Chapter 11 - Divorced, but Not broken


I had successfully avoided Jonah over the past week, and I bet he was avoiding me right back. I scoffed, putting on my makeup. Friends, yeah, sure. Friends that didn’t speak and didn’t look at each other when they saw one another, what a fucking joke.

He hadn’t messaged me more either, and I still didn’t know if I was happy or sad over that. I think I leaned more toward sadness when I did the finishing touches on my face. I had made it more natural this time, with more brown shades and soft pink lipstick on my lips. I looked good, making me feel a little bit better when I just had my hair down, the frizzy waves all over my head, but I didn’t care. I wasn’t going to get drunk and stay all night with Kayla. I was going to see her, get my car and come back. I didn’t need a full face of makeup for that.

I stood up and stroked my hands over the dress again; it was blue and paler from top to bottom, reaching down to my knees with thick pantyhose underneath. It was probably out of fashion when I just took my boots and walked out. The small earrings and neckless were nothing compared to Kayla’s outfit when I met her. I was sure of it.

I had my headphones inside my ears when I locked the door going to the stairs dodging people left and right to get there when there was a fucking block party here as usual. I screamed right out from the horror when I felt the heavy hand on my shoulder and turned around, hearing the laughter of a powerful dark voice. I took out my headphones and stared at the tall guy that was still laughing, and I didn’t laugh back.


What the hell did he want? I didn’t have time for his shit right now. He could go and find some girl and fuck her, like right now, what the fuck did I care about it?

“Hey, stranger…. Avoiding me all of a sudden?” he smirked when I just swallowed. He had a polo shirt in dark blue making his eyes even bluer and more intense when I just took a deep breath and made a smile at him. I didn’t want to be around him, not after what happened. He told me that he didn’t like me back, and sure, that sucked, still did. However, I was still here, still trying to make it without feeling so damn pathetic around all the time.

“No… no... I just been busy… work and… yeah…” I just rambled when he smirked more like he didn’t know the real reason. He was the reason I didn’t want to be around. My heart was already racing when his eyes were focused on me. I licked my lips, not being able to stop myself making me embarrassed when I saw the slight shift of his own ones at my lips, fuck!

He changed position, leaning in slightly closer when I was at the wall by the door to the stairs, and just gave me a big megawatt smile that was killing me, making my mouth dry and my hands sweaty, my heart pounding hard and my core shamelessly throbbing, fuck again!

“You know what I think, Andrea? I think you are avoiding me.” he leaned in even more when I started to shake my head. No, no, he couldn’t do this to me, even if he was drunk, smelling the slight alcohol on his breath that was sweet mint, making my mouth water from feeling it. Why did he have to be so good-looking and so charming and dangerous? The perfect predator.

“No, don’t lie to me; I don’t like that… I know you have, and it fucking hurts, do you know that?” he sounded more upset now when I stopped shaking my head and tilted it instead. Was he fucking serious with me? Was he hurting?! That was the funniest thing I had ever heard. I was the one hurting here. He was just off and fucking his pretty young girls!

I just pressed my lips together hard into a thin line, not answering. I didn’t want to make a scene here. I had had enough of people laughing and making fun at me when he seemed to understand what he said and snapped out of it, whatever it was that had made him say something that I knew was true, no matter how ridiculous it was to me, that he was the one suffering, I stare angry back into his eyes when he leaned back, sighing like he knew what I was feeling, he was weird like that, knowing what I wanted and needed before I did.

“I know you are still pissed, but I still want to be your friend. Can’t we at least be that?” He looked like he meant it when I just shrugged and crossed my arms. He looked down at the rest of me like he finally understood that I was going out and wasn’t going to be on the other side of the wall, leaning against it with my headphones feeling sorry for myself.

“You’re going out? Where?!” I just sneered back. What the hell was he demanding that for, was he worried for me because he got to pay for my ride the last time? I would pay him back for that I would.

I leaned back more, and he still gave me an accusing look like he had any right to do that. We weren’t dating or even friends at this point, just awkward neighbors who didn’t want to bump into each other.

“None of your business, but If you want to know, yeah, sure, I have a date, and no, it’s not with my cat, it’s with a real guy, and he is waiting for me, so have a nice night, Jonah.” I smiled sarcastically, reaching for the door when he stopped me. His eyes were dark now, a scowl over the handsome face I got warmer all over just by looking at.

