Chapter 39 - Welcome Home Mate


I couldn’t control Blaze; he wanted to rip Alpha Trevor a new asshole if he didn’t move his arm from Roxie’s.

I watched all the fights, and when Alpha Gareth called out Roxie’s name, my heart leaped out of my chest. When I watched her, her eyes were focused on what was happening around her, but you could tell she was in the zone.

Keith mentioned that she might be looking for him as he was at her other fights, which showed. She looked toward Tim and Jason, but when she noticed that he wasn’t around, she scanned around, trying to locate him.

Once she started fighting, Keith ran commentary for all the fights but was more focused on Roxie’s and even mentioned what he thought she would do or not. When she knocked her opponent out cold, no one suspected the giant man on the side would enter the ring. Well, I had suspicions and wasn’t surprised, saying that neither did Keith.

I watched in amazement when Roxie knocked him out with two kicks. Blaze told me that Bex took over as his wolf wasn’t happy with Roxie’s actions towards his mate.

I was over the moon, but I knew I had to wait till the coast was clear. But judging from Roxie’s face, she wanted to get out of the hall. Keith told me to come to the house later, and they would try to help me talk to her.

I was reluctant about doing it that way, which annoyed Blaze, but we knew we had to do it Keith’s way.

I was about to leave when I saw Alpha Trevor move out of his seat and walk over to Roxie. He pushed a few people out of the way to get to her. Alpha Gareth was following him.

Alpha Trevor shouted something, but since I was behind a glass-windowed room, which muffled what he said. The hall went quiet, but I knew what was said; it doesn’t take a genius to know what was said, as whenever someone mentions mate, everyone wants to witness the event happen.

Blaze was up on all paws and started to growl.

I had enough and stormed out of the room; Keith called me to get back, but I couldn’t. I needed to announce that Roxie’s mate, not Alpha Trevor. I ignored Keith, barged through the door, and let out the loudest roar, “MINE,” I yelled.

Everyone turned and stared at me, wide-eyed.

I stared out, but my eyes landed on Roxie, who looked more shocked to see me. Her face was blank.

“GET AWAY FROM MATE,” I yelled. I was pissed off as my eyes went to where Alpha Trevor’s hand was.

Blaze lets out a roar in my head, telling me to go to mate.

I walked over and stared at everyone. Most people moved out of my way as soon as they saw me.

I guess having two alphas announce that they have the same mate was unheard of, but I knew one was lying.

I step closer, and Roxie’s scent hits me hard, and my heart beats faster in my chest.

Blaze purrs in my head as he looks through my eyes. Even though it had only been a few days without seeing her, Roxie was gorgeous, even in a sweaty mess.

My eyes stared right at her, and her eyes never left mine. I could tell a few questions were running through her head, but that would have to wait.

I didn’t want to take my eyes off her; I was a few steps away from her. But I knew I had to, and I turned my attention to Alpha Trevor, who was glaring at me.

I kept my mind blank.

“Get off her,” I said through clenched teeth. “She's not yours.”

Alpha Trevor stared at me but never moved his hand from Roxie.

“Alpha Lex,” said Alpha Gareth. “I think you are…” he started to say, but I let out a growl. “I’m Roxie’s mate; I have known for six years,” I said as I focused on Alpha Trevor, who was now supporting a hardline. Gasps could be heard around the hall. “Roxie and I had some issues when we found out and needed space to work out what to do next.”

I turned to look at Alpha Gareth, who was staring back at me, confused. “Keith will explain,” I said, and turned around. My eyes were back on Alpha Trevor. “I’m not telling you again,” I snarled. “Get off her.”

Alpha Trevor didn’t move, but before I could say or do anything, “Get the fuck off me,” growled Roxie, which made me look at her.

Roxie was annoyed, but I couldn’t tell who with more.

Alpha Trevor went to open his mouth, but Roxie growled again. “Get off me now,” she said and placed her hand on his. I could feel anger building up.

Roxie’s eyes turned blue, and a loud growl escaped her lips. “Listen here, alpha,” said Bex. “You’re not our mate, and my human told you nicely to get off us; I won’t be nice.” With that, Bex’s claws come out and go through Alpha Trevor’s hand. She pulls it up, and Alpha Trevor roars out in pain. Bex brings him closer to her and snarls. “Don’t ever come near us again, or we will kill you.”

I could feel Roxie with Bex; they were both centered and together.

Bex pushes Alpha Trevor back, but not before she crushes his injured hand with her hand. There was a loud crack echoing around the room as she let go. Alpha Trevor moved his hand to his chest and growled. “YOU WON’T GET AWAY WITH THAT,” he gritted and turned on his heel.

I watched as Alpha Trevor barged past onlookers. Alpha Dean and Jason stood with widened eyes, but pride was riddling through them.

I turned to face my mate, who was glaring back at me. “Get away from me,” she yelled at me. “I don’t want to see you.”

She turned on her heel and headed through the back entrance before I could say anything.

That’s not happening, I thought.

I followed her, but I could hear Alpha Gareth call me. Keith called him, “Alpha Gareth, let me explain; they need to talk,” he said.

I was thankful to Keith.

I walked through the curtain and looked around, but her scent hit me.

I followed her scent and headed in that direction.

It was more potent near the door to my side after only taking a few steps inside, and I could hear muttering in the room, and the door was ajar. “Why?” she muttered. I looked inside, and she had her back to me.

I stepped in and walked up behind her.

I placed my hand on her waist and spun her around to face me. Her eyes went wide as I pushed her toward the wall and held her in place with my body.

I needed to do this, and I needed her to know.

I leaned into her neck and said, “I don’t accept your rejection.”

As soon as I said it, the mate bond ignited between us; my hands on her hips were like a fire flaming around us.

I closed my eyes, trying to control myself, but I was met with Blaze.

He frowned at me. “You are not talking to her first,” he said, taking complete control over me. I was pushed back, but not too far.

Blaze looked at me and sighed. “I’m talking to mate,” he said. “I want to tell her everything. You will fuck up.”

I stared at him, but I knew he was right. Everything I had done to her was all my doing. We all have pasts; hell, Roxie might have got one too. But I should have known better, I found out she was my mate, and I should have been faithful to her.

I sighed. “You’re right,” I said.

Blaze nodded and took complete control of my body.

I needed him to get through to Roxie; I just hoped she would listen to him.