Chapter 15 - Divorced, but Not broken

The hard feeling of rejection was flooding me, everywhere when I made small sniffles, making my steps slightly wobbly when I walked down the old stairs, he didn’t say anything, just watched me… so I guess that he was perfectly honest this night, about us and what he expected from me, just sex, nothing more, nothing less.

I held my head down walking down the last part and opening the door to the main entrance when I flinched seeing the big black cars that was parked outside and men all dressed in suits, looking real dangerous snapped their eyes at me when I just felt my heart stop and just stared at the floor, fuck, I was so fucking scared.

They really didn’t look like they where here to play and I know that I hadn’t moved one inch from the door when I saw the elevator come down again and Austin was walking out, looking slightly happier and just scoffed when he saw me before one of the men open up the door and he was getting inside on of the cars, and then, they were gone.

I took a deep breath, trying to understand what just happened here, Austin, that Kayla more or less stole underneath my nose, was here, talking to Jonah, my Jonah. What the hell was that all about, and why did they looked like they were expecting trouble from both sides when they saw each other?!

I made a small scream when I felt the hand on my shoulder and I turned around to see him standing there, Jonah, and this time he wasn’t laughing, just looking like he was mad at me for not listening to him.

“I told you to leave, what the hell was so hard about understanding that!?” he had a low tone, making his voice darker than normal when I just stared back at him, my head slightly tilted upwards, I didn’t understand what I had done wrong, I just didn’t want to walk past the scary men looking like they wanted to kill me.

“I was leaving… I just… they looked fucking scary Jonah, like they wanted to kill me kind of scary and I just froze, I’m sorry….” I made a small sniffle again making him sigh looking slightly less angry, but just as much irritated over me.

“Just keep away when you see him, you got that Andrea, I don’t want to have to tell you to fucking leave every damn time someone comes over. I don’t want you around those people, do you understand that!?” he was staring me down when I just nodded, I got it, if I saw Austin or any other scary looking man, keep the fuck away.

“Words Andrea, don’t make me punish you for not listening to me.” I gasped when he said that, completely serious. How on earth was he going to punish me for not using words when he talked to me?!

“I’m going to keep away, I promise Jonah….” I said the words breathless, like I was scared and still not at same time when his handsome face cracked open in a small smile, making him look completely different from just a second ago when he was going all badass on me.

“that’s great. now, hurry up, I bet your late for work already…” he smirked when I nodded and sighed, I was, and probably getting fired seeing that I would be even later missing my bus because of the scary men.

“Yeah… I’m just going to wait here a little while; my bus doesn’t go by for the next twenty minutes or so….” I looked up again at him, he sighed again like he couldn’t believe how much trouble I was for him, well I was, for everyone.

“You didn’t get your car back I take it?” he already knew the answer so why was he asking? I just said yes in a small voice, I was going to kill Kayla, for my husband and for my car that I needed desperately.

He just ruffled his brown hair and looked like he was thinking when I still didn’t say a word, not wanting to push my luck anymore then I felt that I already had with him this morning.

“You know what, I need to do some things anyway, let me just get my shit and wait here and I drive you.” He was already walking away from me to the elevator when I just stared at his backside, my mouth feeling dry and my body lighter, did he just tell me that he was driving me to work, and why did that make me happier than it was supposed to be?

I just stood there, flipping the keychain in my hand nervously, I didn’t even know why I was ne, I mean this wasn’t the first time in a car with him, he drove me home as late as yesterday...ish… I blushed; he really did wear me out. I didn’t even know how I would be able to work when every muscle in my body was screaming as soon as I moved around the slightest making me do small faces of pain of different kind.

My eyes snapped back when the elevator opened, and he walked out. Omg.

He had on a cap this time, backwards and a different hoodie that was black and dark blue ripped jeans making his legs look even longer and I just stared at him, he was so perfect, and he didn’t at all look like he was suffering from the same kind of pain, and let’s be honest, he had done most of the work, but I was still the one that was left with sore muscles.

He just nodded at me to come along, and I followed, taking small, short steps behind his longer strides and almost stumbling on a rock behind him making him frown when he turned around and I felt worse, he probably thought I was the clumsiest person in the world, I wasn’t, I just was hurting everywhere.

“Be careful, for fuck’s sake, do I have to carry you to the car so you don’t hurt yourself?!” he sneered it when I was taken back by his words, would he, carry me? I was still having some small movements in my stomach when he just sighed again and took my hand, leading me along and I smiled too much from that, him holding my hand.

I lost my smile the second he dropped my hand coming over to the same blue sportscar he seemed to be driving and I looked at it, I didn’t have time to think about it when he picked me up at the station but this car seemed expensive and I raised my eyebrows when his eyes met mine, only to get stonewalled when he didn’t answer me, not by words or even a single hint of his face where the hell he got the money to get this.

“Don’t ask.” He just said that when I got inside and I nodded, I didn’t know if I wanted to know what he got money from, seeing the dark men today, I was starting to guess that maybe he didn’t keep the best of company.

We rode in silence, me staring at my hands again and him just looking the road, the silence filling up the car, but I didn’t mind, I guess this was better than being late, I could take him being shut off for a while, driving me to work.

He stopped at the bus stop and I looked up confused, my work was at least five minutes away and he didn’t look back, and I suddenly got it, he didn’t want people to know that him and me, was a … thing… whatever it was when I pressed my lips together, trying to suffocate the hurt feelings I know he didn’t want to see and opened the door to get out as soon as possible so that I didn’t end up crying in his car.

“ It’s better this way, just trust me, Andrea.” He said the words with a slightly softer voice making me turn around and look at his face, he seemed to believe that this was the best, for us, for him when he gave me small smile that I didn’t respond to.

I just closed the door and started to walk towards my workplace, feeling like I was a secret, a shameful fucking secret that he didn’t want people to know about. Maybe it was because of me being older than him and not some cute college girl that was all bubbly and spontaneous. I stopped and closed my eyes, I guess that I wouldn’t want people to know if I was him either, I mean I wasn’t a catch by any means, not like he was.

My heart made a clenching when I heard him take off and I made a loud sobbing sound out into the air, my heart still not letting me go and the hurt was escalating, giving me no mercy when I just cried right out and walked slowly toward the super store I was employed at, or at least I was before I would get there, I was late again by me walking so slowly and James was going to fire my ass on the spot and I just knew it.