Chapter 22 - Divorced, but Not broken

“Well, I’m off, he is coming in about thirty minutes, so last chance if you need anything?” he looked at me smiling when I sighed, fine, so maybe I was hungry, I had been waiting and crying so…I just gave him a shy look back when he smirked at me giving him an embarrassed smile back.

“I sure could eat something…. maybe a burger?” he just made a small smirk and laughed going for the door when I felt the blush coming over me, he was really going to get it, shit he really was a nice guy wasn’t he? at least he didn’t make me pay for pizza I didn’t want and tossed me back in my apartment like I was some goddam bitch for him to treat like he wanted to…. I smiled thinking about what Jonah had said, that he was the bitch and not me…. I took up my phone waiting for him to come back, just to hear the door start to bang and I almost dropped my phone on my face. What the fuck was happening? Was that Tom, or Jonah that was home earlier?!

I just stared at the door, I couldn’t get up and honestly, I didn’t want to go there, the banging was hard and sounded angry from the person doing it, not what I wanted after just coming back from the hospital.

“I know you are inside! I just need one more day, that’s all I need, you hear me you son of a bitch, just give me what I want and stop acting like a fucking cunt!!” the voice of a guy. He was angry, frantic when I just took one of the pillows and squeezed it tighter, what the hell was he talking about, fuck I wish I had my headphones when the banging continued and I just held my hands over my ears. Why didn’t he just go away?!

I picked up my phone, my fingers trembling, making me miss the number that was the last one I had talked to with Jonah, I was making small, awful noises when the call disconnected, and I whined more. Where the hell was he when I needed him? I fucking needed him!

I just held my hands over my ears again and tried to breathe. as long as the door didn’t break and I didn’t make a sound, he was going to leave, he had to!

I don’t know how long I had been holding my hands over my ears when there was a loud thump and the screaming stopped, I looked up carefully, seeing the door opening after a few minutes and I let out a sigh of relief from the bottom of my heart, its was Jonah, and he was looking vicious as hell standing in the doorway, jaw clenching and his eyes dark as the night, over and all he just looked like someone I never wanted to meet in a dark alley.

“Jonah!” I said his name longingly and scared, needing him, my whole being just screaming for him when his eyes met mine and changed in an instance from dangerous to worried.

“Andrea, are you okay, where the fuck is Tom?!” he was walking inside fast and I stayed quiet, I didn’t want to tell him, that he was away because of me, that I wanted food and he was nice enough to go get it before leaving me.

“Andrea, you better tell me, or else…” he was crouching Infront of me still on the couch and I looked at him guilty, he was not going to like it when I told him that it was my fault that Tom had left me.

“He left, I was hungry, and I really wanted a hamburger, I’m sorry Jonah… it’s my fault that he isn’t here….” I closed my eyes, I didn’t want to see him get mad at me, not right now when I just came back, and I was in his place, he was going to throw me right back into my old apartment after hearing that.

“Why are you hungry, didn’t you eat at the hospital?” I fluttered my eyes when I nodded, yes, I had, but that had been hours ago, and I was hungry again, and for some reason it was embarrassing when he was staring at me with his intense eyes, wanting answers, no, demanding them from me.

“I did… right before they discharged me, around one a clock today….” I was still not looking at him when he made a grunting noise, he was angry and I held my breath, I didn’t want him to be angry at me, I really didn’t.

“Look at me Andrea, how long did you wait for that idiot to come and pick you up?” he sounded calm, but I knew better by now, hidden fury just waiting to be released when I took a deep breath again and looked into his green blue that were observing me, giving me no room to even try to lie or make something up.

“I don’t know… more than two hours I think…. My pain medication was starting to wear off so…. “I stopped when he cursed and got up, oh fuck, he was going to do something to Tom, shit I was just making trouble for him, and I knew it.

