Chapter 24 - Divorced, but Not broken

I had fallen asleep when I heard someone walk in and I looked up, my eyes still not completely opened when a bored looking guy stepped inside and I blinked a few times, seeing the slightly short guy with glasses and a serious attitude. Joey, great, so the one that didn’t like me, awesome.

He was wearing a dress shirt and slacks, completing the look with a trench coat that made him look like he knew shit, or at least pretended to do, when I just stared at him, not knowing what to say.

“Well, I’m here, on request at your beck and call since Jonah doesn’t give a shit that I have my own life.” He looked bored at me when I just stayed quiet, I really had some magic way of making his friends… or not friends, to dislike me, it was a talent.

“Snap out of it, whatever you are thinking about, just tell me what you want so I can leave, I am not in the mood of babysitting Jonah’s girl on a Friday, like I said, I got my own life.” He flipped his trench coat dramatically making me almost laugh, what the hell was he, a goddam anime figure that just appeared and made insults to me, that was a new one.

“Wait, what did you just say?!” I know I was so desperate when he rolled his eyes like I was stupid and started to repeat every word and I made a small pathetic sound that he made a face at, the high pitch noise not doing me any favours. He had called me Jonah’s girl! So, did people know that he was mine?! I latched my eyes at the snobby guy that seemed to realise what he had said and got nervous from my determined eyes, he was going to spill everything, even if I had to do drastic things to make him talk.

“Does he tell people that I am his girlfriend?!” I know I was grasping for straws when he just got a sadder look, just like Tom had done and shook his head making me fall back down in the couch feeling my hip when my heart sank, fuck, of course he didn’t, he told me a hundredth times that I wasn’t, why would he from nowhere start doing it now?

“Nope, I just know you are.” He sounded undramatic when I just scoffed, well that was one person then, maybe two with Tom… fuck…. I really just wanted him to tell me that he liked me back, why was that so fucking hard for him to admit, he did shit for me that you didn’t do for someone that you just fucked, even I knew that.

“Really didn’t see this coming, I give you that, he has been with more girls then a fucking pornstar and you’re the one that makes him stop, a thirty-year-old with an okay face and tits.” He looked up and down my body and I made an offended gasp, what the hell did he mean by that?! I was pretty, not the prettiest girl but how the fuck did he dare rate me like I was some kind of product!?

“Fuck you.” I said the words cold when he just smirked back, he was rude just like Jonah but didn’t have the same fucking charm or even attraction. He sucked.

“I don’t care, I really don’t. maybe its for the best, him finally settling down, not making me go out every fucking weekend when Tom has to be in his parent’s shop, believe it or not, but I don’t like being around the whores all the time that he does.” He gave me a look like I was a whore too and I just smirked back, so he was a bitch, well so was I.

“Why not, you are an okay looking guy, not like Jonah, he is a fucking god in comparison, and I get it, you are jealous he gets all the pussy.” I smiled more when he was the one that made a small gasp from being insulted, oh he didn’t see this coming either, me being a bitch right back at him, bastard.

“Just tell me what the hell you want so I can go home, fucking stoners and addicts everywhere, that’s not why he keeps me around, I’m just doing this shit to pay tuition, that’s it, then I’m out!” he made a small, frustrated sound when I got curious, why did Jonah keep him around for? I stayed quiet hoping he was going to tell me since he didn’t seem to be able to shut his mouth when he saw my face and realised that he had said something I wasn’t supposed to know and just stopped to my frowning, fuck, I really did want to know what Jonah was doing, at the same time as I didn’t, I was weird like that.

“Fine, I want something to eat, I don’t care what it is, as long as its not diet soda, alright?” he just made an amused face like he didn’t believe for a second, I drank anything diet when I ignored him when he walked out, he really was a bitch.

He came back thirty minutes later, and I just gawked at all the food he had brought when he started to pick up containers, I mean I know that I didn’t drink diet soda, but I sure as hell didn’t eat that much like he had brought.

He didn’t say anything when he took of his coat and walked over with two containers and put one of them in my hand and just sat down and push the other one open he had, already looking bored at the drag show I had been following since Jonah left me with the tv.

“It’s not just for you, Tom is coming over too and he can eat a whole damn cow if he wants too, Jonah also…” he smirked when I just looked lost, where they all coming over? What happened to Jonah not being able to make it back until later? I took up my phone not caring about the food and looked at my request that had been accepted, making me feel a lot better, he did want me to be able to talk to him, even if it only was snap.

I just wrote and asked if he was coming back again and picked up the container, it had beef in it, potatoes and gravy. I just stared in disbelief at the smirky guys face when he saw me staring at him, he just made me a happy woman.

“Thanks Joey, I mean it… I was expecting a burger again and you just made me like you.” I made a small laughter when he just waved his hand like he got it and I smiled more, it felt great, hanging out with people that knew Jonah, and knew that I was his girl, no matter if he wanted to admit it or not.

“It’s Joseph…” he didn’t turn around and look at me when I nodded, my mouth stuffed with potato, it made more sense, he didn’t look like a Joey, not anywhere with his snobbish attitude and brand clothes, and not like the one Jonah was wearing that was more shirt and jeans, no he looked like he was attending an ivy league school, and maybe he did, what the hell did I know?

“I’m sorry. for what Chris did to you, he always was a hothead, no respect for girls you know, and he hated the fact that you made Jonah different, he didn’t like that. I don’t know why, but he just didn’t.” he turned his head now making me stop chewing before I just swallowed everything in my mouth in one go, holy shit, I loved Joseph, he told me things I never had heard Jonah say to me, ever.

“It’s not your fault… or Jonahs….it just sucks you know, being here all alone and not even being able to move around, I feel super old…” he smirked when I said old, he thought I was old, well so I was compered to him, he was around the same age as Jonah and of course I was older than both.

“Well, he is gone now, good riddance if you ask me, he was giving me the creeps anyways, never did tell me what the hell he had been doing before Jonah picked him up, so I guess there is going to be a new guy soon enough…” he stopped again when I tilted my head, man he really was a gold mine wasn’t he?

“So…. A new guy you say… for what?” I just stirred the food around with my fork, I don’t know where he had gotten this, but I wanted to know, just as much as I wanted him to answer my question about Jonah picking up a new guy.

“How about none of your damn business.” I jerked back making me make a small whine over my hip when I saw him standing behind us, Jonah.

I don’t know how much he had been hearing but every hair on my body was standing up and the eyes of Joseph was terrified, really, he looked like he was about to crap his expensive pants when he got up and I just observed them changing looks and I gulped when Jonah shifted his eyes back to me, telling me to back the fuck off and not ask more questions.

I got it when I nodded and he turned back again to Joseph that was twisting his hands nervously, making him look ridiculous against Jonah that was standing tall, having his arms crossed and looking pissed as hell.

“Leave right now before I change my mind about what I want to do to your face right now Joey.” The hard cold voice was unforgiving, I squirmed in my seat, that was the tone he used when I knew that he was serious making me hold my breath when the only one willing to tell me anything held his head down and just walked towards the door and was gone before I even had a chance to take courage and protest against Jonah.

I just watched when he took the remote, turned off the tv and picked me up from the sofa and I knew that he wasn’t going to talk so I didn’t ask when he closed the bedroom door behind us.