Chapter 12 - Divorced, but Not broken

I was sitting in the cell that I shared with other women, prostitutes, and druggies, and then there was me. alone in the corner and just staring at the wall, I had been here for some time, just waiting until they told me something, I had no phone and no way of contacting anyone, and I mean, did I even want to call anyone? My mom and dad were on Ryan’s side, they wouldn’t give a shit that he had fucked Kayla, they would think it was my fault when I just sight…. I wanted to call Jonah, I did. But…... no…. I didn’t want to have him help me more than he already did…

I looked at the guard that was coming towards the cell and I assumed he was going to let some off the other girls out when he pointed to me and I raised my head in surprise, I hadn’t called anyone, why was I being taken back there, they had already taken my prints and shots, yeah that was a new low, being treated like a criminal.

“What’s happening?” I looked confused at the man that gave me my things and just made signs some paper that I had gotten them back in the same state I left them in.

“Your charges are being dropped.” he just sighed like he didn’t care, and I stumbled out from the doors and stood confused on the street for a couple of minutes before my phone, that I was still having in my hand started to vibrate and I looked at it surprised seeing the message was from an unknown number and it just said to start walking towards the next block and I did it.

What other choice did I have when I was left stranded here, dazed and confused when I got a new message, this one said; blue car and I looked up, on the other side of the street, a blue sport car with tinted windows and I gulped, what the fuck was this, my time in wonderland? This night was just keep getting weirder and weirder.

I walked over slowly, and the car started up when I passed it making me jerk back scared from the powerful engine that was roaring, like the person behind the wheel was angry.

I opened the door slowly and peeked inside, my heart making a loud thump against my chest seeing the serious guy silhouette that was illuminated by the streetlight making me gulp really hard from the stern handsome face that was already telling me that he was not happy with me.


I just got inside, didn’t say a word when I put my seatbelt on and he just started to drive away, making the engine roar when we were going fast through the city’s dark streets and being almost abandoned by the time being five in the morning.

I just stared at my hands not knowing what to say, I didn’t know how he was here or why, but I was happy, even if he looked like he wanted to kill me for making him come and get me from jail. that was still weird as hell to think, I was in a jailcell, me. a naïve and trusting housewife was being arrested for trying to kill my former best friend of a whore.

“Thank you…” I just whispered that when he made a loud scoff shifting gear fast and aggressive with me still having my neck bend, I felt bad, I felt really bad that he had to come and save me again. I didn’t want him of all people to see me like this, being released from jail and looking like crap, feeling like it too.

We didn’t say anything more, I could just feel how angry he was at me, annoyed and just waiting to get back so he could just leave me at my apartment and slam the door to his place, I just knew it.

I sighed when we were at the parking lot of the apartment complex, he still looked pissed and hadn’t looked at me once since I got in, I had my hand on the door handle when I felt my arm being yanked back by his strong grip making me gasp from the sudden impact of his warm hand.

“You are going to tell me, what the fuck happened and how the hell you got yourself into the arrest, it’s like I can’t take my eyes off you for one second before you do something stupid!”

His dark voice filling the car, filling me up and I trembled the slightest not being able to resist his commands, I just turned around slowly and looked at his upset eyes, they were wild from the rage that was burning inside him.

“My best friend, she fucked him. Fucked my husband.” My own voice being raw and hurt, he didn’t understand, I knew he didn’t when he just dropped all the anger in his eyes and just leaned back tired closing them when we both just stayed quiet.

“she’s a whore, so of course she did….” He had a slight smile that made me chuckle, did he know about Kayla, how? He didn’t know me. I just gave him a curious look that he smirked back at, why did it feel better hearing him calling my best friend a whore, because it really did.

“Jonah, how did you know I been arrested? I didn’t tell anyone, and I know sure as hell that Kayla didn’t want me to get out since I slashed her face….” I smirked at that, fuck that felt good, I wished that I gotten her better, just tearing off those pretty lips that had been kissing my husband!