“Its fine, I just have to take it now, when I eat, you are supposed to take it with food, I think that’s what they told me at the hospital….” I flinched when he looked up and I saw Tom, he just stared back, a paper bag in his hand and he just looked like he knew what was coming, I just turned my head away, I didn’t want to see what happened when I just heard the hard sound of the bag being snatched and I got it in my hands jerking back from when Jonah got back up and they both walked out in the hallway, none of them saying so much as one word.

I stared down at the bag and opened it, it was the wrong hamburger, and he got me soda instead of a shake making me feel even worse, I didn’t want him to get hurt because of me, so what if he was a bit late and left me? I was an adult, no matter Jonah’s opinion on the matter.

I just took a bite and it tasted okay. I scoffed it down and just took out my pain meds, taking the two pills I had been prescribed, gulping them down with soda, and it was diet. I made a frown. What the hell kind of an animal did he take me for?!

I looked back at the door and just put my head down. The pain was exhausting when I wasn’t drugged up and I just turned more to my left side and closed my eyes. I was just going to rest them, just for a short time, when I held onto the pillow I had been having in my arms and snuggling it closer, pretending it was Jonah.

Chaper 23

I snuggled closer into the pillow, frowning that it wasn’t as soft as it was before, and when I fluttered my eyes, feeling the arms around me, I realised that it wasn’t a pillow, it was Jonah.

He was sleeping when I looked up at his face where I was lying on his chest, he looked so relaxed compered to when he was awake and smiled at him. God I was so lucky, I didn’t even care that he was rude and hard to understand sometimes, he was here, holding me and made sure that I was comfortable and secure when I felt the pillow under my right hip and smile more, he still was the sweetest guy I ever met, nobody had ever cared for me the same way he did, nobody.

My parents tolerated me, as long as I didn’t do anything stupid, they didn’t care, and that’s why they were so disappointed in me, I never seen them happier them when I married Ryan and I had thought that they were happy for me, but in reality, they were happy for him, that they got him and not me. come to think of it, he did visit them a lot, leaving me home, making excuses that he was already on his way, and he didn’t think to stop, and pick up me.

Fuck them.

I smiled more at him, Jonah. My neighbour that did more then Ryan ever did for me, and he was my husband.

I reached out slowly and touched his face with my trembling fingers, afraid to wake him up, I just wanted us to stay like this forever, just like this, close together, no talk and no barrier between us about what we were or weren’t, just him and me.

He made a small sound when I smiled even more, he was adorable sleeping, even from this angle when I had to look up at him, he really looked like the twenty-year-old kid he was, and I didn’t care, I wanted him, everything, I wanted it.

I caressed over his nose and cheekbones, they were really sharp, sharper then mine in the hard features he had, a strong jawline and high forehead, he just screamed perfection to mine more ordinary face, I mean I wasn’t ugly, but I wasn’t a beauty queen either like a certain whore that used to be my best friend was. fuck I really hated her still, and Ryan, he was speaking about soulmates and still he was fucking more girls than that stupid girl he had fooled into marrying him.

He shifted suddenly the slightest like he was afraid to hurt me by changing position and my heart melted even more…. oh god… I really was getting it bad for him and I knew it…. Fuck again… he had told me that I had to control my feelings and I did… it was just hard you know… being around someone that you cared for and not getting stupid ideas in your head, especially not with a guy like him, that helped me, cared when nobody else did….

He took a deep breath and I got still since I knew he was about to wake up and I pulled my hand back down carefully and just closed my eyes.

my heart beating faster for so many reasons, him waking up and me just getting high on being here in his arms, and the hard to kill feeling inside my chest that he maybe was feeling something more for me too, not just friends that fucked, God I really hoped that…. he shifted the slightest again, taking his arms tighter around me making me whine the smallest from the pressure being on my hip and I felt it when his eyes snapped open, and I swore at my own body for betraying me.

“Andrea baby, are you okay?” he didn’t seem really awake yet with a husky voice when I made a small gasp from him calling me baby, he only had done that once, when I was trying to get away and I didn’t really think about it being in panic mode, but now he was calling me that, here in the middle of the night, holding me in his strong arms, shit he really was making it hard for me not to have feelings for him.