“He better fucking take you back here. You hear me, Andrea? You make sure he takes you back home; if he doesn’t, you call me right away, no fucking standing around alone at night, you call me, got it!?” he was getting a more intense voice every second when I just stared at his upset posture and face, he didn’t like it, me being out there, with some other guy, but he didn’t want me either. I really didn’t get him.

“Sure, whatever….” I didn’t wait for him to answer when I started to move, only to make a small sound of surprise and something I couldn’t make out as I wanted to feel in public when his arms trapped me between himself and the wall.

“No! not whatever, you promise me, alright!?” I just gulped when his face was closer than the last time he leaned in, and his eyes were flacking between my eyes, so he was drunk or high. What did I know? I rarely drank more than one glass of wine these days, the only exception being when Kayla made me drink with her.

“Yeah… fine, alright… I promise Jonah….” I said the last part quieter when people around us had heard his small outburst and were staring at us curiously. I was embarrassed, but he didn’t seem to care about anything right now.

“Good girl….” He made a small chuckle in the end when he let me go. I took a sharp breath from what he had just said to me. I was still standing in some kind of shock from being more turned on than I ever had been in my life when he just laughed some more, seeing how fucking stunned I was when he walked away, already talking to some other people, making the girls giggle. I felt sick again, seeing that handsome guy. He was just making everyone laugh, and he turned his head and winked at me before grinning, making my core start to throb hard again, fuck!

I turned around and walked down the stairs before people would start to see just how much my cheeks were burning and my stomach was twisting. I bet everyone could see just how much I wanted him to fuck me.

I was trembling when I got out of the building. All of me, my legs, arms, and chest, was vibrating; it felt so good that I had to stop myself from going back up and press him against the same wall and kiss him.

I stopped walking. Shit. I still liked him, and nothing would change that, not him telling me that we could just be friends and that he was too young. If he told me to follow him, I would, which scared the crap out of me just as much as it felt like nothing else, I wanted to do.

I had just stepped on the bus, still shaking, when I got a message from Kayla telling me to come to the restaurant instead of her home, and I sighed out loud. No, that was not the plan, my car was at her place, and I needed that back right now.

“No, Kayla, I don’t want to go out. I just want to come and get my car, that’s it. I’m already on the bus, don’t make me take another one to someplace I have to search for alone.” I sent that and felt bad the instance I did, she wanted to see me, probably talk about Austin, and I just wanted to get back home and suffer with my headphones. I didn’t like being anywhere, if I was honest, not at Kayla’s place since she was in and out all the time, and at home…. Well… I didn’t need more of him tonight, not when I knew that the next day. I would just see him let out another girl when I was going to my shift this weekend.

“Oh, stop that. You are coming with me! Austin misses you too, he asked for you, and I know that you had a good time last time, and don’t even try to deny it.” After that, she sent a ton of emojis when I just stared at the message. I guess I did have fun, and Austin was nice, even if he didn’t bat an eye when I left, and Kayla just swooped in and took him.

“Fine, just text me the address, and I’ll be there, but I’m not staying long, and after that, you are helping me get my car back since it’s still in your garage.” I sent it, and she didn’t answer more than sending the address, making me even madder. What the hell didn’t she answer about my car? I was going to get it, no matter what she had planned.

I followed the maps using my headphones when I walked off the bus. Luckily, it was downtown and within walking distance when I stopped in front of the busy restaurant; it looked fancy, but this was Kayla. She only did fancy, not like me, that was more… boring.

I took out my headphones and put them in my case in the purse and talked to the hostess, telling her my name and party when her eyes popped a bit like she didn’t expect me to say that name when I followed her and looked around feeling very dress down for the place that was filled with suits and beautiful dresses. Then, there was me, looking like I had just walked off the bus, which I ironically did.

I saw them, Kayla and Austin, and another man that looked exactly like everyone else did, dressed in an expensive suit and turned around when Kayla’s eyes lighted up when she was making a burst of small laughter over something one of the men was telling her. I smiled softly back when the table turned around and stared me down, Kayla frowning over what I was wearing, and Austin looked at me, slightly bored. The last one gave me a full smile like he had been waiting all evening to see me, well here I was and ready to go back and never set foot in this place, dressed like I was going to the park with my kids more than I didn’t have than walking into a fancy uptown restaurant.

