Chapter 21 - Divorced, but Not broken

I stared at the building coming up in the distance and felt sick, fuck. I had forgotten about that part. me not ever setting my foot inside that apartment again, I just had been so focused on Jonah and that I missed him, making me completely forget that there was a reason I was running away, from him, from this life that this building came with. People treating me like shit.

I still didn’t say a word when the car came to a stop and he just walked out and opened the door for me, making me swallow the hard lump in my throat seeing the kind eyes of him. He was nothing like Jonah, he seemed to be warm and kind. It was nice.

I was limping out when I had my arm around his waist, it felt weird and I didn’t like it, being so close to another guy that wasn’t Jonah.

He felt different too… I mean first, he was bigger, brawny like he was hitting the gym every day, not like Jonah who was taller, lankier but still broad shoulders and had a powerful body. You could tell when you looked at him in a crowd that he was the one in charge, no matter how big or beefy the guys around him were, I loved that about him.

We got to the elevator, and I made a complaining sound when we got in but he didn’t say a word, I guess he was just focusing on getting me back inside, making me realise that Tom was a grunt. I mean shit he didn’t even want to get close to me without double-checking with Jonah.

he seemed nice enough when I cursed for every step I was taking and I looked at my door and inhaled, feeling even more sick. This was it then, back to being a dirty secret and confined to my apartment when I made a surprised yelp of him steering me to the left towards Jonah’s door and I felt myself start fighting back, I don’t even knew what happened, but my instincts where just telling me, like some automatic response that I couldn’t go inside and Tom stopped, frowning at me like I was being a real pain in the ass for struggling.

“I can’t go in there….” My cheeks burning from the hard shame making me want to die standing here with the big guy that blinked like he didn’t get it for the first few seconds before the small light of understanding came up in the dark eyes of his.

“Yeah, well things change…. He told me to take you back here, so that’s where I’m taking you…” he looked embarrassed too when I frowned this time, did Jonah tell him to take me back to his place? Why? He never had wanted me in there before, never.

I didn’t answer when he made a quick sweep over the hallway before opening a small, concealed box that was in the corner of the door, barely visible if you didn’t stare at it and just pressed his thumb against the small plate when the locked clicked open and I just stared at him in awe and shock, what the hell was this? Some kind of high-tech shit? Why would Jonah have that in this crappy area of apartments?!

He just smirked back at my amazement and helped me the last part inside and I just felt nervous, standing in the hallway of his place, still feeling like I wasn’t allowed to be here.

“Where is he?” I know that I wasn’t going to get an answer when he just smiled again, this time giving me a sadder expression, maybe he wanted to tell me, but couldn’t, fuck, I didn’t hate Tom, did I?

“So, I’m going to put you in the couch, and I’m sorry, but if you need to use the bathroom or something like that, you are going to have to wait for him, but I can get you anything else…” I just nodded, sure, I could wait… not that I wanted to have Jonah help me to the bathroom but what choice did I have? I needed help; I really did.

“Its fine….” I just smiled when he helped me down and I made a small face of pain when my ass was on the soft sofa, I looked at it, not that I had been in here that often, but was really the same one as before? I didn’t remember it being dark blue in soft velvet, I think he had a leather couch if my mind wasn’t playing tricks on me…. I looked suspiciously around the entire apartment of his, yeah, things where different, not everything, but I could see it now, he had taken away things, removed or changed them.

Tom followed my narrowed eyes around the room and just chuckled like he was impressed I had figured it out all on my own.

“Yeah, he did change stuff in here, wanted you to feel more comfortable I guess….” He shrugged like he wanted to say more, and I got a small burning hope in my heart. He did this for me? Changed his whole place so that I wouldn’t feel bad? That was incredibly sweet, just like I knew he was, when he wasn’t an asshole.

“Thanks Tom… for you know… helping me back here… I know that you didn’t have to, it’s not like I’m Jonah’s girlfriend or anything like that….” I stopped feeling bad when he just raised his eyebrows, arms crossed casually and gave me a smile that was charming, it really was when I looked sadder, fuck I hated when people felt sorry for me, however it was.

“Girlfriend? Pretty, he changes his place for you, beat the shit out of Chris and stayed with you until you woke up at the hospital, I think you are above any girlfriend in Jonah’s world, I told you, he doesn’t like people, and he doesn’t give a shit about girls, even if he fucks them. You are different Pretty, whatever that means…...” he stopped like he felt sorry for me all the sudden for Jonah really caring for me and I was confused again, man I hated when people talked in fucking riddles.

I didn’t answer back when he took out his phone and started to type again, making me almost laugh, like I was a package that he had delivered, just waiting for conformation from the receiver, the mysterious guy that suddenly had changed, well, everything for me, all the hidden rules about me not being in here. Maybe Tom was right, maybe he did care for me more than a girlfriend that he told me I wasn’t to him…. It was all very confusing to say the least.