“Yeah Jonah… I’m good…don’t worry baby…” I know I was pushing it, but he just gave me a pleased smile back still eyes closed, and I had to stop myself making a big shriek of joy that was pushing hard thru my chest, he didn’t hate it when I said it, he didn’t flinch or anything, so maybe he did feel something for me too?!

He snuggled his face into my hair and took a deep breath making me even more ecstatic, he was smelling me and he liked it when his smile was still on his handsome face, he had to feel something, he just had to, I mean he was here, holding me, calling me baby and smelled my hair, I know I wasn’t a love expert, but that check some boxes even I know was in the right direction.

Maybe, just maybe we could be… something else, I really wanted that, I don’t know how and when it had happened, but I only wanted him, no one else, not some other guy my age, not Ryan, just him, the stern young guy that was protecting me, made me feel safe for the first time in years….

I opened my eyes again, expecting myself to be cuddled inside of Jonah’s arms again when the sharp feeling of coldness hitting me when he wasn’t here in the bed and I was alone with the pillow being underneath my hip even more, making me groin… shit… and I really, really needed to pee, I didn’t want to wake him up last night, not when he had been so close and called me baby, I would have rather peed my pants then be woken from that.

“Jonah?” I was almost afraid to call him out when I was in his bedroom. I was sleeping in his bed and I heard the small voices from the outside the door, one was him and the other one I didn’t recognise but made me not call out again, whoever he was talking to, he didn’t answer me back so that meant that he didn’t want me to draw attention to myself and I just fiddled with my fingers waiting for him to be done with whatever he was doing and looked around the room.

It was bigger in here, bigger than my bedroom and he only had two small windows, placed higher up, only for small light sources to get inside and not to look out from.

The bed I was in was bigger too, everything in here seemed calculated and looked more like an interior design magazine then a crappy apartment complex, he did seem like the type though, he wanted stuff where they were supposed to be, I liked that, he was neat and seem to have his shit together, even more than I ever did.

I was crossing my legs the slightest, I really wanted to pee, and I looked stressed at the bedroom door, please God let him be done soon enough.

I was closing my eyes, making small faces of the pain and uncomfortableness that moving my hip around did, I needed more drugs and I needed them now when I decided to just get up, I know that I wasn’t supposed to, but I just couldn’t take it anymore when I was going to pee on his amazing bed if I didn’t when the door suddenly open and I looked up like I had been caught red-handed doing something I wasn’t supposed to do.

“Were the fuck do you think you are going?!” he was fully dressed in a sweater and jeans, compered to mine naked body, I hadn’t even realised that I was that before he was staring at me angry and hungry at the same time.

“I need to pee…” I just mumble the words when his face lighted up like he got what I wanted and just gave me a small smile, coming forward and I snaked my arm around his neck when he lifted me up, not missing a beat when I just stared at him, picking me up like it was nothing, like he wasn’t helping me to the bathroom when I couldn’t go there on my own.

He smelled so good, and I smiled at him, a big dumb smile that I couldn’t help myself from doing and he smiled back putting me down on the toilet, his eyes were warm, and my heart made me flustered again when he just stood there, watching me like he had forgotten why he even carried me in here.

“Jonah….” I smile more awkward when he just stood there and seemed to wake up from me talking to him and just laughed like he got it again and walked out, closing the door on me.

I called him when I was done and almost got a small heart attack from when he opened the bathroom door, naked and hard when I gawked at him, shit he wanted to fuck me and I had no idea how it would happen, or if I could even do it.

“Jonah…. I’m sorry but I can’t fuck you, my hip still hurts too much and….” I didn’t get any further when he just scowled at me, like I was being stupid and walked past me, turning on the showerhead above his bathtub, that was bigger than mine too for the record and I just fell quite… oh shit he was showering, and I thought in my stupid head that he had wanted to fuck me.