“Andy! Finally, but what the hell are you wearing? Didn’t I tell you to dress in something nicer? Don’t you have any better dresses?” I just stopped at the table, feeling alien to her question. No, I didn’t have anything better to wear. I thought that I looked cute when I left my apartment, but now seeing Kayla in her expensive brand dress that was red and had too much cleavage for my taste, I felt like crap.

“She looks fine. Let’s just eat sometime today, can’t we?!” Austin was snarling at her when she smiled at him like he was right, and I caught the eyes of the man she was setting me up with. He didn’t look that impressed; he looked disappointed, making my mood drop even more. Great, just what I needed, an evening with a man expecting someone like Kayla, and it got me.

“Well, Trevor, like I was telling you, this here is my best friend, Andrea, and even if she doesn’t look like much right now, she cleans up good, isn’t that right, baby?” she looked at Austin that just nodded shortly like he didn’t care what she was talking about. I held my hands under the table, grasping them together for dear life. What the fuck had I walked into here?!

“Hi.” I just said that, and he smiled politely back, making no point even trying to talk to me when I just sighed and looked at Kayla. Was she kidding me? This was what she thought I would match with, a superficial rich guy that only liked my boobs since that was the only thing he had been staring at since I got here.

I just sat there, feeling even more awkward when the men talked and only gave their attention to Kayla. She loved it, thrived in it to the point when I had been sitting half an hour just listening to her giggling, and got up from my seat, not making anyone raise their eyebrows. Wow, I was really going to be missed when I left, not!

“Kayla, I need my car.” I was irritated. She dragged me out to a goddam restaurant. She just talked to the guys at the table, almost ignoring me just as much as they did when she looked up, shocked like she hadn’t noticed me even leaving, and started to frown like I was the bad guy here and not her for making me spend my money on the trip and not even wanting to help me get my car back.

“you’re leaving? But you just got here. I thought we were having a good time?!” she leaned in against me like she didn’t want the men to hear us when she hissed at me, and I crossed my arms. She wasn’t serious right now, and I hadn’t said more than two words, and nobody looked at me. Not my idea of a great time!

“Well, no, I’m not having a good time since I’m being fucking ignored! I told you that I just wanted to get my car and go home, and still, you fucking dragged me here!” I hissed back to her surprise when she made a small o shape of her pretty red mouth like she never expected me to fight back. I didn’t usually, but after everything that had happened this past week, my patience was not the best, not even for her.

“Can I speak to you? alone.” She sounded serious all of a sudden when I just shrugged, sure. She was going to help me get my car back anyway when she smiled sweetly at the two men that didn’t care when she left. We walked fast with her heels clicking out of the restaurant, standing in the lobby when she stopped and crossed her arms, looking at me seriously in a way I rarely saw on her pretty face. I knew she was just as mad as I was, but she didn’t want to lose her face in public. Had we been alone, I had no doubt she would be screaming at me by now.

“What the hell are you doing acting like this!? Can’t you understand what a fucking chance this is for you?! That guy sitting in there is Austin’s associate, and he is loaded, and I mean loaded, Andy! not like Ryan is, I mean real money!” She was hissing at me again when I just raised my eyebrows. So what? I wasn’t with Ryan because of the money, sure. I wasn’t complaining about living a comfortable life. I didn’t deny that, but I wasn’t going to try spending time with a man who wanted to fuck me and be done at that.

“He didn’t even look at me, he doesn’t like me, and I don’t care. I can’t believe you thought I would like him. He is a fucking pig just staring at my tits!” I snapped back when she made a deep sigh and frustrating sound like I was being stupid, and maybe I was, but I had my pride, and that guy didn’t want me, and I sure didn’t want him.

“Then you make him like you! For God’s sake, look at you! I wouldn’t be interested either if I was seeing a woman dressed like a fucking kindergarten teacher!” she swiped her hand up and down my dress, and I got angrier. What the hell was so wrong with the way I dressed?! At least I didn’t look like a slut all the time like she did!