“Oh, she did tell me, she just doesn’t know …. he looked peculiar when I raised my eyebrows at him and just waited for him to continue, his dark hair tussled over his head and I stared at it, he looked so handsome just being here and looking tired like me.

“she’s been fucking one of my business partners, so when she made a complaint, talking about your name, I sure as hell wasn’t going just let them get you.” I was biting my lip hard trying not to be carried away, he didn’t want me to get arrested, and he had flirted with me aggressive before I left, that still felt amazing inside of me.

“Business partners?” I turned my head surprised at stared at him, what did that mean?! Was he some kind of secret it-genius, or what, did he make apps? What the hell did I know about him when he just gave me a short, amused smile and I knew that he wasn’t going to answer me, that much was obvious.

“Just let it go Andrea, let’s get inside, can’t imagine you had the best of time being locked up for the last hours.” He chuckled when I felt myself blush, fuck he was so dangerous, whatever I said, he just answered whatever he felt like and made me want him even more, even if it made no sense.

We walked outside the building, and he opened the door to me, and I walked inside, the elevator was there, and I just looked back, was I supposed to ride it with him or what? I guess I couldn’t cling onto him no matter how much I wanted to, he just smirked when he walked up and pressed the button, making me smile the slightest hearing the doors sliding open, this was going to suck.

He walked in first and I just followed, holding my hands neatly together in like a prayer, taking a deep breath when he pressed the right floor and I closed my eyes when the doors started to close on us, well at least if I got stuck, it would be with him, and I didn’t hate that come to think about it.

“You know, if you did get trapped in here, alone, I wouldn’t stop until you got out.” I opened my eyes the slightest and peeked at him, he looked confident again, but when did that ever stop when I nodded the slightest, I believed him, I did, he wasn’t Ryan that just wanted to go and fuck other girls, Jonah cared for me, and that did make me feel better.

The doors opened and I felt myself exhaling when he smiled when I walked out first this time, ready to leave the minute I heard the bell over my head.

I walked over to my door, and he followed me, watch me unlock and just smiled making the knot in my stomach tighten, I wasn’t going to try anything, even if he had been flirty, it was just his way, I bet he did that to every other girl that he had, in that area, I was nothing special.

“Well… goodnight… or good morning….” I smiled at him when I walked inside and he just stared at me and I looked away, not today, I didn’t want to get my hopes up just to have him tear them down again, better I just avoid it completely when I started to shut the door when he stopped it from closing by holding it with his hand.

I just gasped when he opened it up and walked inside, didn’t even hesitate when I backed up, seeing that he was closing the door behind him, locking it and just stared at me with the same hunger I had seen so many times and believed myself to be crazy even existed when it disappeared from his eyes.

“So… you never told me, about the date...?” he was standing still but I was already shaking from the way he was following my body with his intense eyes, the hard piercing stare that could make anyone, especially me do whatever he asked, like I had no will of my own and I didn’t care, I wanted him, every part of him.

“The date?” I just whispered when I sounded just as confused as I felt when he nodded and looked at me observing me, what I would say and do when I felt myself getting hotter for every second he was inside here, with me, still having that short sleeved polo shirt that made his toned arms show that I swear he was flexing when he saw me staring at them still not able to make words all the sudden.

“Yes, the date, the one that you were on, was it any good? Did you like him, the man that your where with?” I just made a small frown when the accusing tone was creeping up in his voice, why? Was he jealous? He didn’t have the right to be that. we were just friends; he had made sure of that between us.

“Oh… no…. he didn’t like me, I guess I wasn’t pretty or at least slutty enough for his taste, didn’t even say hi and ignored me before I started to fight with Kayla…...” I made a short mocking laughter at myself that made him frown and I stopped, it just felt bad, every part of my night did, except when I was with him.

“That’s crazy, you are so pretty, and definitely prettier than that whore of a friend you got.” He just said it as a statement, like it was the truth having his arms crossed and I made a small, amused laughter leaning back on the counter, well at least someone felt that way, I sure as hell didn’t.