“Yeah, I know, I’m not stupid or blind, and since you couldn’t sleep last night, I’m guessing that you were in pain then too…” he shifted his eyes to me when I just gasped, was he awake last night? When I called him baby and touched his face? I just stared back at his unreadable face with my own desperate one, if he wanted to tell me something, he could do it, and I wouldn’t be afraid, not one second of me was afraid of anything he could say to me.

He seemed to be thinking and I just held my breath, like I always seemed to do when I waited on him to decided something, even standing here naked with a hard dick didn’t take away the power he had over me, making me do whatever he wanted.

He seemed to have made up his mind and just sighed like he didn’t want to talk about last night, whatever he remembered, he sure as hell wasn’t bringing it up, no matter what I thought of it.

“Andrea… lets just do this okay, its fucking hard as it is seeing you naked and not getting to fuck you, its killing me over here as you can tell…” he smirked in the end when I just swallowed the disappointment in my chest and smiled back, he was hard, like really hard and I giggled making him smirk more, oh he was proud, of himself and his dick, and why not? He should be, he was stunningly hot and hard standing by the bathtub listening to the water filling it up in the background.

“Oh, I can tell….” I smirked back and he chuckled, feeling the tension fade away between us, I didn’t want to be weird with him, like I said, I trusted him, no matter what happened, I knew that he was not trying to hurt me, even if he did sometimes because he was being honest with me.

“Alright baby girl, I can’t fuck you but that doesn’t mean that I can’t touch you and trust me, that is what I’m going to do, every inch of that beautiful body that belongs to me and only me is going to feel my hands.” He smirked more when I cough from the sudden change of his voice coming up the last step and lifted me up again and I felt his hard dick being moved against my ass making me bite my lip.

this was going to be just as hard for me, if not harder when I was already feeling my core tightening and my fingers running over his naked chest making small sighs of pleasure when he took the last step over the bathtub and sat down with me still in his arms carefully and I just stared at him when our faces where close, our breaths mixing together making me smile before kissing him first, the taste of sweet mint made me moan, he tasted great, every damn time we kissed.

not that it had been that many times, but man did I love it when he pushed his tongue inside me, taking my whole mouth hostage when I leaned back more, giving him more room to get a better angle and I shivered when he was biting my bottom lip and I just moaned again, I wanted more, of everything when the deep dark chuckle was coming from my neck and I knew somewhere that he was doing something that I was going to be mad about but I didn’t care when his hands where following my body, strong and firmly, just enough for me to feel him.

“Fuck, I really want to feel you Andrea, just a little bit baby, that’s all, just push your pretty legs apart for me and I will give you what you want.” I was already losing my words when his hand was down at my stomach, just above my pussy, like he was waiting for me to comply and I shifted my legs apart, not by much but enough for him to snake his hand between my thighs and I immediately felt the throbbing heat when his fingers where inside me, it wasn’t that bad in the water, my hip wasn’t having pressure the same way when I pushed myself down on his fingers, wanting more, that he would give me what I wanted.

“Stop that, right now!” I stopped and looked up at him confused, I was already out of breath and wanted to come, and he just told me to stop moving, that was torture, and he knew, especially when he twisted his fingers the slightest making me do small sounds and I looked at him begging, he couldn’t just leave me like this, that was just being cruel to me!

“I never said that you could do that, I just said open your legs to me and you did like a good girl so I’m not going to punish you for disobeying me, this time….” I hitched my breath from his dark threatening voice, and I knew he was serious, and I didn’t like it, not one bit, no matter how he was going to punish me, I knew that I was going to suffer, making me beg him in the end.

“You better listen to me, next time you do something that I didn’t tell you, I’m going to punish you and trust me baby girl, you are not going to like it…” I nodded before I corrected myself fast staring innocently into his hard eyes.