“Just stop it! I don’t want to spend my time laughing at some dumb fucking jokes that it’s not even funny and get fucked by some guy that doesn’t care about me in the end!” I snarled back when she was cleansing her jaw because she knew I was talking about her. That was her way of living, not mine!

“You know what!? I’m done trying to help you! Do you think guys like that come in bunches?! They fucking don’t! Don’t you dare judge me just because I don’t want to be some fucking housewife, just fucking one guy the rest of my life!” her hard eyes were almost black when she didn’t care if anyone heard her. I just looked at her, hurt. She wasn’t helping me. She was helping herself! Why was I so fucking nice to her when she didn’t care about me?!

We were both staring at each other, mad and hurt as hell by what we had just said, she was supposed to be my sister, and she just kept letting me down, just like everyone else.

“Whatever, I’m getting back in there. I’m not ruining my chances to be with Austin. He is handsome, smart, and rich as fuck; if you want to live like a fucking rat the rest of your miserable life, then so be it.” She said it calmly when I just stared at her, a rat was I? well, in that case, she was a whore.

“at least I’m not just using my pussy to get somewhere in life, no matter how fucking poor I am.” She gasped at me when I smirked there. I said it, she was a whore, and that was the end of it. I will rather be poor than that.

“You stupid bitch, thinking you are so fucking high and mighty being married to the same guy that was fucking everything he came over, including me!” I lost my smile the second she said what? Did she fuck Ryan while we were married?! Is that what she just told me!?

“YOU FUCKED RYAN!?” I screamed it, not caring when she just smirked more. That fucking bitch! she knew that I loved him, and she fucked him anyway. I was going to kill her!

“Yeah, I did, so many times, when you were at your parents when he was away, he usually gave me a call, told me that you were the most boring fuck he ever had…. She stopped when her eyes were sparkling mischievously like she was going for the kill when I just panted over what she said. She fucked my husband when we were married!

“a refrigerator, that’s what he called you, I believe, the most boring woman in the world to have sex with! Let’s face it, Andy, you are lucky he even stayed that long! you should be thanking me for fucking him since I was doing what you fucking couldn’t give him what he wanted!” I couldn’t take it anymore when I just charged her, my hands over her pretty face when she screamed, hitting the ground, and we tumbled around. I was going to kill her when she was ripping at my hair, but I didn’t care when I dug my nails into her soft, exfoliated skin, making her scream again when I snarled, pulling at her blonde hair harder. She was going to fucking pay! her and the cheating bastard that I spent ten years of my life devoted to!

I was still screaming when people were tearing me off her. The blood over her pretty face made me laugh. She wasn’t so pretty now, was she, with me having her blonde hair in my hand and a long gash over her forehead, still lying down on the floor whimpering when I was being held down by some man that I snarled at, he could go to hell, they all could!

“You fucking whore! I’m going to kill you! You hear me, Kayla?! I’m going to fucking kill you for fucking my husband. I hate you!” I was still screaming when the ambulance personnel was taking care of her. She didn’t even once look at me being helped from the floor. I flinched when I saw the police coming inside and talking to the staff, all pointing at me, Austin and his associate being nowhere to be found. I deflated when they cuffed me, and I said nothing, not a damn thing being taken to the backseat of the police car.


The adrenalin in my body is wearing off, and right now, I just feel the bottomless pit of grief echoing through my inside.

Ryan… and Kayla…… I closed my eyes…. Why was I so fucking stupid all the time? Now when I thought about it, he always smiled at her more, laughed at her jokes, and gave her fucking attention when she was around, but I thought…... well fuck I didn’t know what I thought…. She was my sister, my ally, and she was fucking him like the whore she was…

The tears were burning my cheeks, and I made a hissing sound, shifting slightly; being cuffed was uncomfortable, and she had gotten some hits on me. My left eye felt swollen, and my scalp was burning from her hands, tearing at it. I hoped she suffered, but no. I hoped she died!

The door was opened again, and the serious policewoman that had searched me told me that I was under fucking arrest, assault when I just scoffed at her reading my rights, yeah sure, one more thing I needed, a criminal record.

I saw Kayla being rolled out on a stretcher looking like she was dying. I just started to laugh at her mockingly. She was going to play this good, wasn’t she? that was what she did best, just play innocent and fuck other people’s husbands!

Goddamn whore!