“Yeah, I can tell you right away that he wouldn’t agree, looked disappointed when I arrived and was just staring at my tits, not my best date.” I just smirked more when he stared down at my breasts and made a big grin making me laugh, at least he didn’t hide it, that he did like them.

“That fucker got one thing right then, you do have nice tits Andrea, I’m not going to lie, I do like to look at them too…” he had a hoarser voice when I lost my smirk and stopped myself from making a small moan when he stepped closer, I don’t even know if he realised that he had done it when started to tremble even more, shit this was getting dangerous real fast all the sudden.

my chest moving heavy from my deep breaths with only a few inches of space between us when he looked down on me and his eyes radiated heat and had a big warm smile, I tilted my head up more, please, please… just do it, kiss me… I was begging in my head when he stopped and just watched me more, like he knew what I wanted him to do.

I flinched the slighted when he took up one of his hands and stroked my face and I leaned into the palm of his hand, not even stopping myself, I didn’t care anymore, my whole life I had been good and look where that got me, absolute nowhere. I wanted him and I didn’t care what I had to do to make it happened, I would do it.

“Just fucking kiss me or something Jonah, I’m done waiting around for it to happen…” I said every word challenging when he was caught off guard for the slightest of time, just one second of fear and then it was gone when I smirked, I wasn’t going to stop him, or even make him be faithful, date me, but right now, he was mine and no one else.

“This doesn’t change anything, you and I are never going to happen, you got that Andrea?” he looked into my eyes when I just smiled, yeah, I got that, he wasn’t into me, not like that, but he wanted to fuck me, no matter what he told me, his face and eyes were telling me something different, and that was enough.

“Never going to happen…” I said the words back breathless against his lips that was so close that I could feel the small breaths of sweet mint that I already loved, the whole of him was like something I had never experienced, and fuck if I wasn’t feeling my panties getting soaked already from the acceptance when I still stared into his eyes with my own ones, just waiting for him.

He just smirked back at my answer before leaning in even more and I felt his dick being hard against me, he didn’t hide it when he pressed his hips harder against my stomach and I moaned not making any attempt to stop it, I wanted this, I wanted him, I always wanted that since the moment he helped me, saw him standing in the doorway in his briefs and smirked at me, he was supposed to be mine.

I gasped when his hands where under my skirt, pulling down my pantyhose and panties, all in one go making me hold onto him when he lifted me up on the counter behind me and I just stared at him in awe. he pulled away the rest of the fabric and threw it behind him still not taking his eyes of me, making me higher up, meeting his height more than when I was standing.

I had my hands on his arms, caressed them making me smile when he had small goosebumps all over them and made sights of pleasure feeling the muscle that was on his defined arms and shoulders, not too much, just enough to know that he was strong and I let my fingers snake into the helm of his shirt and let my hands travel upwards his hard sixpack, circulating it with my fingertips, making him do small grunts when I started to lift the shirt off his torso before he took it off and I stopped and gasped again, holy shit he was gorgeous, absolutely fucking amazing, young and athletic, mouth-watering, shit he sure was hot!

“Jonah, omg…” I just was breathing heavy like I had been running when he started to laugh from my obvious admiration, but how could I not, he was so fucking hot and I was going to fuck him, thank God for that.

“I want to see you Andrea, take that dress off, right now, I just want to see you…” he was already pulling at my skirt when I raised my arms up when he dragged it over my head.

I gasped when it was over my eyes still and the hard sensation of his lips being on mine made me gaps for air before I answered back, the taste of sweet mint being in my mouth and not knowing what he was doing, still blinded by my own dress was the hottest thing I ever had experienced when he leaned back when I was moaning loudly from the way his teeth had my bottom lips trapped before letting it go making a hard suction sound that made me even more wet for him.

I blinked when he dragged the dress over my head completely and I smiled at him flustered and only wanted more when he was already unclasping my bra and throwing it away not even making me wonder what he thought of the old sulky thing, he didn’t care about that, he only wanted to see me naked.

