Chapter 19 - Enslaved By The Alpha

"I'm leaving today," I tell him; I didn't want any more lectures; I've heard enough. "See to it that she's fed properly and that no one goes into that room except her maids. Make sure that she doesn't get out either."

"When will you be back, Kane?" he asks me. "In case you haven't realized, there is an entire kingdom and their allies searching for the girl. She isn't a normal person; many influential people love her. Are you just going to leave us here to fend for ourselves if they find us?"

I knew Maya was loved by many; it's why I chose her in the first place; I didn't need him to tell me that.

"Do not worry," I tell him. "They won't be here anytime soon. I got someone to throw them off. They're searching in a different area from where we are right now."

He chuckles, "how long do you think it will take them to realize that they've been played? The moment that they do, they're coming straight here."

"I won't let that happen," I assured him. "Do you not know that I always have a plan for situations like this?"

"I hate to burst your bubble, my friend; it's the first time that you've kidnapped someone like her. Someone with connections. A princess. The sister of some of the most powerful men that our kind knows. I don't think you've realized the deep hole that you've dug for yourself. Or maybe you do, maybe you want this. Maybe you want someone to end your life, anything to get over the pain you're trying your best to hide from everyone else."

A low growl leaves me, and I grab him by his neck, "watch your fucking mouth."

He isn't scared by my threat, but he doesn't say anything else. I slowly let go of him before storming out of there and not looking back even once.

I don't wait for him to follow me and make any more comments. I packed my bags and got out of that house before giving myself a chance to go straight back to her. Lord knows that's precisely what I want to do.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


When I open my eyes, Kane is nowhere in sight. Instead, a maid waits by my bed with food in her hands.

"Where is he?" I ask her before I can stop myself.

I don't know if I'm asking because I genuinely want to know his whereabouts or if I want to know how long I have before he comes in here and disrupts my life some more.

She doesn't answer me. Instead, she shoves the food in my face.

"I'm not eating until you answer my question." I snap.

I knew that Kane would be angry if I weren't fed. It was one thing that he always made sure I had; food. I still remember how he forced me to eat on my first day here.

I narrow my eyes with disgust. There were so many memories of him that I absolutely hated.

"Alpha Kane has left." She finally answers.

What was that supposed to mean?

"Left to go where?" I ask her.

"I do not know." She tells me. "Now, please, eat before you get me in trouble."

Anna walks in then, "why are you forcing her to eat? If she doesn't want to, leave her, let her starve to death. I don't know why Kane even wastes his time on her."

Was I relieved that Kane left without her? Or was I unhappy that he left her here to trouble me?

"I think that we should bring the chains back. She looked better when her hands were tied. She also had less shit to say."

"Why are you here?" I demand. "Shouldn't you be out with Kane? Let me guess; he didn't want you with him? Maybe he's out trying to find another woman to please him; after all, you clearly aren't enough for him."

Anna's eyes narrow, and she stomps her feet as she walks up to me. "How dare you?"

She raises her hand to slap me, but this time I don't let her, my hands aren't tied, and I'm no longer helpless. I grab her wrist and bend her hand backward.

Before she can react, I use my other hand to slap her hard across the face. I'm satisfied at the big red mark that it leaves from the force of my lash.

"Doesn't feel so nice when you're on the receiving end. Does it?"

A loud screech leaves her mouth, and she tries to hit me once more, but I stop her and hit her hard on the other cheek. "I just had to even out the redness. It wouldn't have been fair to your other cheek."

Anna grows even redder with anger, and I'm happy that I'm not the one feeling that emotion for once.

"When Kane gets back, I'm going to make sure that he punishes you for hurting me. Your body will be covered in bruises by the time he's finished with you. Just wait and see." She threatens me.

He's hurt me enough emotionally to cover any pain he could physically do to me. Nothing could hurt as much, absolutely nothing. I don't say those words to her; I don't want to give either of them the satisfaction of knowing just how much they hurt me.

She rushes out of the room in a fury, and I know that I haven't seen the end of her. She's going to stretch this story to Kane and his men. Indeed, she wouldn't rest until I was punished. But again, that's the least of my worries.

I lay back on the bed and wonder where Kane has gone off to. I was worried, terrified that he was planning something against my family. He knew that they would eventually come here to try and find me. Was he trying to set up a plan to trap them when they finally found me?

He couldn't be waiting for them to come here without having something planned out. That just wasn't his style. But then again, the man was insane. Anything was possible with him.

I feel my eyes slowly drifting, and I don't know why but I'm tired all over again.

Maybe it was a good thing that Kane wasn't here. It would give me time to rest without having to worry about him.

A few hours later, I'm rudely awakened by a loud bang. I blink once, then twice, there are four men in the room, and each of these men has a look of mischief on their face.

Why were they in here?

Who sent them?

"What do you want?" I ask suspiciously. "Did Kane send you to make sure that I wasn't trying to escape? As you can see, I'm not going anywhere."

The man with a bright blue shirt to match his blue eyes smiles at me, but not in a good way.

I move backward, "stay back!"

My eyes widen when he jumps onto the bed, and I waste no time in kicking him on his face.

He growls and grabs my foot. I scream and kick him some more.

Who the hell were these men, and what did they want with me?