“I’m going to listen to you Jonah, I’m not going to do something that I’m not supposed to!” I hurried to tell him that when he just smirked at me, knowing that I was afraid that he would change his mind and punish me, but most of all, I didn’t want him to leave me hanging here in the bathtub with his fingers inside my pussy still clenching around him.

“Good girl.” I swear the he felt me getting tighter around him when he smirked more and I gulped, shit, he really got it that I got turned on when he said that, I didn’t know if I was ashamed of relief when he kissed me again making me breathless when he started to move his fingers slow and I whined back at him when he ignored me this time and squeezed my right breast with his big hand, making me fall back with my head when he released my mouth again and made me jolt from the light pinch that came from my nipple making me clench even more around his fingers, I was lost to him and I knew it, he could do whatever he wanted to me and I would say yes every time.

“I love your tits so much Andrea, big and beautiful, like a real fucking woman, I just want to take my dick and rub it between them, rub my cum all over them…” I gasped again from hearing him talk like that, making his fingers move again when he had stopped and I moaned wanting to push myself back down on them only to remembered that I couldn’t, fuck!

“Do it, rub your cum all over my tits!” I didn’t even know I had said that out loud when he stopped and looked at me surprised for a couple of seconds before looking pleased again and I screamed from his fingers going fast now, making the water trash around us and I closed my eyes when the powerful tightening erupted making me shake, bucking my hips the slightest against his fingers before mellowing down the motion, finally stopping when I stared into his eyes that where pleased and turned on from seeing me come on his fingers, shit that was sexy as fuck for me too.

I was still panting when he had the same hand he had inside of my pussy was on my face, caressing it and made me smile, god I loved how he just knew what I wanted, like he could read my mind, or maybe I was just that fucking obvious, or maybe it was because he was the first one I had ever met that paid attention, the possibility where endless.

Chaper 24

“So, this is going to be a little bit tricker then it would normally be, but I can’t fucking take the imaging of my dick between your tits, so we are making this fucking happening Andrea.” I giggled when he smirked, starting to fill the tub up to its brink and I just watched him, the boyish smile he had made him look younger and I was still trying to get over the shock of him making me come, he was magical.

He carefully let me go out in the water, making me go back when he got up and I just gawked in amazement. There he was standing up in the tub, dripping like a freaking water god, his dick right in my face making me lick my lips, oh god he really looked like I could eat him up when I was eyeing his dick when he saw me do it and just laughed at my eagerness.

I never ever was that keen on sucking Ryan’s dick, not that it was something wrong with his but Jonah’s looked amazing, making me want to have it, everywhere, and I wasn’t afraid to admit it when I smirked back looking up at his hot body, I still couldn’t get over that, how fucking hot he was.

“You want to suck my dick? Is that why you are looking at me like that?” he smirked more when I nodded and smiled willingly.

I did, I wanted to do it, was it bad? Did I care anymore, I was done being a good girl, sick of where it had gotten me, into a man’s arms that didn’t love me, fucked other women and parents that weren’t happy no matter what I did, and I backstabbing friend, no thanks.

“Yeah, I want to suck your beautiful dick Jonah, every fucking drop you can give me, I want it baby…” he blinked like he wasn’t expecting me to be so brash to answer but he didn’t get mad or irritated, he seemed more impressed on how fast I was adjusting to him, God know he did that to me too.

“You do that and I’m not going to come on your tits, you are fucking taking my load and you swallow it, you got that Andrea?” he sounded serious when I smiled more, I could do that, in fact, I wanted to.

I got closer when the water helped me get up more, lifting the weight of my right leg when I smiled brightly up at him, his eyes excited and cock twitching with precum already coming out making me smile more, I hoped that he would like it, since I hadn’t done this too many times, I was just going on instinct and what Ryan had seemed to like, but I would never admit that to Jonah that observed me when my hand was around his hard dick when I stroked it gently a couple of times, it was so big and beautiful, just the perfect dick and it was all mine to have, amazing.