“Look at you… no fucking whore got a thing on you Andrea, you are a woman, and hot as hell, I just want to fuck you, every day since I first saw you…” he caressed my neck down to my breast and made me shiver from the warm touch when I smiled at his confession, good, that made two of us.

I didn’t have an answer, couldn’t answer when his hands where still on my breasts, kneading them slowly, giving me some quick glances to see my reactions when I leaned back, arching my chest out and made him grab them harder, they small searing pain only making me moan more.

His mouth found my neck and I made a small yelp when his teeth graced my skin making him look up, checking me when I just nodded the slightest that I was good, I didn’t care, I let him do whatever he wanted with me, as long as he didn’t stop, never stop again.

My hands moving down over his chest and abs again, feeling the outline of his jeans and pulled the buttons open in one fast go earning a small chuckle of my impatience when he stopped coming up from my neck, I kissed him longingly when my hands kept pushing down his underwear and made him shuddered when I finally had his hard throbbing dick in my hand, it was the best thing I had ever felt.

That long, hard, amazing dick that I knew was bigger than Ryan was, not that I cared, I loved every inch of Jonah, from his dick to his head, shoulders, and fucking toes, he was perfection, and nobody could tell me otherwise.

“You feel that Andrea, that’s what I’m going to fucking slam into you, long and hard, until you can’t fucking take it anymore.” His words making me shiver and I looked into his dominating eyes that I was sure was going to make me come over and over again, oh please God I wanted that.

I just nodded, I didn’t want to wait anymore, no more, not one more fucking second of him not making good on that when he kissed me long and hard again when I felt his dick becoming harder and bigger under my hand that was stroking him gently while our tongues where mixing making me lose focus more than one time at what I was doing.

I was already pushing my hips more apart, making the counter wet when he stopped me with his hands chuckling again at my obvious inpatient, oh he had no idea how my core was throbbing for him when he was gently stroking my thigh with his warm hand before gripping it harder and making me take a sharp breath when he was squeezing firmer this time, and I just took deeper breaths from the way his eyes where observing me, making me even more desperate for his touch when I pressed myself against his hard body, the only thing stopping me from having his dick inside me, was him.

I stared at him, begging him with my eyes to let me have him when his sparkled, the hard green blue colour making me just as breathless as his dick stabbing me in my thigh did.

The sound of my surprised voice filled the entire apartment when he had his finger inside me, just watching me when I sighed and felt my core clenching his finger hard making me bite down on my already swollen lips. Fuck he was teasing me like hell, and I loved every minute of it.

“Fuck you are so tight Andrea, did your husband never fuck you?! Was he as stupid as the whore that was fucking him?!” he was making me only answer with small sounds of pleasure when he twisted his fingers inside of me, making me out of breath when I just whined with my eyes closed, I didn’t fucking care about my husband, I only cared about him.

“Words Andrea, I want you to use your words when you answer me.” he stopped moving and I opened my eyes still not sure what was happening, was he serious?! I whined when he grinned back at my suffering, and I sniffled from the hard lump of not being able to speak when he was making me forget what year it was right now.

“No... never, not at the end, he never fucked me, only the whore and his girlfriend… “I closed my eyes again. my breath kept being hitched when he started to move his fingers faster making me grab onto his body, clawing my way into his arms not even caring if he was hurting or not, I just wanted him to never stop fucking me with his fingers.

I was making a surprised scream into his shoulder when the first wave hit me and then the second one when he slowed down and I was still leaning hard against his chest and shoulder with my head when my pussy kept clenching around his fingers, making me want to just lie back down and fall asleep, I was so fucking tired and he pulled out of me, making me rise my head up, still shaking from the hard orgasm that was making me slightly dizzy watching him put the two fingers in his mouth and staring into my eyes when he did, fuck he really wasn’t like Ryan, he would never have done that, not in a million years.

