was happening to Roxie; she’s your sister.”

Tim lets go of Jason’s ear. Jason grunted, and his hand went to his ear; he rubbed his ear but didn’t say anything.

Tim turned his attention to me and growled louder. “You are one stupid jerk,” he yelled. “You hurt my baby, and you made me feel sorry for you because you had to wait to claim her, but you still proceeded in being a manwhore.”

Ouch, but I knew I had it coming.

Keith glared at me, “I don’t know what I’m more pissed at,” he said. “Your stupid ways or the fact you never once thought about Roxie.”

I kept my mouth shut; I felt like a naughty school who was sent to the headmaster’s office.

Tim paces back and forth, but Keith stares at me.

“Father and uncle want to kill you,” said Blaze. “I might join in with them too.”

Great, now my frigging wolf wants to kick my ass.

I looked at both men, “look, I know I fucked up,” I said. “Both of us were self-obsessed manwhores who only thought more about their cocks. I never thought Roxie was my mate at the time, and she never showed anything to us. She never mentioned anything; if she did, we both would have done something about it.”

Tim stopped and looked at me, “how the hell didn’t we not notice what was going on?” he said.

I stare at him, but someone clears their throat, making us all look toward Alpha Dean.

“I think she hid it too well,” he said. “It seems she knew no one would notice, judging from what I have heard about this whole situation and mess. Your daughter probably would have if she felt like she could have gone to someone.”

We stared at him, but Alpha Dean carried on. “I don’t know the girl; obviously, she seems like a nice girl. I would never doubt it, but when you live in a house full of men, and one where your brother and his friend brought girls back, she probably felt like she couldn’t speak up.”

He looked at me and sighed. “You know what my mate went through,” he said.

My stomach drops. How could I have forgotten?

Alpha Dean looked at the others and started to tell them. “My mate, Luna Stephanie, was bullied because she never fitted in, and the bullying got worse. They left a few physical scars on her, which were hideous. When I met her, she was too ashamed to be seen with me, and she thought she could never be the Luna I needed her to be,” he said. “A few she-wolves made her life so difficult that I had to send them to other packs or banish them. It was hard, but it had to be done.”

Tim looked at Alpha Dean and sighed. “I’m sorry about your Luna,” he said.

Alpha Dean nodded. He looked over at me, “that she-wolf needs to be gone,” he said.

I nodded. I know Naomi needed to go, but something was niggling at me.

“She will, but not just yet,” I said to them, which didn’t go down too well with Tim and Keith, who growled at me.

I frowned, “it’s not what you think,” I said to them. I told them about the two men and Naomi being with them.

Tim looked toward Keith, “why would they be looking for Roxie or going to my house?” he asked.

“I think the more important question is, why the hell was Naomi with them in the first place,” said Keith.

I stared at them, but Keith turned to face me. “I know you are here to talk to Alpha Trevor, but Roxie is off limits,” he said.

I stared at him. Blaze didn’t like that one bit.

“Don’t pull that face with me,” Keith said. “Roxie has to train for this fight, and she needs to be mentally in the zone. You being here could mean two things; she will make sure she kicks your ass, or she might make sure that the rejection sticks. But I know her; she might even skip the fight altogether.”

I stared at him, not saying a word.

Tim looked at me, “you fucked up big time Lex,” he said. “She might not want to have you back, and you might go home without her.”

“I can’t let that happen,” I said. “How am I going to make it up to her? I need to tell her that it never meant anything; I never meant to hurt her.”

Neither of them spoke. I leaned further back into the couch.

“I don’t know what to say,” said Keith. “I’m going to train her by the house, and you need to stay here and come nowhere near there. I mean it, Lex, she can’t know you are here. I need her to be focused.”

I stared at him for a moment and nodded.

Both men leave after saying goodbye.

Once they left, Jason sat next to me. Alpha Dean was on his phone, but I could tell he was staring now and then.

“You need to listen to Keith,” said Jason. “You can talk to Roxie after the fight.”

I leaned back and looked at Blaze; he was staring at me.

“We need to let mate train,” he said. “We must, or we will lose her if she finds out.”

I nodded, but I knew this was going to be hard.

I wanted to see her.