“I love your dick Jonah.” I smiled more when I looked back up making him chuckle and he was so pleased to hear me say that the green blue eyes of his was following my every move and they had light in them, making me smile more when he took a deep breath when I grabbed his warm balls with my other hand and gently massaged him, earning several grunts of pleasure giving me more joy then I thought was possible pleasuring a guys dick.

“Yeah …” he didn’t say more when I smirked, I liked that he could be lost for words too when I reached over and stroked his dick some more while kissing his stomach, I didn’t want to just shove it inside my mouth, or I could but where would the fun be when he teased me just as much.

I felt the hand on my head when I licked his thigh and I knew that he had enough when the grip around my hair was getting tighter and I just giggled before taking my tongue and tasting the first part of him, just the tip making him do a deep sound that I had never heard, turning me on even more when I looked up at his face and smiled that he was eyes closed and just holding onto my hair and the wall, trying not to fall over it seems.

“Fuck, keep going baby, that’s it!” I didn’t say anything back when I took more of his dick inside my mouth, I felt great when he pushed the last part of his hips forward making me choke before he got back, feeling that it was too soon and I pulled back, shit he was big, like really I had no idea how to get all of that dick inside my mouth, I wasn’t some whore like Kayla was, I bet she could have done it, and then, I would have killed her, really, she would be dead.

“Focus Andrea, I can already tell that you are thinking of something else, and you know I don’t fucking like that.” he yanked my head back the slightest with his hand making my scalp burn and I shook the thoughts of my ex-best friend and took his dick again in my mouth, I really wanted to get him all the way when I took a hold of his leg and pushed myself closer, still bobbing up and down on his dick making him start to breathe faster.

His cock twitching and the taste of the precum in my mouth was amazing when I opened my jaws more and pushed the last part back inside my throat, and I made it. for about three seconds before my gag reflex hit me and I pulled back, trying not to puke into the water looking up with tears in my eyes at the panting guy that didn’t care right now and just wanted me to go on and I got it.

He was so close and I would be so pissed if I was him when I let his big expanding dick back into in between my swollen lips and down in my willing mouth that was growing greedy every second, I wanted him to give me his cum, everything that was his was mine and I bobbed my head faster when he made more sounds like he was about to cum and his grip around my hair tightened when I felt him pushing me down all the way and I stayed there, no matter how much my body wanted to escape, I stayed, feeling the hot big load coming into my throat.

I pulled back when he let me go and was leaning against the wall, like he was about to pass out making me smile, that was hot as fuck, and I still hadn’t swallowed since I wanted to feel him in my mouth when he looked up from his arm that he was resting on and saw me still sitting in the bathtub looking back at him, smirking. I loved that he was so taken back by what I did. He really liked it.

“did you swallow?” he frowned at me when I opened my mouth showing him the hot load of cum still in my mouth before doing a big gulp, swallowing it before his eyes that lighted up from my playfulness and started to laugh when he sat down in the tub with me and I dragged myself over to him, sitting on his lap again, just like I had before I sucked his dick.

“Holy shit…. Andrea… fuck… I am so glad that you wanted to do that, thank you…” he leaned his head against mine when I just smiled, me too, I was glad that he liked it, I liked it too.

I never did before, but with Jonah, everything was different, like I was starting over and at the same time not when he kissed my head and I smiled more, fuck this felt good, we should just stay in the tub and figure out how we could be able to fuck instead of getting back up.

“Okay, now that we had our fun, lets get done because I have some shit to take care of.” I just turned around, was he serious? I had just sucked his dick and he had loved it, and now he wanted to just leave, because he needed to get shit done?!

“don’t look at me like that, I told you, I need to get this done and I’m coming back, since I can’t fucking trust anyone to take care of you I will have to do it myself.” He started the shower, and I just sank down with my head, suddenly all my confidence from sucking his dick was gone and I just made a faint smile that I know he could see wasn’t real, but he didn’t care when he started to wash my hair and I closed my eyes, trying not to cry, feeling rejected again.