“Next time, when you are coming, I want you to tell me, I want to taste you again, you got that?” he was speaking with a dark husky voice when I look up at his face confused, next time? I was already done for, I just wanted to lie down and not get up for a year when I felt the hard smack of his hand on my thigh and I widen my eyes from seeing his young face chuckling at my surprise, shit he really was hot going all dominating on me, I didn’t even know I liked this but I sure as hell did when he was doing it to me.

“Got it?” he repeated the words when I nodded and yeah, I got it, he wanted to taste me, again when I felt that hard smack again making me hiss from the small pain that stung me, making me just as hot, fuck he was good at this.

“Fucking words Andrea, I want to hear your sweet voice when I talk to you, or else, I’m just going to leave you here, not even having my dick inside you.” I gasped at the hard threat, no way! He was never going to do that, was he!?

“I got it Jonah, I’m going to tell you when I come again, I promise!” I heard just how desperate I was and him to when he stroked the same place, he had smacked me on, making the pain disappear like it was magic, and I bet he fucking was, he was magic.

“See that wasn’t so hard. Now you are not going to move your pretty little as out of that spot, you are going to wait right there for me, aren’t you Andrea?” he smirked more when he was pulling up his jeans and buttoning them making me start to panic, no! he was not leaving me without fucking me, no way that I was agreeing to that, he fucking owed me!

I was just about to start protesting when he gave me a stern hard look that made me shut up right away from the way he was looking at me, he was coming back and that was the only thing I needed, a promise that he wasn’t going to leave me here, not even having felt his dick inside of me.

“Yes Jonah, I’m going to wait right here for you to come back and fuck me.” he smirked when I made a small growl at the end, I didn’t like it, being here, just waiting, I had been waiting enough for him, seen enough girls get what was mine, what I deserved.

“Good girl.” He winked at me again when my mouth went dry, that bastard, he knew I liked it, I did, let’s just admit it. I liked him being like this to me, turning me on like I never had been before, it was a strange feeling, sitting naked on the counter, waiting for the hot young guy to come back and fuck you, but there it was, and I loved it.

He came back inside and locked the door, I had leaned back on the counter, pulled my hair out and just laid there, my legs still spread apart when he just strolled over and caressed my legs with his strong hands from top to bottom, making a low sounds of pleasure over seeing me like this and let me go taking off his jeans again, this time they were off all the way and I smirked at him, shit he was really good looking naked, I still thought I was dreaming watching at his toned body, his big dick that was still hard when he smacked down the box beside me making me laugh from seeing it, was that the same condoms that I had left at his door?

“Been saving them for you, because I knew that you and me were going to happen sooner or later, I just…” he made some deep sound again stroking his hand over my pussy making me buckle to his pleasure, oh god he was such a tease, making me suffer and take me to heaven at the same time.

“I just want to fuck you hard and long, all of that wet pussy and soft ass, all for me, isn’t it?” he looked up from staring at my twitching core when I nodded before remembering and smirked back, guess I wasn’t the only one feeling the strange pull between us then.

“it’s all for you Jonah, everything you see right here is all for you baby….” I regretted the last word the second it left my mouth when his eyes shifted the slightest from it, but it was already out there, and what the hell should I do about it, I had feelings for him, he just didn’t want them.

He just took out one of the condoms and putting it on and I felt bad, so fucking bad when he just gripped my hips and angled himself, making me hold my breath when he looked up and gave me a smile that made me relax again, he wasn’t mad, or maybe he was, but right now he didn’t care, maybe right now was a sanctuary of what we could say and feel, and I adored him.

“Just relax Andrea, I told you, I care for you, I would never hurt you, never.” He made a smile that made his eyes glimmer when I exhaled and felt the first part of him pushing inside of me, I just blinked from the strange feeling when he was finally inside, leaning against me, our faces nudging each other and he still smiled when I felt completely lost, like a virgin when he kiss me lightly on my mouth and I gasped from how good it felt to have my pussy clench around him, like he was made for me.